"The auction will come to an end with the last item and most mysterious item of our auction that came from the headquarters of Kaiya Merchant Union to be auctioned here in the Great Grans Kingdom"

The girl brought the tray covered with white silk and placed it in front of the manager.

"This is a book found in The Waste Land, in a grave. The appraisers at the headquarters of Kaiya Merchant Union were only able to assume its age and nothing more. The age they deduced wad about a thousand year old. The language of this book is undecipherable by the appraisers but it holds a lot of research value." Said the manager as he revealed an old tattered book with some unknown symbols etched on the cover.

The site of these symbols caused Adone to jolt out off of his seat (imagine being ejected by ejection seat).

To be sure of this he commanded 'Scan the words'

[Beep! Scanning the writing…]

[Ding! Match found. The words belong to a forgotten language unknown to present times]

[The whole sentence cannot be deciphered but an exact word is found in the database. The words are used to represent Lich King]

This information verified his deduction, this was the book contain the information on The Lich King the infamous necromancer who singlehandedly changed the name of Southern Green Continent to Redash.

The information concerning The Lich King and his suppressors was deliberately hidden as a method to protect the descendants of the experts who confined the necromancer from his wrath, in case he ever manages to escape from his confines as well as from the psychopaths who want to release the necromancer.

But the book in front of his eyes might contain unadulterated information about this matter.

"Grandma Linda, bid on this book, it seems interesting," he said to Linda.

The people below had already started biding for the book.

"8000 gold coins" someone in private room shouted.

"I will bid 10,000 gold coins" another person shouted from another private room.

"50,000 gold coins" Grandma Linda directly increased the bid five times.

And just like before no one dared to bid again as no one dared to outbid the royal clan.

The manager was excited as he was able to make up for the losses of charging half the processing fee to the people who left from just one transaction of this book.

"The book is sold to his highness, the prince."

The girl brought the book to the room and Adone and company left the auction house after paying for it.

On his way, back Adone just sat there in the carriage and enjoyed the view of the medieval looking buildings and streets filled with crowded. Shops and stalls selling various items and people haggling for them. Couples walking together, holding each other's arms. Seeing this caused him to remember his previous life and the fact that he was alone in this world but then he looked towards the sister of his who looked like an angel and remembered his loving and caring mother. He thought to himself 'Can I truly be a part of this family?'

A bright light brought him back from his deep thinking. A special type of stone called 'Night Pearl' lighted the streets. This 'pearl' just stored light essence from Sunlight and would emit the stored light essence in the absence of light essence. These type of stones were very valuable to normal citizens and normal household would only possess single stone of very low quality, but in the capital of The Great Grans, the royal clan maintained the streetlights.

Adone had already read about them but he was not able to feel any type of essence from them.

When they reached, the palace Adone had the dinner with his mother and Tephanie showed them the dress, which earned praises from Viviana and Drake.

After dinner, Adone rushed to his father's study room with the book, as he was not able to suppress his excitement anymore.

In the study, Adone first placed a silk cloth on the table then placed the book on the table and only opened the book after checking that it would not crumble into pieces because of its age.

The book only consisted of sixty pages and was in good condition, which caused Adone to laugh at his own stupidity. This is a world where people can easily live for hundreds of years and beasts were able to live for thousands if not more so it was normal for books made from hides of these demonic beasts to last for thousands of years without much wear and tear and he was thinking as the scientist from Earth were a century old book would be nothing more than pile of trash if not preserved properly.

He started to go through the book even though he was not able to understand anything, after viewing the whole book he commanded.

"Bionic chip scan the content and try to analyze the language it's written in"

[Beep! Mission accepted]

[Beep! Analyzing language]

He knew that the chip would not be able to analyze the language of the book but he still tried as the chip can still deduce the meaning of the content relying on just the word 'Lich King' and its computing powers, though the result may be far from the truth.

He then picked the book again and started to find if the book held anything else he might have missed or any hidden messages that the book might hold.

Next day, he placed the book on the table due to the sound which breaks his concentration.

[Beep! Language analysis failed]

"Try to deduce the meaning from the words known"

[Beep! Starting Deduction]

[Beep! The estimated time to deduce the meaning 75 years 5 months 9 days]

[Beep! The host is advised to find more words to accelerate the process]

He just sat there thinking to himself 'What to do next? Where can I find the translated sample of the language that's already forgotten?'

"I will ask the head librarian about it. He might know about this language"

Thinking this he cleared his haggard appearance caused by pulling an all nighter. He then had the breakfast with his family and went to the royal library.

There he entered the office of the head librarian with the book and there he met the white bearded old man again.

"How can I be of service to you, your highness?"

"Do you know anything about this language? I bought the book yesterday in an auction but was unable to understand anything in it"

"Let me have a look"

Adone gave the book to the old man, just by reading the words on the cover his expression became serious and he stared at Adone and said "This book is related to the history of Redash and only royalty are allowed to know the secrets to it but I can only lend you my notes on the ancient language, it might be of help to you."

The old man just waved his hand and a stack of papers appeared in his hand. He gave them to Adone then he repeated himself "This book contains a secret that only royal clan members should know so you should not reveal it to anyone, not even to your sister"

"But wasn't this a forgotten language?"

"In this world, nothing is truly forgotten as there are many ways to live more than thousand years so you can easily find people that used this language as their native language, you just have to look hard enough."

"Okay, I will keep that in mind."

Adone thanked the old man and went back to the palace.

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