A War Between Spies

Chapter 1045: Sixth sense

Because there have been too many witnesses of various UFOs from ancient times to today, even the great poet Su Shi of the Song Dynasty had a UFO witness experience. He also wrote a poem for this.

"When the river was born, the moon was dark, and the second month was dark. The river seemed to have a torch, and the flames were like a bird." Jiang Shen sees the police and I am stubborn."

Yang Yi can certainly recite it for this poem about Jinshan Temple, but he is not interested in things like aliens and UFOs.

Why, because even if there are aliens, but they have been passed for so many years, I haven’t seen how aliens have made people on earth.

If everything is fake and everything is rumored, then don't worry or pay attention to it.

But Petra is concerned, especially Aaron has even come up with the files that the KGB has circulated, which shows that they are concerned.

Petra’s thoughts are not important, but although Aaron has helped to forge some so-called evidence, it does not mean that he is interested in aliens. Maybe the files eventually flow into the CIA’s archives, and they are finally taken away. Come out and use it.

But is this really just a coincidence?

In the subconscious, Yang Yi always felt that the appearance of these photos was somewhat coincidental, but it really made him say what was wrong, but he could not say it.

What else can I do? I can only put it aside.

After throwing doubts into the head, Yang Yi continued to prepare for Petra again. The clothes had to be changed, and they had to be bought, but fortunately, only the clothes were prepared this time, which is relatively simple.

Since I have to buy clothes, of course, I have to call Bonnie. There is no special reason. It is just that since Yang Yi has this beauty around, it is not unreasonable to leave her alone and ignore it.

Coupled with shopping, bringing a beautiful woman is also in line with the image that Yang Yi is now showing.

Yang Yi drove himself to pick up Bonnie. He didn't go to Bonnie's house, just called.

After Bonnie got on the bus, Yang Yi felt that her eyes were wrong, and Bonnie also made a very hidden gesture.

"Can you say, what happened?"

Bonnie whispered: "Someone is investigating me."

Yang Yi thought for a moment, then he whispered: "Investigate those aspects."

"My family background, in addition... I feel like someone is following me, but just feeling that I have no evidence."

Yang Yi frowned and said: "Tracking? Tracking is serious. Did you find anything?"

Bonnie whispered: "I don't have any protection personnel around me. If someone secretly protects or monitors, don't you think the risk of exposure is too great?"

Yang Yi sighed and said: "Is your intuition accurate?"

"I don't know, the first time I feel like being watched."

There is no evidence, just feeling, or intuition. When Yang Yi will never ignore what Bonnie said, the correct choice is to treat the illusory feeling as the fact that has already happened. This is what the spy should have. Attitude, after all, they are not shooting horror movies.

"It’s said that the sixth sense of a woman is very accurate. We should feel right when you are right. If someone monitors you, what do they want from you? In fact, your identity and experience are impeccable. But this still doubts you, then the problem is serious."

Bonnie is very serious: "Yes, very serious, I have already reported this news."

"How to say?"

"Continue to observe and be careful."

If you arrange manual protection or carry out anti-monitoring around Bonnie, it is very likely that the flaws will be revealed, but the cleaner's reply is too casual. Be careful, that is, you can't get the help of the cleaner. chant.

But now it is not too over-stressed. After all, even if someone monitors Bonnie, it is not worth making a fuss, as long as Bonnie does not show any flaws here.

"Then...be careful, you know how to deal with it, right?"

Yang Yi looked at Bonnie, and Bonnie nodded and said, "Of course."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "I am going to a party, a reception, and I don't know what the identity of the people attending the reception, but I want to attract the attention of a woman, try to let her produce more for me. Good feelings, so what advice do you have for my work?"

Bonnie didn't look at Yang Yi. She just whispered: Everyone has their own eyes. If you want me to give you advice, I can only match clothes for the style that most young women will appreciate. ”

"The daughter of the banker, Petra Roy."

"Understood, then, it looks a little younger."

There is nothing to say, so Yang Yi will no longer talk to Bonnie because he doesn’t know what to say.

With Bonnie selling clothes, then Yang Yi was not a gentleman, let Bonnie go back alone, but he returned to the hotel with the clothes he had just bought. He just got a call from Petra when he arrived at the hotel. .

It’s no surprise that Petra called, she had to formally invite Yang Yi, at least to specify the time and place.

"Hello, I am Petra, I hope this call didn't bother you."

Yang Yi is not too enthusiastic. He smiles and says, "Oh, of course not. I am very happy to receive your call."

Petra whispered: "My father made some friends to meet at the home of Long Island. It was just a small-scale reception. It will be tomorrow at 7 pm, I hope you will be able to attend the show."

Petra has made it very clear that this is her father’s reception, not her own party, and why she wants to see Yang Yi at her father’s reception. The biggest one is that Petra wants to see Yang very much. Yi said the evidence ~www.readwn.com~ but she does not want to meet Yang Yi privately, then it is a good opportunity to meet with her father's reception.

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "Of course, I will definitely go tomorrow."

Petra is very happy: "Great, I will send you the detailed address by text message, then we will see you tomorrow."

"see you tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone, knocking on Ferguson's door, waiting for Ferguson to open the door, Yang Yi holding his clothes, whispered: "You guessed it, tomorrow's reception is Petra's father, I I want to have a great chance to stay with Petra alone."

Ferguson smiled and said: "Unsurprisingly, it seems that you have a great chance tomorrow, oh, why didn't Miss Bonnie come back with you?"

Yang Yi disapproved of saying: "How can I let her come at this critical moment? Please, just play in your spare time. Do you really think that I can't do without her? I have to start preparing and give me the perfume. Take it out."

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