A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1090: Weird black lightning

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Cook handed over the design work to West Asia and Cook began to refine his own two weapons. The refinement platform was opened again. The huge claws of a hundred meters long were placed on the refinement platform by Cook and began to refine.

The temperature keeps rising and Cook has not been idle. Some solutions are wrapped by Cook and sent to the refining platform. These solutions are directly raised into small molecules as soon as they enter. These solutions are to accelerate the softening of the material.

As mentioned earlier, the reason why the bones and nails of these creatures are so sharp is because the body contains a lot of metal elements and is a variety of elements, so these bones are not all bones, but refining is to remove the impurities inside. Now Cook The nail of the head of the bone dragon is almost a new type of composite material and cannot be replicated because many trace elements in it cannot be detected. Even if the mental power can distinguish it, it is not realistic to refine this composite material.

And this material can only be softened and cannot be melted. After softening, it needs a refining platform to continue refining and then the shape is finally polished. Cook concentrates on refining and refining. During the refining process, Cook continues to sprinkle some top-quality fire magic crystal powder. This is to increase the temperature inside the refining platform to act as a combustion-supporting agent

A shed of top-grade fire-type magic crystal powder exploded in the shield, and the whole inside of the shield immediately became a red and beautiful piece of magic crystal powder. The burning temperature was not only the highest known but also lasted longer.

Cook's mental power pays close attention to the changes in the materials inside. Cook's huge mental power constantly penetrates into the material and combs the impurities in the material over and over again. This is a very mental energy-consuming thing. The forging of dwarves is also similar to Cook. This method has the same effect, but it takes a lot of time for forging. Cook This time is not long but it consumes mental energy.

Each has its own advantages, each has its own advantages. After taking three bottles of mental energy recovery potions, Cook finally sorted out the impurities in the materials. Remember that this is impossible without 100%.

After combing, Cook uses the refining platform to start forging. The forging of the refining platform is actually very simple. It is to use the gravity magic pattern to change the shape of gravity. When the gravity area generated by the gravity magic pattern is ten times the normal value, the huge force has made the material start. Compression When the gravity area is thirty times the normal value, the material is already tight to a qualified level. When the maximum gravity area is fifty times the normal value, Cook's mental power begins to intervene

The bone dragon lord’s nails are very strong, but they have been deformed under the magic solution, high temperature and huge gravity. What Cook is doing now is to slowly relieve the gravity and then shape it.

The original nails that were more than 100 meters long were shortened to only more than 90 meters. After the shape was over 90 meters, Cook began to polish it by using a refining platform to grind out those unneeded parts. The refining platform uses sprayed star sand to accelerate the flow of star sand. After all, ordinary things have no effect on the same material. Of course, the control of mental power is also very important. Otherwise, the entire material can be ground into smash

After the polishing is finished, Cook starts to depict the magic pattern. It is more difficult to depict the magic pattern here because the magic pattern is three-dimensional, so in this case, it depends on strong mental power.

The powerful mental power directly brings the magic metal molecules into the material to form a channel of magic loops. This is the way ordinary people do.

On the other hand, Cook is relatively simple. Cook took out a crystal bottle from the natural ring. The crystal bottle contains some star crystals. Star crystals are actually the core thing left after a planet collapses. Star sand is also derived from this and is the most known. Hard stuff

Cook's mental power controls a very small star crystal. This star crystal rotates rapidly under the impetus of Cook's mental power. Cook's magic eye opens again. Inside Cook's magic eye, the rapidly rotating star sand is in the material. Inside, one by one magic pattern circuit channel is drilled out, and the material in Cook's magic eye shows a three-dimensional state. Cook can mobilize the direction of the magic circuit channel according to his mental power.

After an hour, Cook finished the characterization. Cook felt a little weak. After all, such a huge weapon needs too much mental power.

