A War Between Spies

Chapter 1105: 3 guns

Going forward toward the enemy's bullets, it feels like you are not wearing pants on the street.

Really exciting.

Yang Yi holds a pistol, and there is no use of a pistol at this distance, but even if she knows this, Yang Yi is still faster than Bonnie and Kate.

Yang Yi is not trying to prove anything. He just doesn't want to hide behind two women.

Something sensible, sometimes it can be put aside.

For the sharpshooter, he can create a miracle with just a chance, and there are too many sharpshooters in the water organization. Besides Kate and Yang Yi, even Bonnie, who has been watching, shows her amazing side.

It is a finished product cultivated by the cleaners. Although the shooting method seems to be inferior to Xiao Yu, Bonnie’s value lies in the ability beyond the gun.

Six people shot together, although the number of people and firepower are inferior, but their accuracy can make up for it.

But it must be admitted that the change of the war situation is because Bonnie's shot, sometimes it is, it may be just a person, a gun, but enough to change the entire situation.

This is of course not to say that Bonnie is the best. She can change the battlefield situation alone. Instead, her shot adds a weight to the delicate balance, so that the balance of victory immediately tilts over them, just like You can't be full because you have eaten seven biscuits, and you say that the seventh biscuit is the most important.

Under the cover of six people, Yang Yi, who only holds a small pistol, can enjoy the invincible loneliness.

To be exact, four snipers cover three fire assaulters.

Then there were two fire assaulters covering a soy sauce.

Yang Yi ran to the front, and he finally ran within the range, but looking into the distance, an enemy who can shoot is gone.

The efficiency of teammates is really high, and the entrapped enemies either escape or can only hide, so not seeing the enemy does not mean that there is no danger.

Anton shouted: "What are you doing? Go and go!"

Yang Yi did not block the shooting world, he would not commit such a low-level mistake, but in the battle, it is common knowledge of everyone in the water organization to automatically exclude Yang Yi from the combatants.

Let Yang Yi single-handedly have no problem, let him use the knife anyway, but he hasn’t met his opponent yet, but let him take the gun and charge it in front of it. In addition to letting others waste energy protection, Yang Yi really starts. Not working.

But this time is different. Yang Yi quickly approached a car and used the car as a cover. Then he suddenly appeared, and the gun searched for the enemy that is likely to appear suddenly.

Kate went to Yang Yi's side, and then she habitually wanted Yang Yi to return.

At this time, there was finally a hiding enemy and Yang Yi.

The enemy who was hiding behind the car and lying on the ground holding a rifle and dare not move moved toward Yang Yi, and then Yang Yi completed the shooting with a pistol faster.

Less than ten meters away, but Kate's submachine gun first swept up and shot the enemy lying on the ground a row of bullet holes.

"What are you doing? Go away!"

Kate is angry with Yang Yi. Although she is willing to believe Yang Yi unconditionally, she also thinks that Yang Yi is a bit too much.

Prove that you don't have to pick this time, which makes Kate angry.

The most important thing is that just a shot less than ten meters away, Yang Yi did not hit, which means that Yang Yi did prove that he was a gun battle...

Don't say the word waste, it hurts too much.

But at this moment, there were three enemies who came out from behind a car at the same time. They saw Yang Yi and Kate near, and of course Bonnie, so when Kate let Yang Yi go away, they together A counterattack was launched.

There is a car in front of Yang Yi, and there are cars in front of the three enemies as cover. Then they are all on the side of Kate.

Bonnie’s reaction was extremely fast, but just before she turned the muzzle, Yang Yi waved the gun in his hand, three shots, and three sudden enemies disappeared again without a shot. After the car.

Hit it?

The problem is that Yang Yi does not know it.

Now, I have to take great risks to check if the three enemies are dead.

The people on both sides are all close together, but the sniper rifle is very difficult to use in this short-handed battle, so without exception, anyone who uses the sniper rifle is now replaced with a pistol.

If it wasn’t for Yang Yi’s advent, they wouldn’t have to do this.

Yang Yi held the gun with one hand and quickly circumvented the car that covered her, but at this moment, finally rushed to the front of Antony’s hand and pushed Yang Yi away. After glaring at Yang Yi’s eyes, Ann The east rushed to the back of the car that the three enemies had just avoided.

There was no gunshot, only Anton’s screaming.


Yang Yi’s heart suddenly became certain, and then he followed and ran over, and then he shouted: “What I said! What have I said! Look! Look!”

Three people, two foreheads, and one nose beam, if one word is used to describe the shooter who made the result, it is God! The **** of the sharpshooter.

Anton was really astonished, and after the others crossed the same line, they were equally astonished.

Xiao Yu couldn't help but glance at her, and then she even said strangely: "How is it possible!"

To be honest, these three shots of Xiao Yu really can't be played, and no one who can be beaten out. Apart from a known ram, I really can't think of a few people in this world who can play it out. I have to know that this is actual combat. Not a target.

Yang Yi’s tactics are really powerful. In addition to the good fights, it’s hard to beat a dozen. It’s really no faults~www.readwn.com~Excited Yang Yi once again went forward Although the exchange of fire is still going on, he will not hesitate or fear now, but he is full of confidence and fighting spirit. He only wants to hit another enemy and fire two shots.

The interception of the enemy was pierced. Except for those who had already fled, the remaining enemies were not dead or injured, and no one could create a threat.

Finally, after thinking that there are no enemies that have survived, Yang Yi Shen said: "Pay attention to whether there is a tail behind you, withdraw!"

After Yang Yi ordered, Anton looked at Yang Yi with a complicated look. He didn’t say anything, but Xiao Yu was facing Yang Yidao: “I can’t see it, now it’s fine, it’s amazing.”

Yang Yi smiled lightly and said: "I don't like to show off, but I am really powerful. It is amazing now."

Xiao Yu smirked disdainfully, then she said faintly: "When you can play stably, blow it again, and occasionally the flash of light will not count."

Yang Yi is not awkward, but he also knows that Xiao Yu is right, so he can only say faintly: "Get on the bus, evacuate!"

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