"You… you are refining my life essence"

This sentence of the bandit leader unknowingly saved him from being a guinea pig for life force extraction.

'Bionic chip, halt the procedure' Adone commanded in his mind.

[Beep! Halting the extraction of life force]

[Beep! The extraction of life force was stopped before it was fully completed. Only 5 years worth of life force is absorbed from the subject and the life force extracted is 25 years of life]

[Beep! 4 years worth of life force is stored in the host's cells. Life force worth of one year was used to replenish Host's used life force]

"So tell me how feels to have your life sucked out of you" Adone asked with a crazed look in his eyes.

"How could you absorb my life essence? Even cultivators with devouring beast spirits are only able to have a minute fraction of life essence of the beings they devour and the rest is used for body strengthening but you are absorbing pure life essence" Mr. Shou asked with terror in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter how I can do it, what's important is what you can do for me? That is if you want to make the pain that you are feeling to go away" Adone asked him without showing any emotion.

He had also dealt with this kind of a pain but the pain Shou was enduring was far worse as he was robbed of his Life force and without any outside source of life force, he would die from cell degradation even though the life force extraction is stopped.

This was one of the side effects of life force extraction if someone's life force is extracted even a little bit, the person's fate would be like a punctured rubber tube that would deflate no matter what happens. The only way to prevent death is to apply life force from an external source which can act as a cork preventing further depletion of life force.

This method of using life force to preserve the life force from depleting was something only Adone could do, as far as he was aware.

According to all the information he collected from the royal library only genius cultivators cultivating life essence can interact with life force that too only when they reach stage 2 and this interaction is only limited to increasing life force a little by refining a huge amount of life essence thus increasing their life span without the need to break through to the next stage to do that. This does not mean that they could not enjoy an increase in life span by cultivating it simply means that they can increase the life span using two different methods.

Everyone (cultivators of life or other essences) else have to wait to reach stage 3 to only see the life force. Stage 3 cultivators could also burn their life force to gain a huge amount of strength for a short while but they die as a result and that technique is also lost after the calamity.

Adone was aware of the fact that the life force is connected to life essence but he didn't know how it was connected, which is the reason he stopped the extraction.

"I would do anything just stop this pain. JUST MAKE IT STOP" Shou roared, even the will of a stage one cultivator was broken by the pain of their life force slowly leaving out of their body, though the pain was less than the pain when Adone was actively extracting the life force.

"Tell me everything you know about Lucas Bain. I don't think a death essence cultivator, dare I say a necromancer does not know about the Lich King" Adone smiled as he asked.

Shou stared at Adone for a while, who looked like a smiling devil to him.

"First of all, I am not a necromancer. Only those who are able to call upon the undead and reanimate the dead, have the right to call themselves Necromancer. I just breakthrough to stage 1 three weeks ago so I am unable to call upon the dead let alone reanimate the dead.

Lucas Bain, The Lich King is like a god to us, he cultivated a death essence cultivation techniques to a very high level, even before the calamity and he was able to survive in that ancient war because he among the first beings to get injured in the war.

At that time the severity of the war not known to the ancient cultivators and so Lucas retreated and he sealed himself so that he could recuperate. It is unknown what happened to him but he resurfaced about two hundred years after the war and was shocked to see that everything changed so he committed himself to research and betterment of humanity.

In year 461 after two hundred and sixty years of research, he started his crazed slaughter but he was sealed by the collected might of the cultivators of the time after one of them found the place where Lucas sealed himself to recuperate and they used the ruins of that place to seal him"

'So he was sealed in his own place, this seems rather fishy'

"What about life essence? How did you know that I was extracting your life essence (1)?" Adone asked.

"We death essence cultivators have very high affinity with death essence since life essence naturally counters death essence I can sense it and the purity of the life essence you were extracting from me was the purest I have ever seen" Shou replied

"Now would you relieve me of this pain?" He asked.

"Oh…. It would be my pleasure" Adone said.

'I will relieve you from all your pains'

'Bionic Chip, start the life force extraction' Adone commanded in his head.

[Beep! Beginning the extraction of life force]

[Beep! The process would use some of the host's life force which would be recovered from the life force extracted but it would cause immense pain to the host]

The same information was displayed in his eyes as the unbearable pain came, followed by the same energizing feeling.

Shou started to feel the pain intensify and he started screaming.


The color of Shou's hair started changing from black to grey than white, his muscular body started to shrink and wrinkles started to appear on his pale face.

Soon Shou's voice became hoarse then as if using every last bit of energy in his body he screamed "Liar, how dare you lie to m…."

He was unable to complete his sentence as blood started to pour out of his seven orifices, soon he slumped on the floor in the pool of his own blood, losing his consciousness but Adone was not affected by it in the least.

He only showed some reaction when he heard a voice in his head.

[Beep! Life force extraction completed]

[Beep! The extraction of life force completed. 80 years worth of life force is absorbed from the subject and the life force extracted is 398 years of life]

[Beep! 76 years worth of life force is stored in the host's cells. Life force worth of four years was used to replenish Host's used life force]

"Show me the status" He commanded.

[Beep! Showing status

Name: Adone De Gran

Age: 9

Lifespan: 750

Life Force Stored: 80

Strength: 14 (+4)

Agility: 17 (+5)

Stamina: 14 (+4)

Vitality: 16 (+5)]

He then silently walked out of the cell.

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