A War Between Spies

Chapter 1116: Brainstorming


Yang Yi’s very positive tone made Anton feel a bit puzzled, although Anton understood Yang Yi’s ability.

"Cupid? How is it possible?"

Anton is very surprised, and Yang Yi is absolutely sure: "It is him, absolutely."

"You see it?"

"I only saw a vague figure, but when I first played against Cupid, it was like that when he fled."

Yang Yi raised his handgun.

After taking a deep breath, he whispered: "Where is Cupid going?"

Paul said: "My position has no high advantage. I can't accurately see where he went, but he entered the alley between the two buildings. If there is no accident, he will wear it in the alley. Then go through a bigger road and then you can be behind you."

Yang Yi thought for a moment, then he whispered: "Cupid still wants to kill me, he wants to kill me!"

Anton whispered: "Crap, who doesn't want to kill you here now?"

Yang Yi stretched out his left hand and touched it on the top of his head. Then he suddenly said: "Resist the enemy's attack, I will wait for him where Cupid may appear!"

Anton looked at Yang Yi, Yang Yi continued to whisper: "Yes, Nicholas is hard to kill, but Cupid must die."

Paul sighed: "Calm."

"I am very calm, Nicholas does not matter, Cupid must die, I can not tolerate a shadow always behind, I want to kill him."

After calming but very firm, Yang Yi looked at Anton and said, "Follow me to kill him."

Anton nodded, then he and Yang Yi ran backwards.

Yang Yi whispered: "Holy water, location."

"Right forward, where is most likely to meet Cupid, but my vision is limited and I can't provide accurate position warnings. I can't monitor Cupid's position if you are sure that person is his."

"Understood, gambling, I need to enter the street right? How far is it?"

"It's a long way, about five hundred meters. Then you and Cupid will meet on the road within 200 meters. This is normal. In extreme cases, you will meet within 100 meters."


Yang Yi speeded up, and Paul was anxious: "I must warn you that you will be out of our protection and you will lose all cover!"

Yang Yi said faintly: "I know, it doesn't matter, I will be able to kill him this time!"

Yang Yi once again accelerated the speed of running. He hoped to meet Cupid within 100 meters. This time he has a gun. The most important thing is that he has Anton.

Anton did not say a word, he just followed the rifle and followed Yang Yi.

Killing Cupid Yang Yi is not the main force, and Anton is.

Yang Yi is almost at the corner again, but he suddenly slowed down, and Anton was caught off guard because he and Yang Yi were running at a speed of 100 meters. At this time, Yang Yi should not stop anyway. .


Anton slowed down and Yang Yi stopped. So Anton raised his rifle and stared at the front, then whispered again: "What?"

"No, it shouldn't be like this."

Yang Yi seems to be hesitant, and he is confused.

Anton yelled: "What do you think of now? Where is it wrong?"

"Cupid shouldn't let me see him, he shouldn't let me discover it!"

Looking at the smashing Yang Yi, Anton Shen Shen said: "He just swayed, just then, who can recognize him except this metamorphosis? Now it is night, still far away, Fuck, I am now skeptical Did you see it?"

Yang Yi suddenly raised his head, then he whispered: "Trap, is this a trap?"

Anton shook his head and he really started to get confused.

Yang Yi whispered: "Return! Go back!"

Yang Yi began to slowly retreat, and Anton can only begin to retreat.

Yang Yi retire, while whispering: "If it is me, I will never expose my figure to anyone, especially in this case, he has no reason, he has no reason to come by car!"

"You don't have to explain it to me."

"I didn't explain, I just talked to myself and talked to myself during the analysis."

After that, Yang Yi’s face was ugly, whispered: “I can’t kill him. It’s a trap. Cupid used his own bait to lead me to the trap. Now the most difficult thing for Nicholas is that I can’t be sure. Location, I can't leave me in a certain position after knowing my location, but if I go to Cupid, I will enter a fixed position, they can set an ambush, only two gunmen can solve my position!"

Anton shrugged and Yang Yi took a breath and said: "Cupid is here. If I don't, he will appear."

Anton raised the rifle again and he pointed at the street.

Yang Yi whispered: "If Cupid appears, it is that he wants to kill me, he does not appear, that is, the trap is waiting for me, no, no, he appears... is also a trap."

Anton felt that his brain was not enough. He whispered: "What are you thinking?"

Yang Yi didn't talk and didn't move, then he suddenly said, "It's coming!"

No, no one, nothing happened.

Yang Yi took a breath and said: "Withdraw!"


"This is a trap because I won't be there and try to kill Cupid. Since Cupid did it, it's a trap."

Yang Yi once again sighed: "Withdraw!"

Anton began to slowly withdraw, but at this moment, suddenly a person came out on the corner of the street.

Anton fired immediately, but he still could not hit.

Yang Yi took a breath and said awkwardly: "Cupid!"

Anton felt that he was a little bit guilty. For the first time in many years, he felt that his brain didn't seem too good.

"When he came out, he was ready to go back. He didn't plan to shoot himself, so he just couldn't help it. I wanted to see if I got a hook."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and whispered: "We don't go. He knows that I am not fooled. He will come back to me and withdraw!"

Yang Yi turned and walked back. Anton hurriedly said, "Are you crazy?"

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "He won't appear, he won't appear again. He uses himself as a bait, but if he doesn't enter the trap, he will never start ~www.readwn.com~ So behind us No one will appear."

"You are so sure?"

"I will do this, I think he will do the same, wait..."

Anton is very helpless: "What happened?"

Yang Yi looked at the sky and said: "Nicholas is here, Cupid will regard him as a bait, Cupid himself is a bait, Nicholas is also, and Cupid will give me a chance to kill Nicholas, only then can he have a chance Kill me!"

Anton grabbed his hair, Yang Yi said faintly: "The trap of two baits, I know that Cupid will not die, he will send Nicholas to me, because he knows that I want to kill him most, followed by Nicholas, so..."

Anton whispered: "You said! You are going to say it!"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Go to kill Nicholas, but I need to appear, so I should show up."

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