A War Between Spies

Chapter 1075: help me

If it was before, Yang Yi knew that he could dig up more than one billion yuan by using the super-calculation bitcoin, and he had to happily pick it up.

More than 100 million US dollars, not a decimal, but the problem is that Yang Yi is now holding more than 10 billion, and naturally he is not so excited about more than 100 million.

But it is still a good thing, because it means that the network intelligence center of the water organization not only plays a huge role, but also makes money.

This is called unintentional willows.

And bitcoin can be more and more digging, this price, it should be higher and higher, then naturally have to be retained.

The work report is almost the same. Then naturally I have to talk about Yang Yi’s current pressing situation. He cleared his throat and said: “Now Nicholas is looking for a killer. This killer is very powerful. I think he is unlikely to give up. If I can completely heal in a month, then he can, that is, I have to face the danger of being assassinated."

Anna Starkina smiled: "In the United States, he can easily find you, but here he is even a problem to find you."

Yang Yi waved: "Yes, and this killer was invited by Nicholas, then you think that if Nicholas is dead, will the killer target me?"

After a little silence for a while, Zhang Yong said: "It's hard to say that if Nicholas has paid the full amount, then Nicholas is dead, the killer has to kill you, of course, if he has professional ethics, but in general No one will prepay the full amount to the killer. No matter how big the fame is, pay half of it and pay half of it afterwards. This is the rule that the killer generally follows, so I think, as long as Nicholas is dead, the threat of the killer will naturally disappear."

Anton nodded: "I agree with Zhang Yong that Nicholas is dead, and you are naturally fine."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Very good, then we will come to a thief to sneak the king first, come to the bottom of the salary, since we have the same opinion, then I will not make any arrangements for the killer, just be careful, I think Within a month, he didn't want to be able to act. In this case, we should have killed Nicholas."

Anna Starkina said: "I think it is possible to join forces with the big Ivan, which is much less expensive than our own hands-on, but there is a problem. If we join forces with the big Ivan, will it stimulate the CIA? ?"

Yang Yi sighed and said: "This is a problem. The CIA has abandoned Nicholas. If we fight with Nicholas, the CIA will only watch and even help us, but if we join forces with the big Ivan, the meaning will be different. It is."

Anna Starkina said: "I don't know why, the United States and Ivan have stopped, but it is certain that this is a shame for the United States. It is also a shame for the CIA. What failures they must suffer, I have to give up the idea of ​​completely eradicating Ivan."

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "It is impossible to join hands with the joint hand, but we don't have to tie up with the big Yiwan. It is best for Da Yiwan to start with Nicholas. We wait to be cheaper behind, but the problem is Da Yi. Why don’t you stop getting to Nicholas?”

"Maybe they can't make it out now."

Yang Yi scratched his head and said: "You can't just think about this kind of beauty, or rely on yourself better, deploy it, start making the final preparations, don't set any specific time, but everything is ready immediately. Action, in addition, there is one more important thing, that is..."

Everyone was waiting for Yang Yi to say, but Yang Yi had some stuck, and after a moment of pause, he finally continued: "I came back with a person, she called Bonnie, who is there and me. Contact person, this everyone should have already made it clear, what I want to say is, hehe... what should we do with her?"

"Oh, that woman."

The atmosphere began to get a little subtle, only Anna Starkina was unaffected: "How are you going to treat her?"

Yang Yi said: "This woman, um, her role is very important, her attitude will directly affect the attitude of the cleaners to us, so the relationship must of course be done, but how to treat her, I haven’t thought about it yet, show her all the secrets to her without reservation, or try not to let her see any important secrets of us?”

Anna Starkina did not hesitate to say: "Let's go with the flow."

“Let it be natural?”

"Yes, there is no need to take the initiative to show our secrets to her, but there is no need to show them to her. I will take her wherever you go. The most important thing is not to let her down."

Yang Yi lived, then he whispered: "No, what does this sentence mean?"

Anna Starkina smiled and said: "She looks at your eyes differently, and I caught it. I don't really believe that I can attack her. Of course, we don't need to attack her. What we need is that she can say water organization. When you are very good and outstanding, you will say that you are extremely good. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I mean, of course, I understand, but why am I taking her with me?"

Anna Starkina smiled and said: "Because you have to occupy all her time and vision, she can see you, I won't think too much about other things. If she can't see you, she will think about something that is unnecessary. In order to make the cleaners better evaluate us, you need to pay some sacrifices."

Yang Yi pulled the collar of the clothes and whispered: "It's okay, just this little thing. I don't feel that I have sacrificed anything."

Anna Starkina continued to smile: "I said the sacrifice, referring to... well, I said it is a bit straightforward. I hope that you can appease Kate and Xiao’s emotions. You still need me to understand more clearly. Some?"

Yang Yi doesn't talk~www.readwn.com~Why, when I came back, I rushed to summon important people to meet because Yang Yi didn't know how to face Kate and Xiao Yu. In fact, they are both together, Yang Yi When I think of meeting with Kate or Xiao Yu alone, my arms don’t hurt my legs and I don’t hurt.

"Everything is for work, and Bonnie and I have nothing..."

Yang Yi finally spoke up, and then Anna Starkina said helplessly: "There are only a few of us here, are you going to lie to me? Believe me, I can see the change in your body, and the woman The intuition is very sensitive, especially for this kind of thing."

Yang Yi said with some horror: "Can this be seen?"

Anna Starkina shrugged and said: "You should first think about how to say it. If you don't handle it well, you will not pay a small sacrifice. Well, women are not only sensitive, but also very petty."

Yang Yi subconsciously extended his hand, although he could not reach Anastakina, then he whispered: "Save me! You must save me!"

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