A War Between Spies

Chapter 1085: Accident call


Bonnie shook her head and whispered: "I didn't have a gun."

Yang Yi did not bring a gun, because he was not used to bringing a gun, and he was injured, plus there is no need to bring a gun, so he did not bring it when he went out, but now it is obvious to go back to the safe house to take the gun. Not suitable.

"Kate has a gun on his body. There are two spare guns in the car, a Glock 17 pistol and an mp7 submachine gun. Do you like that?"

Bonnie Liao thought for a moment and said: "The submachine gun is good, just as I bought a bigger bag today."

Yang Yi shrugged and smiled and said: "Take a submachine gun with you, well, it is suitable for your temperament."

"What temperament do I have?"

"Hey, like big guys."

After the talk, Yang Yi suddenly felt that she was a little contempt, so he coughed and said: "I don't know if someone will call."

Bonnie said with a blank expression: "According to the amount and the level of your payment, someone will definitely call you."

Yang Yi smiled and his phone rang.

"It’s so fast..."

Yang Yi took out his mobile phone and saw that the number above was strange. So he connected the phone and said in a gentle tone: "Hello."

Yang Yi is talking about French, but the people on the phone are Shen Sheng: "Why do you speak French?"

Yang Yi took a moment, then he whispered: "Yes... sir?"

"It's me, there is something I need to discuss with you personally."

It’s really Aaron, Yang Yi’s unnaturally coughing, said: “You please, sir.”

Aaron whispered: "I have received news that the Cicero family and the big Ivan have fought, do you know?"

"I know, sir."

"Is the identity and strength of the warring parties understood?"

"I understand, sir."

"Don't call the sir, do you have any thoughts?"

Yang Yi really didn't understand what Aaron meant, so he whispered: "There is no idea at the moment. Do you have any instructions?"

Aaron whispered: "You have been active in Europe before. I think you may have something to do with the Cicero family. Is that true?"

"Yes, of course, I have a meeting with the Cicero family."

Aaron said faintly: "The Cicero family is a very special existence. Even we often need to cooperate with them, but the special and precious thing of this family is that he is not under the control of any country, including Italy. The Cicero family is now fighting, and it is still very good, so you will not want to take the opportunity to do something."

Yang Yi swallowed and said: "Do you mean that I should take the opportunity to enter the Cicero family?"

Aaron smiled and said: "Yes, we lack a person with the right identity and reasonable excuse to intervene in the struggle of the Cicero family, but now I think you are quite suitable. I have an idea, maybe you can help me. achieve."

"You please say."

"This is the case now. Da Yiwan began to support Justin for the position of the Cicero patriarch. Although the strength of the big Ivan is strong, he can't beat the Cicero family. He can only kill Mario, but if Justin is a big Iraqi If the control is 10,000, the result will be different. We can't let the big Ivan get the Cicero family, absolutely not."

"I know."

Aaron sighed and said: "Italian capital intends to intervene in the infighting of the Cicero family. They should reach an agreement with someone of the Cicero family, but we don't know who it is."

Aaron said that there was some chaos, Yang Yi whispered: "Yes."

"Well, now, listening to me, I want you to get involved in the fight of the Cicero family, no matter what method, identity, or excuse, but you have to get involved, and you have to complete the following three tasks, First, at all costs, destroying Ivan to control the Cicero family, and second, to prevent the Cicero family from falling into the control of the Italian capital. Third, if possible, try to support a cricket that can be controlled by us. No matter who you choose to support as the patriarch of the Cicero family, I will give you all the resources you need."

Yang Yi listened to some hairpins, so he didn't speak, and Aaron continued: "Of course, if you can become the leader of the Cicero family, it is best, but unfortunately too difficult, I can not regard this as The task is for you, only to remind you that if you can, I will give you all the resources you need."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I understand, then, head, there is a problem, can I act in the name of cia?"

"No, the Cicero family is a purely civil organization. If this family is controlled by the intelligence agencies of any country, it will lose its meaning and foundation, so you must not be found. With cia, that's it."

"Yes, I understand."

Aaron sighed and said: "In order to allow you to complete the task more smoothly, the Italian station can be assigned to you, and the entire European staff and equipment can support you. You must give me this task! You can't, I will have to let cia personally participate, rather than the Cicero family completely become history, and can not fall into the hands of Dai Ivan."

Yang Yi thought for a moment, then he whispered: "Well, I have to tell you something."


Yang Yi whispered: "Actually, I have sent people to go to Italy with Justin. Yes, I have been involved in the civil war of the Cicero family, and it is also a very important identity, that is, Justin's strongest backing. Justin was also worried about becoming a big Ivan, so he found me and I agreed to help him."

Aaron was silent for a moment, then he smiled: "It seems that I have underestimated your strength."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "No, no, no, but Justin has no choice, except no one can help him."

Aaron said faintly: "It seems that you have a good relationship with Justin."


Yang Yi is very honest~www.readwn.com~ He is also not modest: "I have been working with Justin for a long time. He trusts me. Of course, the most important thing is that I will help him because I am not short of money, no. The lack of people lacks the intelligence network of the Cicero family, so I have to help him keep this information network."

Aaron took a deep breath and said: "The chances of controlling him are not big?"

"Sorry, there is little hope. When Justin is in charge of the Cicero family, I don't have any chance to treat him as a beggar. The best result is an intimate ally and a priority ally."

Aaron said: "So, to prevent the big Ivan from controlling the Cicero family, and even to avoid the establishment of a very close relationship between the big Ivan and the Cicero family, is this no problem?"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "No problem, I can assure you that in fact, Justin asked me to help him just to avoid being smashed into an embarrassment. I will show the power properly when necessary. This is the current plan, but What will happen in the end will also depend on the development of the situation."

Aaron smiled, then he sighed: "Good, very good, but next time there is such a thing, I think you should report it to me?"


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