Volume: A New World

Chapter: A New Beginning

It was a new day in the country of The Great Gran, bringing a new light vanquishing the darkness of the night, making the birds chirp as the commoners started their work but in the capital city 'Gran Vir', there was a solemn atmosphere in a hall as a muscular, handsome mature man with golden skin and a dignified aura walk to and fro in a gigantic hall in front a finely decorated door, his face was covered with a mixed look of anxiety and nervousness. If someone were to see him with this look on his face, they will not be able to believe in their eyes as the King of the Great Gran, Drake De Gran was the last person that will come to the minds of people who will think of a nervous and anxious man, birthday but today he was showing such emotions because his second and most beloved wife was in labor with his third.

"Your Majesty, don't worry her highness is a Stage 1 being, she will be fine" said a slim man with pale.

"I know she will be fine, my friend but I worry for my child as they are many complications that can happen to a child of stage 1 couple" after a moment, he calmed himself and asked "Aiden send someone to inform the kids, tell them there little sibling will be born soon so come now"

"Yes your majesty, I will do it myself and bring his and her highness at once" replied the slim man hastily as he practically ran away from the hall after bowing towards Drake as he was afraid that him being late would result in a great calamity to him as though he was close enough to the king for him to call him brother as he and the king fought many battles together but he was aware that he was just an ant compared to the royal family and would meet his end if he cause slightest of error in dealing with orders of royal family in this matter as it was related to heir to throne of the Great Gran.

After an hour or so Aiden returned following two youngsters, one of who looked handsome face and same golden skin color as his father Drake, he was Liam de Gran son of Drake and his first wife other was a teenage girl around 12 with skin as white as snow but face and figure comparable to a top model on Earth thus being able to cause downfall of any country just from her looks alone, she was the daughter of Drake and his second wife, Tephanie de Gran the princes of The Great Gran.

Aiden and Liam came to a stop in front of The King but Tephanie walked forward and hugged him with excitement asking "Where is mother? Where is she? Did I get a younger brother or a younger sister? I have already told you and mother that I want a younger brother so that I can play with him and when he grows up I can order him around just like brother order me around heheheheh...….."

The atmosphere of the hall instantly became brighter due to this energetic laughter of this young girl who was always doted upon by his father as even if she broke the decorum of the hall no one said anything to her, this should be kept in mind that even Liam is not allowed to do so in front of the king and he will be punished for doing so.

"You will found out soon enough my little girl, we will soon found out...." He repeated this sentence twice just to make himself believe that there is still hope for his child due to the fact that reproduction ability of human severely decreases with increase in their stage of cultivation and along with it increases the chance of compilations during delivery of infant as the body of female might consider the child as a foreign object thus completely causing harm to the child.

"Tephanie please maintain the decorum of the hall and consider your image as the princes of The Great Gran as well as the dignity of The King" said Liam as he looked at his naive little sister but was soon scolded by his father "You should shut up, whatever she wants to do she can do as she is my daughter"

The King wanted to say some more but was halt from saying so due to sounds of rushed steps that came from the finely decorated closed doors and soon the door and opened without any sound but words of maid that walked cause an effect equivalent to a huge bang in their opinion " Congratulation Your Majesty, Both the child and her highness are fine. The boy born is healthy but he isn't crying for some reason"

"Hahahahaha..... Why would my son cry? He is my Drake de Gran's Son why would he cry?" A laughter that shocked the whole hall came from The King.

The whole group had a wry smile on their faces as The King was acting hysterical due to his happiness without a shred of his usual dignified Kingly aura.

"What are you waiting for let's go see him. Let's go see my son" he roared but before he can start moving someone beat him to it.

"I will play with him first only then you will have him, ok" the voice came from the running figure of Tephanie as she bolted into the room behind the door like a squirrel.

"No, you won't… … ."Liam roared as he too bolted towards the room and left Aiden there with a twitching smile on his face.

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