A War Between Spies

Chapter 1033: No

Yang Yi was waiting in his hotel room. The cleaning union sent people to contact him, but whoever would come, this Yang Yi did not know.

Waiting for a long time, what I said during the day, no one came at nine o'clock in the evening.

Just as Yang Yi couldn’t help but wonder if something went wrong. When it was time to contact again, someone finally knocked on the door. Yang Yi went to open the door. He thought it would be room service, but the person who came here did. It was his expectation.

At the door stood a beautiful woman, impeccable beauty from all angles.

Blonde, at least one meter tall and tall, is barefoot more than one meter eight, and is absolutely proud of his body, wearing a halter skirt.

For a moment, Yang Yi felt that the whole world was dark, because all the light was concentrated on the woman in front of him.


It was a temptation to raise his hand, and the woman at the door turned slightly at Yang Yi and smiled and said: "I am Michelle."

So for a moment, not only did the whole world lose its brilliance, but Yang Yi only felt that his brain was blank.

"Oh, hey, hello, you are... please come in."

Yang Yi took a step to the side, and the woman with the figure and face and the gestures were all supermodels.

Yang Yi gently closed the door, the woman walked to the middle of the room, turned and smiled at Yang Yi, and immediately said: "Overnight, $40,000."

For a moment, Yang Yi felt that the whole world was dark again.

Although the lights in the room are very bright, Yang Yi really feels like the lights have lost their effect.

"How old are you?"

After Yang Yi blurted out, she felt that her problem was really stupid. He didn't know why he wanted to ask this. It should be that he really didn't know what to say now.

The woman who claimed to be Michelle snorted, and then she smiled unnaturally: "19 years old."

Yang Yi took a deep breath, and then Michelle whispered again: "Forty thousand dollars, can you accept it?"

Yang Yi took a moment, then he subconsciously said: "I can accept it."

Michelle smiled, then she put her bag on the table.

In the middle of the room, Michelle removed her short skirt, then she smiled at Yang Yi: "I am going to take a shower."

Yang Yizhen’s look, there is a blank in his mind.

No, if it’s sent by the cleaners, it’s time to say the secret code, but if it’s not sent by the cleaners, what is the honey snow?

When Yang Yi was wondering, Michelle stood at the door of the bathroom and suddenly said, "Oh, bad, I lost something."

Yang Yi is a spirit, said: "What is it baby?"

"Safety measures, my boss handed it to me, I seem to be lost."

"It doesn't matter, I have."

"I like green."

"It doesn't matter what color."

After all the whispers were right, Yang Yi didn't know whether it was happy or depressed.

This blonde ocean horse was sent by the cleaners, yes.

Yang Yi also thinks that this whisper should be used in any situation, but he now understands that the cleaner has sent someone who really did not think of him.

Yang Yi stood in the same place, groaning in his head, and then he heard the sound of the current.

After a while, Michelle wrapped herself out with a bath towel, and then she used an unbearable business: "Do you want to wash it together?"

Yang Yi instinctively refused, because he couldn't hold it anymore, but at this moment, he found that Michelle was beckoning.

Yang Yi bowed his head and said loudly: "Okay!"

Yang Yi, who dared not look up, walked to Michelle's side, then he followed Michelle and came to the shower.

The water was very big, and Michelle was wrapped in a bath towel. She reached out to Yang Yi and made a gesture of stopping. She pointed to the clothes of Yang Yi.

Yang Yi cried, he sighed a few times, pulled a bath towel, and then went back to the bedroom to take off his clothes, then wrapped in a bath towel into the shower.

Michelle put her mouth in the ear of Yang Yi and whispered: "We did a thorough background investigation of this hotel today and found no abnormalities."

Yang Yi whispered: "I choose the hotel."

Michelle is still whispering: "The boss told me to tell you, be cautious, if there is a problem, there will be countless people dying."

"I know, I am very cautious..."

Yang Yi will say that Michelle is whispering: "Have you checked all your belongings? If not, then you should take off your clothes and come in again."

Yang Yi cried, and he turned slightly over the body. He whispered: "I checked it. Can you say something faster?"

"You have a nosebleed..."

Yang Yi put his head under the shower, let the water calm himself down, and whispered: "Are you a messenger?"


"Tell your boss, I am now a CIA person, and I help the management office, investigate Aaron, cough, Aaron recruit me, progress is good, now I help Aaron perform a task, the task content is... ..."

Yang Yi said that he couldn’t go any longer. He reached out and changed the hot water into cold water. Then he put his head under the shower again and rushed for a while. He was so cold that he smothered the water on his face. Whispered: "Why send you here!"

Michelle did not answer, Yang Yi turned around and looked at the wall, whispered: "My task is to destroy the marriage contract of the president of the Bank of America, Petra, and the successor of the Medellon consortium, Carlson. I don't know. Reason, please tell this to your boss."


Yang Yi’s memory has never been so bad as it is today. After careful and serious recollection, he whispered: “Nothing else, I hope to establish a channel that is convenient to contact at any time. Your boss."

"Good~www.readwn.com~ Well, that, you can go."

Michelle whispered: "We have investigated this hotel without problems, but do you confirm that the tenants living here have no problem? The consequences of no problems are that nothing will happen, but there are problems and you and me There are many mistakes in contact, and many people will die."

Yang Yi is a bit dumbfounded. He whispers: "What do you mean?"

"40,000 dollars is the price of overnight."

Yang Yi whispered: "Is that you are not going tonight? This can't be done, hey, um, that..."

After hesitating for a long time, Yang Yi finally got the courage and whispered to Michelle: "Really... can... can..."

"You have a nosebleed."

Yang Yi quickly turned and squeezed his nose with his hand. Then he listened to Michelle and smiled softly: "Tell you an unfortunate news, the answer is no."

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