A Unique Hunter

Chapter 683: Hunter union headquarters status

Cook hurried to the Hunter Union headquarters. The headquarters of the Hunter Union is located in the Magic City, but not in the relatively prosperous West District of the Magic City, but in the relatively poor Nancheng District. Everyone knows that the Magic City is located in a long and narrow plain. The southern side of the Magic City is the export area. This is not only the downstream of the river, but also a large amount of supplies, including vegetables and livestock, and it is also a passage to hundreds of nearby towns, so this area is divided into a comprehensive trading area.

However, the amount of trade generated in this trading area is not one million gold coins a year, and this is only the profit of a magic shop in Xicheng District for half a year, because most of the goods here are food and small workshops.

The building of the Hunter's Guild seems to be magnificent, but Cook frowned when he saw it, because the Hunter's Guild was not only the hunters but also some other people.

"What's going on" Cook turned his head and asked

Behind Cook is a middle-aged man dressed as a guard. This is also Cook's guard in the Magic City, Cook has long ordered to let the guard know about the Hunter Union headquarters.

The guard explained and answered: "My lord, these are rented buildings of the Hunter's Union. There are taverns, bakeries, and so on."

"No." Cook's face is a bit ugly, but when Cook enters the hall of the Hunter Union, he can hardly believe his eyes. There is still a union. It is a trade market.

The wide lobby is full of small stalls selling bread and wine. There are also some daily necessities and a few exposed women with heavy make-up, nestled on the stairs. On the stairs, there is a sign on the second floor. It is obviously a pub and there are Performances like striptease

However, one-fifth of the hall is still the office of the Hunter's Union, but compared with dozens of other union workers, the staff here are hardly visible.

"Where is the man" Cook asked loudly from the window of the reception hall of the Hunter Union

"Come here, wait a minute, I'll change the money." Cook asked loudly and a voice rang behind Cook

Cook turned his head and saw that a woman was in front of a leather stall. It was obvious that the leather stall was the woman. Cook was a little confused and walked to the leather stall.

"These are all made by myself" Cook took a look at the technique of leather making. It can also be used for peeling. Leather making is an essential skill for hunters.

"It's not that my father and brother made it. I just sell it. You are also a hunter." The young woman seems to have just grown up and she is a little thin. She is wearing a linen skirt. This woman is next to her after she found her change. Wash your hands in the wooden barrel and then pick up the Hunter’s Union’s standard clothing from the other side and put it on the outside and ask

"Yes, I said you are not a regular staff member" Cook asked, pointing to the uniform on the woman in confusion.

"Hehe, why isn't it a formal job, but this job can't support people. It's not easy to do business by the way," the woman replied with a smile

"You are alone here" Cook asked again

"Yes" the woman replied affirmatively

"I want to replace the Intermediate Hunter Badge" Cook passed the hunter badge in his hand and said

The "Fifty Gold Coins" woman took over Cook's badge and started to operate

The guard next to Cook was very winked and immediately handed over fifty gold coins. Cook smacked and said: "Other unions don't need to spend money to replace their badges. It is said that there are special rewards."

"Hehe, our hunter union is poor. The maintenance fee for this magic item is tens of thousands of gold coins a year. The number of hunters is already scarce. There are also a series of expenses like water candles and cleaning fees for garbage cleaning. Public security management fees and so on. It’s a small one hundred thousand gold coins a year. If you encounter a trade union and need repairs, it will only look at my uniform. It’s been two years." The woman replied with a bitter smile.

"But you are the only one in a big trade union, and the rest are the rest." Cook also knows that the poorer the place, the harder it will be, because those people have no place to make money without sucking the blood of the people. A slightly larger store in the area will sponsor tens of thousands of gold coins

"Of course not there are more than fifty people in total, but this month's work of five gold coins can make people survive. If it is in the countryside, it would be enough. Fortunately, if the union is still wrapped up..." The woman quickly gave to Ku Ke replaced the intermediate magic badge. At this time, someone was walking around in front of the woman’s booth. The woman left Cook and quickly took care of her business.

