A War Between Spies

Chapter 1090: random

Yang Yi waited until noon the next day, and the first person who came to report to him found him.

The door was knocked, Bonnie went to the door, and after the door opened, a 50-year-old, with a hat, a middle-aged man carrying a suitcase in his hand, slightly bowed, took off the hat, and Binbin Courteous said: "Hello, I am e, I am looking for Mr. Yang."

Bonnie let it go, then the middle-aged man walked into the room and immediately confronted Yang Yidao: "Hello, Mr. Yang."

Yang Yi didn't stand up. He just waved his hand and said, "Sorry, I am not convenient to move. I won't stand up. Are you the leader?"

"I am not, I am e, a is the team leader, and he has not arrived yet, except for a and b, everyone else has been deployed."

Yang Yi nodded and said: "Okay, thank you, I am very grateful that you can come over so quickly, hey, what do I need?"

"Brought it."

e opened the suitcase and pulled a piece of bread from it, as well as drinks and sausages.

Yang Yi can't wait: "Thank you, thank you very much, I really have to starve to death."

Since I suspected that Cupid was nearby, Yang Yi really didn't even dare to eat anything.

If you have a big meal and don't eat it, you can buy some convenience foods. Of course, it can be safe. Cupid can't poison everything around Yang Yi, but the problem is that it is undoubtedly releasing a signal to Cupid, that is He has been discovered.

Therefore, Yang Yi had to call the room service, but he did not dare to eat.

Yang Yi began to squat with bread, but Bonnie sat on the side and waited for Yang Yi to eat.

e seems a bit puzzled, he looked at Bonnie: "Is this?"

"My woman, don't care, she has no problem, what are you going to do next? You need to wait for a to come before you can make a decision, or are you planning now?"

e is very serious: "Can you tell us what is going on now?"

"A killer called Cupid, I suspect he is nearby. Last time he poisoned me, failed, then we handed over, so I became like this, and his injury is similar to me."

"Are you sure this killer called Cupid is nearby?"

Yang Yi shook her head and said: "Not sure, but highly suspicious, so I need you to help me lead him out."

"You already have a plan?"

Yang Yi hesitated for a moment, then he sighed: "No, I have no plans."

"In this case, it is best to wait for a to come and then designate a plan. Now our task is to protect you. From now on, your diet is responsible for us, so people close to you need to eliminate the threat before you can meet."

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "No, no, what I need is your secret protection. Do you understand? It seems that there is no protection around me. Only in this way can I lead Cupid, and your task is to kill him in time after he has shot. ""

e frowned: "It's hard."

"It doesn't matter, do your best, and try not to let anyone know about your existence."

"But this is very bad for your safety."

"It doesn't matter, I believe in your ability."

E frowned and thought for a while, then he nodded and put the suitcase he brought back, saying: "You have the final say, then I will leave."

Yang Yi, who is eating, nodded and said: "Hey, thank you, after he arrived, ask him to come and see me, thank you."

When e is gone, Bonnie said with a blank expression: "Is the cia person so free from the code name?"

"Temporary task temporary team, just a code name."

"Do you think they can?"

"I don't know, but try to hide yourself and try to make a secret protection of me. The better they do, the better Cupid will believe that I want to rely on them to protect, so it doesn't matter, and since it is Asia. The elite team that Lun sent, I think it should be no problem."

Bonnie said faintly: "What if you do this, Cupid still refuses to appear?"

"What to do? No way, I try my best to do it. As for whether Cupid will be fooled, it is not something I can control. Just like the trap set by the hunter is not the same as the prey."

Bonnie smiled. "You have a good attitude."

Yang Yi shook her head: "My mentality is very bad. I am now afraid, worried, vigilant, angry. The most important thing is that I am full of powerlessness, but I don't want to show it."

After that, Yang Yi called Kate, and then he said: "Hey, dear, you can come over."

Kate is in the same hotel, but Yang Yi has never let Kate come to his room. He does not want Kate to stay with him because he has a cupid, it means danger, and now he is protected. Then you can let Kate come over.

Kate didn't even know what Yang Yi did last night.

In the following time, Yang Yi told Kate his speculation in detail, his fear, and what he had made, and when it was almost dark, Yang Yi’s door was ringed again.

A man in his thirties knocked on the door of Yang Yi.



a entered the room, then he immediately said: "Can you say?"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Yes, they are all my people, no problem."

A clicked, said: "I am interrupted in the task being executed, urgently dispatched to protect you, but my time is limited, three days, I only have three days, so we better within three days Solve your problem."

Yang Yi frowned: "Only three days."


Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "It should be enough. I think so. You bring people to protect me secretly, but I want to create an illusion of protection from killing."

A shrugs ~www.readwn.com~ Road: "Use yourself as a bait?"


“It’s very risky, and usually I won’t promise to protect my goals.”

"What about this time?"

A sighed and said: "The order I received was that everything was listening to you, so I will not object to any of your plans."

Yang Yi made a snap and said: "Very good, I have been creating an illusion for myself for the past two days, that is, I am very good, and I like to spend a lot of time. Since they have been arranged for two days, then don't waste. The illusion I maintain, I intend to create a breakthrough for the killer on this, what do you think?"

a faint road: "This is your own plan, I did not participate, so I can not provide any advice to you."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Well, then you told me that when you are a bodyguard, you are most worried about where your protection object goes, what to do, can you tell me?"


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