A War Between Spies

Chapter 1031: wise

"It’s great to be able to come. It’s a headache for me during this time. Well, you didn’t tell Xiao Yu and Kate to come to New York? You didn’t tell them what you are doing right?”

Looking at the slightly nervous Yang Yi, Anton smiled and said: "Of course."

Yang Yi sighed and said with a smile: "It’s too much trouble. I feel that I am doing things with my hands. In fact, things are not very difficult, but I can’t use the power of water organizations, and I can’t borrow the power of CIA. I have only two people in my hand, one of them is a rookie in the spy, no, not even a spy."

Anton looked indifferently: "Is this a complaint?"

"Yes, it is just a few complaints."

Anton shrugged: "Excuse me, I have never seen a living spy like you, so you really have nothing to complain about."

Yang Yi looked helplessly: "My living environment is very relaxed? Man, you must be telling a joke."

"Isn't it? The CIA has become part of the two factions who are pulling you, the cleaners are responsible for you, the gray people want to draw you, and they can be drawn by all the forces at the same time. Isn't that enough?"

Yang Yi bitterly said: "But if any party feels that I am not reliable, turning my face will kill me, man, how many people want to pull me now, which means how many people want to kill me, well, we Don't talk about this topic, it's all I'm looking for."

Sighed, Yang Yi whispered: "Now I am very careful about what I do, try to reduce the contact with you, so tell me, how is our plan going?"

“Very smooth and extremely smooth. After you entered the CIA, the cleaners and the gray people tolerated the legacy of our eating of the contract, basically...”

Antonton paused, and then he smiled: "We have got the legal legacy of the contract, and we are currently undergoing restructuring. Soon Steve can fulfill his wish, that is to become the CEO of a group, but this Wait for you to settle Nicholas, or if Steve dares to show up, he will be prepared to deal with endless assassinations."

Yang Yi listened to the nod, and Anton was a turn of the word, said: "You intend to take it yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you going to personally get the woman named Petra? Although I have a lot to deal with women, although you called me from Europe to New York, I don't think you will let me do the job. You need to show yourself in front of Aaron. You need to show your ability. The most important thing is that you are planning to take Kate and Xiao Yu, so I can't do everything for you, right?"

Lying is meaningless. Anton has already said the reason, and Yang Yi has nothing to hide.

"Oh, actually, I am going to practice my hand..."

Anton smiled and said: "I guess so, but give you a advice, you intend to pursue a woman, and then use the means used by this woman to deal with the woman who loves, huh, you will regret it."

Yang Yi could not help but nervously: "What do you mean?"

"You invested, you can't extricate yourself, do you think you control everything? No, in the end, you will find yourself in a strange circle, and you can't jump out of it. The foreseeable future is that you like a woman, and you Still don't know how to get the two before."

"I didn't intend to really like my goal!"

Anton looked at his wise smile. He looked at Yang Yi and said slowly: "You don't know what kind of person you are, but I know that you are passionate and can't make decisions. You are trapped in secular rules. But I don't want to be bound by the rules of the world. If you can't treat feelings like me, then you'd better not play with fire."

Hell, Yang Yi actually thinks that Anton is very reasonable. He even thinks that Anton’s prophecy is very likely to come true.

"what should I do?"

Yang Yi is very upset. He wants to push this difficult and simple task to Anton. It is really simple, but it will make him lose the opportunity to prove himself to Aaron in the shortest time.

Anton sighed and said: "When can you realize that love is a luxury for you, not a necessity?"

"This answer is completely meaningless."

Anton continued to smile: "You are trapped by your feelings, then your question will never be answered. When are you no longer trapped by feelings, your problem will no longer be a problem, well, I will come in the shortest time. Not to discuss your feelings, now let's start doing business."

"The right thing... Now I have two men, one of them is still capable. We have already figured out Petra’s residence, but more detailed information needs to be investigated. In order to facilitate you, I will send them both. Going to monitor Petra, I don't know if I have been monitored, I can only be sure that our conversation will not be eavesdropped by anyone."

After that, Yang Yi took out a small box from his pocket and whispered: "The CIA's jammer blocks the transmission of all electronic signals. The most important thing is to find sound waves, even if someone uses the sound wave to eavesdrop in the distance. Will be disturbed."

Anton smiled: "CIA likes to think about these things, you should get a lot of equipment."

"Yes, very advanced equipment."

Put the box back in his pocket, Yang Yi Shen said: "In the future, when we talk, we don't open the interference, don't talk about any sensitive topics. Now say back to business, do you have any suggestions for my task?"

Anton shook his head: "First of all, I have to understand Petra this woman ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yang Yi immediately said: "There is very complete information. ”

"No, no, don't know a person, it's okay to look at the information. The best way for me is the only way to talk face to face with this woman. You give me a bunch of background information. Let me talk to her for five minutes."

Yang Yi frowned: "Is always a little understanding of her background?"

"My understanding of people is emotional, not rational, understand? When KGB analyzes a person, it is divided into two genres. Some people evaluate a person by reading materials, and some people make observations and talks through face-to-face. Evaluation, of course, there are people who combine the two for comprehensive evaluation, but I am emotional, and need to communicate with people. Simply put, I can't understand a woman through paper on paper. It is not what I am good at. ""

Yang Yi Shen said: "I am going to contact Petra, but I listen to your command, what do you let me do, I will do it."

Anton smiled: "If you can't even make a woman who likes it, and try to get a strange woman to give up the marriage contract for you, this is not self-confidence but stupid narcissism, so you made a very wise decision."

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