Cook also sighed in his heart. Five gold coins. What a job. This guard by his side is just a low-level professional. The salary for a year is thousands of gold coins. In Cook's hometown, one copper coin and one piece of brown bread. Two copper coins plus a bowl of water. It is enough for a family of four copper coins a day and only 20 copper coins a day for a family of five, and a gold coin is 10,000 copper coins. It is enough for a family to live a prosperous life for five hundred days. Of course, it does not count the wear and tear of tools. Baba’s, but a gold coin is enough, just want to eat meat, it’s not so easy

But in the Magic City, a bowl of water is all for money, let alone the prices here. The same brown bread here needs 20 copper coins or the worst kind. The slightly better gold silk milk bread needs ten silver coins.

This is certainly related to the fact that the Magic City does not produce food. These foods are delivered from hundreds of nearby small towns or farther away. It is related to the price of meat is more expensive, so a family needs at least 100 gold coins a year. Not housing or something

As for the occasional eating, meat, and drinking, it’s even more doubled. In the area where Cook lives, even a cleaner earns five or six hundred gold coins a year.

Cook went around for a while. Although the Hunter Union seems to be worn out, it is still well maintained. Anyway, there is no such thing as rain and water. In the garden of the Hunter Union, Cook saw that the garden of the Hunter Union actually planted vegetables and also built it. Things like wooden houses

Cook wandered around and found a few hunter union staff, but they were all doing other work without exception. Cook wandered around for a few hours. When Cook came to the hunter union hall again, a group of people were making noise.

"No, if you don’t give me the money, you will be demolished by your Hunter Union," a loud voice shouted.

It was not that Cook felt like he heard this and immediately burst into flames and shouted loudly: "The **** said that he wants to dismantle the Hunter Union, let me stand up and see."


"That **** dare to take care of our young master's business"

"Live impatient is not"

"Stand up and show Grandpa what kind of guy it is"

Cook didn't expect that he roared like this, and it was like stabbing a hornet's nest. A dozen people immediately yelled, and the crowd watching around immediately fled away, leaving Cook and his guards behind.

Only then did Cook clearly see that there are more than a dozen guards near the reception window. Look at the style of clothing. It is estimated that the guards of which family or force have exquisite leather armor and the weapons on the waist are considered to be superior. What has been turned over is a mess. The work clothes of the woman who received Cook has also been torn and there are scars on her face.

"Hehe is your kid's rants." Cook saw the guy who said he was going to smash the Hunter's Guild. His chubby figure is like a fat pig. His body is also gorgeous silk clothes, not to mention the thick gold chain around his neck. With all kinds of accessories, you can tell that they are rich

"Look at those who dare to provoke in the Hunter's Union according to Article 11 above." Cook pointed to the gilt text on the wall of the Hunter's Union Hall and said that he ignored the fat man.

"What can I do?" Fatty's haughty expression was immediately destroyed. Fatty thought that Cook was going to report his name and waited for Cook to hear his name kneeling down and begging for mercy, but this kid obviously didn't cooperate. Ah so immediately jumped and shouted

"Call me, beat me to death," Fatty Yu shouted harshly.

The guards around "It's Master" grinned and watched Cook drew out his weapons one after another

"What are you doing, this is the Hunter Union" the woman who received Cook asked loudly

"What a **** hunter's union. This is where our young master is going to open the casino. Be careful, let's look good." A guard beside Fatty slapped the woman to the ground and shouted loudly.

"Hehe  " Cook was angry and smiled, I have never seen such a crazy

"Since you want to die, go to die" Cook said with a stern look in his eyes


"Haha is this kid crazy?"

"Even brothers, let's practice." The guards laughed.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, I want to send to death, hurry up, I still have things to do." Cook looked impatient, and the guard beside Cook looked nervous. The weapon in his hand had long been pulled out and stood. Cook looks on guard

"You get out of the way" Cook pulled the guards in front of him directly and looked at the guards who were eager to try. For Cook, these guys are no longer alive.

"Kill him" a dozen guards screamed in unison and rushed towards Cook

"Boom" but at this moment after a violent noise, these dozen people flew back upside down.

"How dare you come to the union while I'm not here to make trouble." A vigorous voice rang behind Cook. Cook turned his head in confusion and looked at him.

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