It’s a simple matter of being born. The spiritual force guides the magic metal needed to fill the magic pattern. It takes Cook to fill it in two minutes. Cook sees that the filling is completed and then carefully check it and start to activate the magic pattern.

After the "Boom Boom Boom" magic pattern was activated, the nails of the more than ninety-meter-long bone dragon made a sound of vibration, as if it were alive. The violent vibration almost broke the shield formed by the protective magic pattern of the refining platform.

Seeing this situation, West Asia hurriedly increased the energy delivery of the magicweave shield. For half a minute, West Asia felt like a year. When the sound subsided, the nails of the Bone Dragon Lord in the refining platform had changed.

It looks like it is made of the worst black iron. The shape of the whole weapon is curved. It is a single-edged sword. The nail is eighty meters long. The nail is behind a knuckle that is more than ten meters long. Act as a handle

The hollow part of the knuckles is also used by Cook to inlay magic crystal gems or magic crystals

"Good" Cook saw a huge scimitar finally practiced. Cook quickly took out the magic crystal and set it in the handle

With a "hum" sound, the entire blade of the scimitar is lit up with golden lines, and the entire blade is even more cold.

Cook cut his wrist and sprayed a stream of blood directly on the scimitar. The blood disappeared into the scimitar. This is what high-level magic weave equipment must go through, especially when Cook prepares to transform. Using this can improve the fit of the weapon and others can’t use it. Of course, if others pick it up as a cold weapon, it’s okay to slash it. It’s just that you can’t use the magic pattern inside it, which is equivalent to knowing that the main reason Cook sprayed the blood is because The number of magic keys in this scimitar is as many as dozens. This is where Cook's insidious lies. If someone else gets a weapon and wants to use it, he must first clear the magic key inside, which is to crack the magic pattern. But the number of magic keys is so large that any Mageweaver will collapse, and there are some insidious settings inside.

After receiving Cook’s blood, "Boom" the scimitar exploded with a powerful aura. The color of the scimitar actually became deeper, and then a golden flame emerged from the scimitar.

Under the golden flame, the scimitar gradually became smaller and finally reached a length of ten meters.

"Kacha" just when the golden flame on the scimitar began to go out, a black lightning in the void hit the magic pattern shield. The magic pattern shield immediately collapsed after the black lightning hit, and the refinement platform burst. But the black lightning disappeared

"What happened just now" Lina was the first to react because everyone felt that time had stopped after the black lightning appeared just now.

Everyone has a terrible feeling of horror. Although it is less than a second at that moment, everyone's body is out of control within this time. It's like time has stopped. The most intense one is Lina.

"Nothing," a Titan guard asked, looking at Lina nervously.

Lina almost jumped up when she heard this. Then Lina looked at Sia with lingering fears. Lina didn't say anything. Cook was also shocked. The black lightning Cook just saw it clearly, but Cook found that As time goes by, I seem to want to forget this

"What happened to Lina just now" Cook also asked

"Hehe" Lina gave a dry laugh. The black lightning just now gave Lina a feeling of being unable to extricate herself from it. Lina felt that if the lightning hits herself, she would not be able to avoid it. This is the first time Lina felt powerless. a feeling of

Cook took a look and found that only Manly Connie herself, Sia Umelina, had a reaction, while the other Titan guards did not react at all. Cook pondered for a while and let these Titan guards rest for a while because of the refinement of the platform's magic. The pattern protection is strongly impacted so it needs to be maintained

"You also found out" Xia asked palely after the Titan guard had left.

"Yes, but it seems that my memory of just now becomes more and more blurred as time goes by," Manli said with some confusion.

Cook nodded and said, "I have this feeling too"

"According to what we saw, we got the black lightning and those Titan guards didn't see it. This means that it can only be seen when it reaches a certain level or meets the requirements in a certain aspect." Lina pondered for a while and rationalized her thoughts.

"I think it's the same. But where does this black lightning come from? Why does it give me a feeling like an ant facing a saber-toothed tiger? It's like being stared at me by dozens of giant dragons." Xia's face was ugly.

