A War Between Spies

Chapter 1004: Why are you so fast?

As a person who created records, Yang Yi did not feel anything big.

As usual, I drove the plane in the sky for a turn. After landing, I was ready to take off again. It was Yang Yi who was flying for a few hours.

Of course, this is still somewhat different from conceit. Although Yang Yi feels that the flight is very simple, he must still be serious and careful. He is not the kind of character that feels invincible after entering the door.

After flying for four or five hours and going back to the house for a while, Yang Yi had to continue to practice his slap.

In fact, it is not practiced. It is to correct your correct posture with a casual attitude and find his most comfortable posture.

Others practice in order to be able to practice their postures correctly. Yang Yi is to practice the correct posture as random, but the purpose is the same, that is, in order to be able to play the standard, this is called the same way.

Still casually playing, but only the second time to come to the shooting range, Yang Yi's tactics of shooting with the edge has been clearly visible.

Ben was busy with his own business, but there were fewer and fewer people waiting for the shooting range. When he had leisure time, he came to Yang Yi and looked a few times, but he was extremely shocked: "So fast!"

Yang Yi had earmuffs, so he didn't hear what was said behind him, so he went back and took off his earmuffs and said, "Is there any problem?"

This face is unbelievable: "It’s just two days, can you just play it?"

Yang Yi didn't feel anything. He felt that he was no different from yesterday. But when he heard this judgment, he was very happy and a little excited, so he took the target paper back and looked at the bullet hole above.

Now Yang Yi is too lazy to change the target paper. A target paper will continue to be used as long as it has not been completely smashed. Now there are at least 200 bullets on the target paper, and the entire target paper has been broken. .

It can be clearly seen that the closer the target paper is to the intermediate position, the more the bullet holes are, until the bullet holes and the bullet holes are connected.

When I was playing yesterday, the bullet holes were evenly distributed on the entire target paper. Today, the bullet hole is close to the middle position, but it is not progressing.

It seems that this gunshot method is indeed effective, not bad.

Ben took the target paper of Yang Yi, and then he was very surprised: "How do you do it?"

"You taught me."

"I mean how can you do this so quickly?"

Yang Yi shrugged: "I just want to find the right way. I don't care what I do."

Ben said for a while, said: "But this is shooting, shooting is very test of gun feeling, this is not the skill you know will be mastered soon, you started to change the way to shoot yesterday, you can achieve this effect today. This is not normal."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if it's normal or not. It's important to make progress."

"But it's not right! How can you practice so fast?"

"I said that……"

"I know you said it, but what you said is unreasonable!"

Yang Yi was helpless, so he smiled at the bitterness: "What do you want me to say?"

This is still a bit worried, after a while, he suddenly said: "Are you a genius?"

"But so."

"But how could you be so bad before you were a genius?"

"The method is wrong. You taught me the right way. My progress is great."

"But even if you find the right way, the method that suits you, it shouldn't be so fast."

Yang Yi understands that this is a bit of a rib, and the same problem is turned over and over again, and it will never be clear again.

"Hey, you should be a special genius. If nothing happens, I want to continue practicing."

This is still a look of wonder, he looked at the target paper, said to himself: "This is not reasonable, this is not right, it should not be like this, I understand! I understand!"

Yang Yi said with some wonder: "What do you understand?"

"You have mastered this method before, you always have it, but you pretend not, is it like this?"

Yang Yi cried, he was very helpless: "Is that necessary? I have that need!"

Ben continued to worry, then he suddenly said: "You still have nothing?"

"Do you mean shooting? I don't know how to explain... I have a lot of things that I don't know, and I don't know how to do it."

Ben took a breath, then he hurriedly said: "Can you hit a few targets at the same time? Then each can be accurate, irregular, not in order, playing random targets, can you?"

"Yes, but there is no accuracy at all..."

"So can you shoot when you are struggling? For example, when you are running, or when you are avoiding, you shoot with a pistol?"

"Of course, but the problem is the same, it must be inaccurate."

The standard shooting position, the most favorable shooting environment, there is very little opportunity to encounter in the actual combat, most of the time the gun battle has a rush, it is the kind of need to run while playing, or doing other things, Shooting while shooting.

If Yang Yi can do this, he will not have to practice again.

In accordance with the principle of learning to walk, Yang Yi has not systematically trained the essentials of sports shooting, because he can't stand and fight, but also run.

Ben thought for a while, then he suddenly said: "Can you move it? There are ten target paths here. Now we only have two of them. Can you move the gun back and forth before the target? I will let you hit you. Hit, you can stop and run, let me see how your sports shooting level?"

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "Okay, let's come."

Whether it is because of curiosity or not, because he is full of nothing to do, he wants to agree with Yang Yi.

"Ready, start, shoot!"

Yang Yi just ran forward, and suddenly he shouted a shot, so he immediately took the gun with one hand and a shot to the right.

There is no accidental off-target.

"Don't stop, continue running, running, shooting!"

Yang Yi was a shot again, and the result was still unexpectedly off target~www.readwn.com~ suddenly and slowly, after repeating this five times, Yang Yi did not hit the target, let alone hit a few rings. .

"It's really bad. You won't shoot if you move it. Hey, most people are like you, but some people can shoot the target accurately when they are running."

Yang Yidao: "Yeah, I know, then do you know how to practice?"

This face is curious: "Or else you should practice this. I want to see how long you can do it. As for how to practice it... Hey, you still have to see how I do it."

Ben picked up a gun, 9 mm in diameter, and then he pointed to Yang Yidao: "When I am bored, I will use it as a playground, playing with various methods that I can think of, because there is no other here. The toy is like this."

Ben ran up. He ran and shot, and fired a total of ten shots. Then every target he hit was on the target. That is, if he was shooting in the middle of a run, then he Hit it.

Yang Yi began to applaud. He sincerely said: "This, you are really amazing!"

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