A War Between Spies

Chapter 102: It turns out that I can play like this.

Suddenly saw the knife, Yang Yi was really shocked, but his movements were not slow.

After the hair came first, before the person in front of him stabbed the knife, Yang Yi’s arm stretched and punched the black man’s eyes, then he raised his foot and kicked it on the black man’s knee. When the black man dumped forward, Yang Yijun made another punch in the position of his temple.

噼 啪 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The people all fell to the ground.

It’s really harder to fight than training. Yang Yi’s physical fitness can’t be said to be particularly strong, but it’s certainly not weak, but he’s still snoring and snoring.

Every day, Zhang Yong’s confrontation was very miserable. Yang Yi didn’t know how powerful he was now. At this time, watching the black man lying on the ground in front of him can only call for pain, Yang Yi The child is stunned.

There must be at least a dozen people on the ground, and Yang Yi himself was shocked.

"I rely! I can play this way?"

Just a surprise, Yang Yi felt a sudden pain in his back, but when he turned around, he found no one behind him.

Yang Yi just turned around, the chest was once again severe pain, then his legs, so Yang Yi immediately fell involuntarily.

"Your Majesty! Don't move! Want to take a gun right? Do you want to take a gun? Whoever moves me will shoot!"

A prison guard screamed wildly. He stood at the height of the canteen and pointed his gun at Yang Yi with his companion.

This is a prison, and it is the prison area where the heavy prisoners are held in the Tsuen Wan Prison. As soon as the riots occur, the prison guards will shoot without hesitation.

Of course, the prison guards will first use rubber bullets to warn the shooting, and will not directly hit people with real bullets. In that case, Yang Yi is now dead.

Although it is a rubber bullet, it is really painful to hit someone, and it hurts.

It is said that the rubber bullet hits the person and hurts more than the real bullet. Because the rubber bullet can't penetrate the skin, the kinetic energy is all applied to the skin, and the pain is more painful than the wound that the real bullet penetrates.

Yang Yi hurts only want to roll, but the prison guard has already warned, and also robbed, if you move again, you may actually lick a few rubber bullets, so Yang Yi does not dare to move.

The blacks are still mourning, and a black man yells at his right arm with his left hand: "Doctor! Doctor! Take me to the doctor! My arm is broken! My arm is broken, ah! It hurts me." !"

A lot of prison guards rushed over with shields and batons, but they didn't have to control the situation because the fight was over.

But the first rushing prison guard was still on the back of Yang Yi and his thighs.

"Stop! Don't fight, enough!"

Yang Yi can now knock down the prison guard in front of him without any difficulty, but it must be that he did not pick up the rubber bullets, but he will never even play because it is in prison.

If you are murderous, then you can only go to other prisoners and dare to fight the prison guards. That is really over.

Yang Yi had a good meal, who made the matter pick him up, but he just shouted subconsciously, and even the prison guard who beat him really stopped.

Looking at Yang Yi, who was squatting at his feet, and the prison guard sighed out loudly, then loudly said: "Take away, take them all away!"

After more than four months, Yang Yi had to see Owen again.

Yang Yi has been waiting for a long time, at least two hours. During this period, two prison guards have been watching him, but when the two prison guards looked at him, although the eyes were really unfriendly, they did not hit him. Didn't marry him.

Yang Yi still feels amazed. How can the prison guard not pack him?

It’s not Yang Yi’s skin itching, but the prisoner who dares to find things and dare to get into trouble in the prison. Usually he will be repaired, so he just has a few squats and it’s okay. This kind of thing is not very good. Normal, okay.

Finally, Owen, who was angry, arrived.

"Put him in the chair, both of you go out!"

Irving looks very upset, and his face is slowly writing anger.

"I warned you not to ask me for trouble! Fuck! Do you really think that this is where you can do whatever you want? Then you are wrong! Wrong!"

Owen couldn’t wait to start yelling at Yang Yi. He went to Yang Yi’s body and looked at the fierce road: “The seventeen people were all injured. Two of them were broken and the two noses were broken. There are still four dislocated, you can play it right? You can play it!"

Yang Yi apologized and said: "I think that 20,000 US dollars is a very good number, what do you think?"

Owen stunned, then he quickly pulled down his face and whispered: "You plan... no, it's useless!"

Yang Yi looked around and then he whispered: "There are two of us here. I think there is a little contradiction between the prisoners. A very common conflict has occurred. Is this kind of thing too normal?"

Irving’s face was ugly, but he didn’t roar again.

“Is it normal? They need to go to the hospital! This massive beating must be investigated, you think...”

"Sir, do you think that $30,000 is a good number? I really like this number, what about you?"

Owen snorted again, then he walked back and sat down in his chair, calmly saying: "I prefer the number 50,000."

Yang Yi apologetically smiled and said: "Three thousand, 30,000 is good, this is a very common fight, no dead, no serious injury, so 30,000 is very good."

Owen calmly said: "Three thousand ~ www.readwn.com ~ sounds pretty good, but I like my own 30,000, do not like others."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "There is an account that is 30,000 that you like."

"When can I have the 30,000 I like?"

"Well, I will call."

Owen breathed a sigh of relief, then he looked at Yang Yidao: "Why are you coming in? If you can take out 30,000 pieces, you should not enter this prison."

Yang Yi smiled very softly and said: "Of course there is a reason. I can use one opportunity to come in and have money to make it. It is better than having to commit a crime and then convicting before you can come in. What do you think?"

Owen calmly said: "What do you want to do? Tell me what you want to do!"

Yang Yijue’s Chris’s words are quite reasonable. During this time he was very busy and forgot Chris, but now when he needs to lie, he remembers Chris’s tricks.

Just treat the object you want to lie as a fool.

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