"I don't think I feel as if time has stopped" Cook shook his head and said

"I feel as if the power that destroys the entire plane is contained in that lightning" Connie felt differently.

"No, I feel like a flash of lightning wants to destroy the weapon made by Cook" Wu Mei feels differently.

Manli looked at several people in surprise and said: "I feel like a huge force seems to shatter anyone who dares to touch."

"This..." Lina was dumbfounded when these people said different things.

When Cook heard these women say this, he was very puzzled, and then Lina cried out: "I know what we said just now is my own feeling, so that means that lightning contains the kinds of things we said. The law and judging from the performance of those Titan guards, this is even more proof that the law is, after all, only the power of the law can be invisible to the Titan guards"

"But those Titan guards are also very powerful" Cook asked suspiciously afterwards

"Hehe, Cook's comprehension law depends on savvy. As for the strong, then only your strength among us is lower. What level are we all" Lina said with a smile

Cook was said by Lina so   also woke up, the power of this law depends on comprehension and not strength. Of course, if strength reaches a certain level, it does not need to rely on comprehension.

"So what exactly is black lightning?" Cook asked again. This is a fundamental question.

"I don't know" Everyone shook their heads. Obviously no one knew what black lightning was.

"But I know the power of black lightning is very powerful. Look at the protective magic pattern of the refined platform I set up, but it is composed of dozens of magic pattern chains. I guess that before the energy is consumed, only Cook can Break through the defense of this magicweave shield with one blow," Xia said.

"Such a powerful force" Cook did not expect to have such a powerful force. It is almost impossible for a demigod to break this defense, but the black lightning broke open all at once.

Lina looked at Cook and asked, "Cook, see if there is any problem with the single-edged sword you refined"

"Oh" Cook looked at the refined scimitar now

This scimitar is also too big, even the handle is 100 meters long. The scimitar presents a blue-black color, giving people a cold feeling. This blue-black color seems to be flowing like a layer of blue-black color. Fair flow

"Good weapon" West Asia saw the cutlass in Cook's hand and admired it. Now West Asia is also a Mageweaver and has a very strong knowledge of weapons. Therefore, West Asia knows that this weapon is very good based on the color of the weapon.

Cook just touched the handle of the scimitar and felt that the scimitar was like his own arm. Cook couldn't help but nod and praised in secret. This is the reason for the fit. The higher the fit, the less the weapon feels in the hand.

The weapon must not feel any strange in the hand, just like your own arm, so that you can use the weapon more satisfactorily during battle, and then Cook’s mental power directly penetrates into the scimitar.

For a while, Cook looked at Lina and others with a frustrated expression: "I can't use it now."

"Why" Xia and others are dumbfounded and can't use it. What is the reason?

"Some changes have taken place in this weapon" Cook had to explain

Sia looked at Cook who wanted to explain but didn’t know how to say the reason. Sia said: "Cook slowly and carefully talk about what happened."

"I don't know that I found that the magic pattern loop inside has become unknown to me." Cook shrugged helplessly and replied.

"I don't know" now West Asia is even more exclaimed

"Yes, after these magic lines have changed, I don’t know what magic lines they are. But looking at the magic lines, the circuits seem to be much simpler, but when I tried to control the magic lines inside, I found that mental power didn’t work at all. It’s not that it doesn’t work, but that my mental power can’t be driven.” Cook explained and gestured as he explained.

Xia was even more stunned. Could this magic pattern change by itself? Xia looked at the scimitar in Cook's hand in shock and wondered whether it was the effect of the black lightning.

Lina and the others looked at each other because the magic pattern was involved, so Lina didn't understand what happened. Xia thought about it for a while and said, "Cook will try to change his body."

"West Asia, I don't care about this kind of mutation. We can't tell whether it is good or bad, but Cook has carved so many magic patterns in this weapon. Once a bad change occurs..." Lina hurriedly stopped.

