"We can bait them out of there holes like the rats they are and capture them alive" Adone proposed resulting in all the men in the meeting hall to stare at him.

Adone continued unperturbed of the gazes "We should also make an example out of them by making their faiths worse than death and to ensure that others know what's the result of pillaging villages and harming our citizens"

Listening to this, everyone back was covered with cold sweat as a nine year old was saying these things and they could easily imagine, how cruel he is going to be when he grew up.

"The plan that his highness suggested is very effective, I will go and personally supervise the preparation for it" General Hammer was the first to recover and he hastily replied to Adone.

"General make sure that the information regarding this operation is not leaked" Liam reminded.

General Hammer nodded, then suggested "Your Highness can rest here or you can look around the city"

"Um.. we should rest for a while, after all, the soldiers must be exhausted from all the traveling"

"As you command, your highness" General Hammer walked out of the hall in large strides after performing a military salute.

Adone was then escorted to a luxurious room on the topmost floor of the fortress by a soldier which had pure white furniture but Adone didn't notice these things as all of his mind was focused on the notification sound that rang in his mind during the meeting.

[Beep! The analysis of the essence is completed]

Adone was so thrilled after hearing this sound that he was on the verge of shouting and dancing in happiness but he managed to maintain his cool or he would be seen as a maniac by all the people around him.

'At last, I have the information that even father would not know about'

"Bionic Chip, transfer all the data to my brain"

[Beep! Transferring Data]

After some familiar pain, he suddenly knew all about the essence even though he never had any kind of interaction with it.

The chip used the experimental data from the demonic core and the ring, as well as theoretically data from all the books Adone, had 'read' in the Royal library, to better understand the essence and it's nature.

'The essence is an energy that can be used to manipulate, create and destroy certain components of the world. It also enables a living being to harness the power of that particular component to improve themselves to the best of their ability'

"So it's basically energy that all living things can interact and control, following the principal of E=mc^2 it can form a certain type of components of the world"

He then looked at the green ring on his finger "Bionic chip what does this do?"

[Beep! According to analysis as well as data stored, the gem inlayed in the ring behave like a battery that is stored with a large amount of life essence and the metal on the ring is engraved with a rune that can use the essence stored in the gem to heal anyone who wore this ring and it can also take the essence stored to attack anyone that can endanger the life of the wearer. The stored essence is enough for three uses after which the energy in the stone will we fully exhausted.]

This gave Adone an idea that he could utilize but for that, he needed someone capable.

He instantly commanded the soldier stationed outside his room to enter.

"Bring me someone who is aware of every shop and alley of this fortress city"

"Yes, your highness"

After some time the soldier returned with a bald old man in tow.

"This is one of the retired city guards, Albert. He has spent more than 70 years in this city so he should be one of the most knowledgeable people in the city" the soldier said while performing a bow.

"You can leave" Adone commanded.

The soldier left the room after closing the door.

"How can I help you, your highness" Albert said while keeping his head low.

"I need information about best blacksmiths and runemasters in the city"

"Your highness there is no runemaster in the city but there is one blacksmith who is very good in his trade. His name is Allen"

"Do you know the location of his workshop or home?"

"Your highness he owns a small workshop near the city gates as his work requires a large amount of metal ore"

"Lead the way" Adone walked out of the room and Albert followed him while keeping his head low.

Adone soon reached his carriage and he entered the carriage commanding "Go to the location Albert is aware of as fast as possible"

The soldiers instantly entered formation and started to follow the carriage.

The shop they stopped in front of, looked little rundown but it was surprisingly clean but there was no customer in the shop.

Ignoring these things Adone signaled Albert and soldiers to bring the shop owner out of the shop.

They followed his directions and left hastily and returned with a bulky and dark skinned middle age man.

"Come in" Adone ordered the man to enter the carriage.

"How can I attend you, your highness?" the dark-skinned man asked with fear in his voice.

"You do not need to fear me, Allen. I am here to ask you to do something for me and you will not tell a single soul about this request" Adone looked at the man with a smile on his face.

"Even though I'm not a stage 1 blacksmith, I am very close to it so I will do anything you command" Blacksmith replied.


He returned to the fortress at night and went to meet his brother and 'inform' him, how he met a blacksmith and watched him forged.

Upon hearing this Liam suggested "You should try forging if you liked it after you have awakened your beast spirit. Forging help in increasing strength and improves the constitution of a person"

"I will give it a try" Adone was truly curious of the occupations like Blacksmith, Runemaster and Alchemist.

Next morning Adone and Liam both met with General Hammer who completed the preparations for the mission.

"This time we are going to eradicate all the bandits in the northern border of the Kingdom"

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