The entourage reached their destination before midnight because of the speed of their horses also the destination was miles away from the city but what greeted them when the destination came into their view was a huge mountain shrouded in dark mist, not the ruins of a village.

When Adone saw the mountain, the first thought that came to his mind was 'This Mountain will make the best base for a Dracula Castle, like the castle in Castlevan*cough*' but he hastily put that at the back of his mind, as he had to make sure that everything goes as he planned or his fate would only be death.

The captain duo walked up to the carriage, they were wearing a green military uniform with a silver star on both the soldiers which indicated their ranks as captains.

"How many soldiers are cultivating dark essence?" Adone asked.

"Four, including me, your highness" One of the captains replied.

"Take them with you and locate the cave on the mountain as the mist will not dampen your senses but don't try to interfere with the essence, be even more cautious when you are near the cliff"

"I will leave right away" the captain answered before walking away.

"Take ten men from the group and scout the area around the mountain. If you found anyone or anything living deal with them. I want this area totally secure" Adone commanded another captain.

"Yes, your highness" He replied.

Soon both captains left the group along with soldiers of their choosing, decreasing the number of soldiers in the group to only 16 soldiers which increased the danger they will be facing when they encountered a demonic beast that came out of interior part of the Waste Land.

There were very few beasts that can be classified as a demonic beast in the outer region as the demonic beasts (1) like to live in the interior region of the Waste Land which possesses a higher concentration of essence then outer region.

Adone wasn't afraid of demonic beasts though as he had a way to save himself even if he was up against a stage 1 demonic beast.

At about half an hour after mid-night, the captain who went to find the location of the cave returned along with both the soldiers but their faces looked a bit pale.

"We found the cave, its entrance is near the Cliff of despair. We were able to retreat after locating the entrance just in time or we would be affected by the chaotic nature of essence as well" Captain reported.

"It's okay take some rest we will move towards the cave when the perimeter is secured" Adone said.

Adone started to inquire about the cave and effects of chaotic nature of essence but got nothing worthwhile from the soldiers other than confirmation on his hypothesis that the chaotic nature of essence causes living being of low spirit to lose their control and eventually fall to death.

He then went to his carriage to rest and went to the land of dreams in no time ~(˘▾˘~), but his lording over the whole world was stopped by the sound knocking on the door of the carriage (ಥ﹏ಥ).

"Enter" He grumbled.

"Your Highness, Captain Lu is back" A soldier's voice came in.

Adone walked out of his carriage and saw that the Captain Lu who was tasked with securing area around the mountain stood there with a grave look on his face.

Upon seeing Adone, Captain Lu greeted his teeth before coming in front of him and bowing "Your Highness, please punish me! I caused the death of all my subordinates while we were returning after completing the task given by you. Please punish me!"

"Get up and explain to me what happened to you and your team" Adone said seriously.

"I… we… my team I and were returning after dealing with all the beast and demonic beast when I was attacked by the Yellow Ring Demonic Cobra. It was on the verge of a breakthrough to stage 1 so when it sneaked up to me, I wasn't able to dodge the attack in time and knocked down by its tale.

Upon seeing the snake attack, my team quickly surrounded the Yellow Ring Demonic Cobra but when I was about to attack it as well, it sprayed its poison on the team. Knowing that they were unable to survive the poison the whole team attacked it without care of their well-being and seven of them died with it.

Rest of the team died from poison not long after but I promised them that I will take care of their family" Captain Lu told him with tears in his eyes.

"Your Highness, I will bear all the punishment so please allow us to carry the bodies of our fallen comrades with us" Captain Lu begged.

"Don't worry, I will let you use my spatial ring to carry the dead when we return to the city but first we have to finish our mission" Adone gave his consent as he knew the reason for it.

It's generally believed that if the corpse of a person was devoured by a demonic beast with devouring ability then even the soul the dead would not be able to reincarnate as some part of soul is devoured as well by the beast and worse if a necromancer got his hands on the corpse then the soul will not be able to reincarnate as a human as they would cease to be a human when they are reanimated.

Secondly, if he didn't consent to this the morale of soldiers would diminish and they would be more likely to lose their mind when they came in contact with the chaotic essence.

"All of you take proper rest for an hour we will go to the cave on the mountain after 1 and a half hour."

He gave them this time not to rest there body but to relax their mind so that they could last longer without losing control.

He then went back to his carriage in hopes that he would we able to maintain his control when he came in contact with the chaotic essence with more rest.

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