West Asia was shocked by Cooke saying that. I must know that the magic lines burst when the magic lines were portrayed. Many individual magic lines have limited destructive power, but the combination of so many magic lines should burst. Then it is a super magicweave bomb

Cook also nodded and said: "West Asia, don't worry, I will understand for two days."

Xia had to suppress the doubts in his heart, and then Cook and Xia began to repair the magic pattern protection circle on the refining platform because Cook had to refine a machete. After a day, another machete was formed again.

This time West Asia and Cook designed a three-layer magicweave protection array, but the same lightning hit the three-layer magicweave protection array again at the end, and the three-layer magicweave protection array was destroyed again.

"I really want to understand" Cook said first this time

"Understand what?" Lina and the others were surprised to know that the black lightning gave people the kind of powerlessness that made Lina feel afraid that strong people like Lina like everything under their control. Unknown things beyond control give Lina and others a sense of horror

"This is the power generated by this plane. The quality of my weapon may be too high to threaten this plane. The lightning just now contains the power of time. Look at the two hourglasses I have placed in advance. The one on the outside is inside and the outside is more hourglass than the inside, which means that the time did stop just now and it affected the time inside the cave, but the time outside the cave was not affected.” Cook took an hourglass from the outside and explained it. Tao

"Time..." Everyone was shocked by the law of time. That is the supreme law of existence. According to the law, all the laws will eventually point to the law of time. But when does that need to be understood? Only by chance

"Isn't it true that these two weapons of Cook actually have a master..." Manli said with a big mouth, but she covered her mouth before she finished speaking.

Hearing this, everyone's heart was shocked and Lina said quickly: "Cook test it with your natural ring to see if it can be put in."

"No" Cook immediately couldn't put his mental power into it

"Yes, at least it's an artifact-level weapon. I don't know if it's the kind of weapon Manly said. Congratulations on refining the artifact." Xia jumped up excitedly when Cook said that and shouted loudly. Tao

"Artifact..." Cook heard Xia's conclusion and looked at the two huge scimitars. Cook was happy and frustrated.

"Cook don’t be sad. These two big guys can see if you can, but if you want to use them, tsk, others will not foolishly fight you as long as they see that you can hold these two weapons." Manli teased Cook because Man Li sees Cook a little frustrated

"Nonsense Cook, you can quickly find a way. I think these two weapons can be put away as long as you can control them." Xia gave Manli an angry look and said.

When Cook heard Manly saying this, he nodded and replied: "It seems that I have to work hard to increase my knowledge of magic lines."

"Well, you are slowly here to realize that we are going to work on our own." Seeing that Xia couldn't help, she prepared to leave with Lina and the others. You must know that it has been delayed for a few days. Xia and Lina have to use the portal. Connie Manly also has things to install and Wumei is fine, but it’s not easy for Cook to practice Wumei.

"Cook, you can actually turn into a beast soul warrior to see if you can control it," Wu Mei whispered to Cook last.

When Cook heard Wu Mei's words, his eyes lit up. You need to know that the strength of the beast soul warrior after being transformed into a beast soul warrior is very abnormal, but Cook is not completely sure. After all, this is just a guess.

"I am going to retreat and practice for a period of time, but before that I will prepare potions for you." Cook also wants to understand what this mutated magic pattern looks like, but before that Cook has to prepare some potions and everything. After all, no one knows when the local natives of the rain demon plane will conflict in this city. High-quality potions are indispensable.

After Cook left the cave where the refining platform was located, he took out the magic herb from the natural ring and began to refine the potion. The number of magic herbs in the natural ring was already very large and the quality was high, so the quality of the potions that Cook refined was also very high. High and the output is also very impressive

However, Cook’s retreat plan was not implemented because Hadosi was back, but what Hadosi brought back was very bad news.

"Master, we were hacked, as well as the goods and space equipment you gave us were robbed." Hadoshi cried to Cook with scars all over his body.

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