A War Between Spies

Chapter 1052: flagrant

Back in the hotel, in the eyes of St. Regis, Yang Yi said faintly: "The mission has been completed in half."

"How do you do it? We know that you brought her back to the hotel last night, but it is too fast, how do you do it?"

Yang Yi smiled, then he said with a light face: "It's very simple, personal charm, just like this guys, I have to go back and make up, I was really crazy last night."

Yang Yi wants to go back to his room, but he suddenly stopped and said: "In order to celebrate, I will treat you tonight. I can't always be here and you can only wait."

No more words, Yang Yi returned to his room, now the room has been cleaned up, he lay down on the bed, and soon went to sleep.

I feel that my body has been hollowed out, but this makes Yang Yi sleep very well.

When I woke up in the evening, Yang Yi called Ferguson and St. Regis, and they had dinner together at a famous restaurant near the hotel.

While eating, Yang Yi’s cell phone rang. He looked at it and found that the phone was called by Bonnie.

Yang Yi frowned and displeased: "Women are troubles, they always don't know when they should not appear."

But Yang Yi still connected the phone, then he sighed: "Hey, what."

"Dear, I have had some trouble, I think I have to move."

Bonnie’s voice sounded very anxious. Yang Yi frowned again and said, “Say slowly, what happened?”

"Can I talk to you later? I am really anxious now, I can't wait any longer."

Yang Yi frowned again, then he sighed: "Need to pick you up?"

"If I can, I am grateful..."

Yang Yi put down his mobile phone. He pointed to Ferguson. "There are some problems with Bonnie. It seems that something bad happened. You can help me pick her up. If you find something unusual, don't worry. Work on it and try to figure out what it is."

Ferguson’s meal was not finished yet, but he wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up and nodded: “Understand.”

Ferguson left, and St. Regis looked at Yang Yidao: "What happened?"

Yang Yi shrugged: "It's a big thing for Bonnie. It's a trivial matter for us, because... I can choose no matter, haha, eat."

Yang Yifeng ate the meal lightly, then he and St. Regis returned to the hotel, but after entering his room, Yang Yi, who had nothing to do with it, was like a personal change.

If Bonnie had something to do, how could it be a trivial matter? Since Bonnie took the initiative to call him and used it to seek help from this eager tone, it must have been something really happening.

Yang Yi picked up the radio he contacted Anton. After it was turned on, he whispered: "Alarm."

Just say a word, Yang Yi immediately put the headphones into his ears.

About an hour later, the door was knocked. After Yang Yi went to open the door, she saw Bonnie standing at the door, and Ferguson stood behind her.

Seeing Yang Yi, Bonnie grabbed his neck directly and then immediately cried out.

Yang Yi took an impatience on Bonnie's back and said, "Come in, don't cry."

After pushing Bonnie into the room, Yang Yi looked at Ferguson. Ferguson stepped forward and whispered in his ear: "It seems that the Russian mafia stared at him. When I picked her up, there was a Russian black hand outside the apartment. The party’s people, last time I killed the boss who controlled Bonnie, but Bonnie’s woman was of high value and she was targeted by other gangs.”

Yang Yi sighed softly and said: "Just like this? Ok, I know."

Ferguson nodded and turned to leave, but Yang Yi immediately stopped him and said: "Man, call Mark, you know."

Closing the door, Yang Yi looked at Bonnie, who was still weeping in the middle of the living room. She said impatiently: "What is so good to cry, what are you afraid of when I am here?"

Bonnie was crying, her face was very scared, and then she hugged Yang Yi again.

"If you don't have me, I really don't know what to do, thank you! Thank you, no one will help me, only you can help me."

Bonnie cried very sadly, so Yang Yi knew that the problem was serious.

If Bonnie is not being watched, she will not be so realistic at this time.

When holding Yang Yi, Bonnie pressed two times at Yang Yi's back waist, so Yang Yi let go of Bonnie, turned around, and looked at Bonnie's clothes.

There is a small thread-like thing in the back of the dress. Bonnie wore a black coat. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to find a miniature bug.

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then he said impatiently: "What happened."

"Someone called me, someone I don't know. He wants me to work for them. Otherwise I will kill me. I want to go home, but I don't dare go home. Can you let me be with you?" Dear, I don't want money, I just want to follow you..."

Bonnie cried again. Her request was the request of the cleaner. Yang Yi could not agree, but he must not categorically refuse until he figured out what happened.

"I am very busy."

"I won't bother you..."

When talking to Bonnie in an impatient tone, Yang Yi made a gesture, meaning when he was found to have a bug on his body.

Bonnie’s answer is that I don’t know. I can’t explain it now. It’s impossible to explain things clearly by gesture.

Yang Yi hugged Bonnie, and then he sighed: "Go to the bath first."

Just grab a hand and get the bug, but Yang Yi can't do it, so he is very upset now.

Leaving the coat in the living room, Yang Yi and Bonnie entered the bathroom together. When Yang Yi felt that he could talk, he held Binnie and then pointed her hair.

Bonnie’s face was ugly at once.

The hair was tied, and if it wasn't for Yang Yi's eyes, he couldn't even see the bug that was inserted in his hair.

Who is it, dare to listen to Bonnie in this almost warning way.

Yang Yi laughed~www.readwn.com~ Then he said very contemptuously: "It's washed together."

Bonnie’s body was a bit stiff, and after a big fight last night, Yang Yi was not a first brother, so his body was not as stiff as Bonnie, but the psychological obstacles were really big because he didn’t want to be Something happens when listening.

Looking at Yang Yi’s warning eyes, Bonnie was very clever and said: “Okay.”

When Yang Yi was holding Bonnie into the bathroom, she made a long sigh.

Yang Yi didn't want to pretend to be a victim. He just had his body hollowed out. Also, what happened next was not his active control, and it was really painful.

But the main thing is that Yang Yi always thinks that Aaron is monitoring and investigating Bonnie, but now Bonnie is almost blatantly monitored, and Yang Yi thinks that Aaron will not do this, then the problem is coming, who is Listening to Bonnie?


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