The next day, Adone went to the Royal library, after taking a shower and finishing his breakfast.

He stood there, in front of the royal library, and watched the building that gave the feeling as if it had witnessed the vestiges of time.

He asked one of his guards that came with him, "Go, inform the head librarian of my arrival"

He didn't want to cause any trouble, as even royalty can't enter the royal library without proper procedure. He will later find out, that gaining access to the royal library was like a report card that showed how likely a prince is to be considered a candidate for the status of crown prince and his favorability in the eye of the king which also explains why Adone's sister was able to gain access to the royal library easily (doesn't matter if she was banned afterward). It also makes the standing of the person in the royal clan clear.

"Please wait, your highness, I will inform the head librarian," the guard said as he walked inside the massive building.

After ten or so minutes an old man with a long white beard walked out of the building. (The regular cliché of Dumble##re)

"How can I be of service, your highness?" he asked with neither being rude nor being servile.

"Father, his Majesty asked me to deliver this scroll to you" he gave the scroll to the old man.

The old man opened the scroll, read the letter and then stared at the kid with disbelief written all over the face but he didn't point it out 'how could a five year old kid be able to gain access to the library even if he was a royal'

He let out a sigh, then said "Come with me, your highness"

Adone followed him in the library along with his guards.

"This library was formed by the founder of the kingdom and your grandfather. This library holds almost all the knowledge that the kingdom was able to gather in its thousand years of existence. There are many books in this place that are one of its kind and the knowledge that they hold will be lost if the books are harmed, even though it might cause you no pain but it will be a huge blow to kingdom in the long run, so you must take care of the books that are placed in here"

"You are only allowed to take the books kept in first and second floor outside the library as they are copies of the originals that are stored in a secret location, the books on the third floor are only one of a kind thus you are not allowed to take it with you and even the ones you take, return them as earliest as possible though you are not required to return in specific time frame" He said sternly

"Yes, I know" replied Adone.

"You can take a look, the books are classified according to their subject so we can find them easily. If you have any problems please ask the librarian on the floor" the old man left soon after giving Adone an introduction to the library.

"Where should I start from? Umm... Okay, I will start from the geography and history section of the first floor and then move from there" Adone was so excited that he was not able to get all the information necessary without much of a problem or harassment of his sister.

He went to the geography section of the first floor and started reading the names of the books

"The Borders of Redash by ….."



He collected some books, went to a nearby desk and started flipping through the book.

"Bionic Chip start collecting the data, give it title Redash"

[Beep! Collecting Data]

In a few days, he was able to go through all the books in the geography section on the first and second floors. For this speed he had to daily come to the library to 'read' the books and take enough books with him as well, to read them at his home.

"Let's go to the third floor," he brought his guards with him to the third floor and started flipping through the books there as well, but was soon taken back by the fact that the books on the third floor were more descriptive and were firsthand accounts of people and travelers. 'I should have come here earlier'


In the Throne Room, the head librarian was standing in front of the king, giving a description of the activities of Adone.

"He is flipping through historic and geographic books as if trying to find something or someplace. He had already searched through all the books on the first two floors and is currently searching through the third floor"

"What is that brat up to?" The King continued "Let him do what he is doing but make sure to report to me everything related him"

"Yes, your majesty"


After six months,

"This is the last one" Adone muttered as he opens the book.

Over the next six months, Adone went through all the books in the library, to achieve this he lived a monotonic life for six months, which caused his mother to worry, but he never stopped only saying that he liked to read books.

"Bionic Chip! Rearrange all the data, remove any redundant data and save it with the title Agartha"

[Beep! Analyzing Data]

[Beep! Analysis 1% complete]

[Beep! Analysis 2% complete]

[Beep! Analy...

He placed the book back on the shelf and walked out of the library.

He went to greet his mother and inform her that his work in the library was finished but he was forced to stay with her and was able to return to his room only at night.

"Bionic Chip, estimate the time it will take to complete the analysis"

[Beep! Computing...

Estimated Time for completion 2 hours 3 minutes 39 seconds]

The chip had already improved life force collection years ago so it had more computing power to spare.

"Show me my status"

[Beep! Showing status

Name: Adone De Gran

Age: 6

Lifespan: 750

Life Force Stored: 0

Strength: 10 (+2)

Agility: 12 (+2)

Stamina: 10 (+2)

Vitality: 11 (+2)]

"I can't wait for the arrival of the next day"

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