A War Between Spies

Chapter 1121: Perfect task

Anton and Xiao Yu shot a small bush, which is the green belt on the roadside. It is only slightly dense. If they choose to shoot the position, they will never choose this place.

Cupid is inside, this is certain, because he has no chance to escape.

Yang Yifei ran over quickly. Without threats, he did not have to hide and hide. Of course, he could run very fast.

Yang Yi stood by Anton, and Anton said: "You go away, I am."

"No, no."

Reaching out and patted Anton's shoulder, Yang Yi screamed at the bush: "Hey, friend, you can come out. If you want to kill you, you have already fired."

The bushes were a little shaken, and then a figure slowly stood up behind the bushes.

A man stood behind the bushes with empty hands, then he quietly stared at Yang Yi.

The distance is only about forty meters. Why is Cupid sure that he can't run, because the distance is too close, even if he shot Nicholas in one shot, then another shot killed Xiao Yu, he absolutely can't avoid Anton's Shooting, there is no chance to escape safely.

Yang Yi spread his arms and said: "Now I am in front of you, why don't we talk about it."

The people behind the bushes began to move, and he walked over to Yang Yi.

This is a face that Yang Yi has never seen before, a man's face in his thirties, but with the light that is not bright, Yang Yi saw the familiar hands.

Cupid, it is him, there will be no mistake.

Cupid came to Yang Yi and stood at a distance of less than two meters from him.

After thinking for a moment, Cupid nodded to Yang Yi and smiled: "Poseidon."

"It's me, then you are Cupid?"

"I am Cupid, but I like people calling me Bobby."

After introducing himself, Cupid smiled at Yang Yi: "Congratulations, you killed Nicholas."

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "No, you killed Nicholas."

Cupid smiled and said: "You killed Nicholas. If you said that I killed Nicholas, it is a filth to me. How can a killer kill his employer? So you killed Nicholas, you have a very good The gunman, she used three shots to kill Nicholas, and everyone familiar with Cupid knows that he never used a gun."

After a faint finish, Cupid smiled at Yang Yi: "If you insist on filth, I killed Nicholas, then I have to kill you."

Yang Yi sighed softly and said: "Well, I killed Nicholas. In the unlikely event, we did it."

Cupid shrugged: "That's yours."

Yang Yi turned his head and glanced at it. The bullet-proof car was gone, and there was a driver on the car. But now the driver has drove away, so only a lonely body was left on the scene.

Looking at the corpse in the distance, although he did not go to confirm his identity, Yang Yi did not intend to do so.

"I need to get rid of Nicholas. I also need to kill the reputation that Nicholas brings, but I don't quite understand why you killed him?"

Cupid shrugged: "Do you have to filthy me?"

Yang Yi waved his hand and said: "Get it, I will definitely tell anyone that I killed Nicholas. It is good for me, but I am very curious, and there is no one else here, if you don't want to come to me." Explain, then I have to figure it out myself. If I figure it out, I have to investigate, so... why not let me save some trouble?"

Cupid smiled and said: "I was hired by Nicholas to kill you. It has been two months. According to the rules, I must kill you, because Nicholas has paid me half of the deposit, but the problem is that he is dead now, no The person pays the rest of my money, so I will not kill you any more according to the rules."

Yang Yi listened quietly, but Cupid shrugged: "At the moment Nicholas died, you are no longer my goal. Unfortunately, I really want to kill you because you are me. I have seen the most..."

What is the most, Cupid did not say it. After thinking for a while, Shen said: "In short, I don't have to kill you anymore, and I won't pick up your mission anymore. Your goal is that I don't want to. The kind that I pick up, I don’t like to challenge any difficulty. The harder the task, the more happy it is. This kind of thing won’t happen to me. Since you are no longer my target, I certainly won’t start with you. I also hope that you can let me go, can you?"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Of course, I will definitely let you go, because I know that you must have hidden your hand. If I insist on killing you, you will kill me by the way, but this requires you to go with me. So you are not going to do this."

Cupid nodded. "Yes, that's it. You know what I'm thinking, so that's why I don't want to continue killing you. It's a pity, but the employer's death can only interrupt the task, not my mission failed. So the situation is now the best ending, and I am very happy to have such an ending."

Yang Yi waved: "You haven't told me why you are going to shoot."

Cupid whispered: "Actually, I really want to kill you. I didn't get rid of your successful completion of the task, which made me very sorry."

Yang Yi haha ​​smiled and said: "You still refuse to say, then it is better for me to guess. Well, you were hired by others to kill Nicholas, right?"

Cupid's eyebrows picked and picked, Yang Yi continued to laugh: "Your goal is Nicholas, then Nicholas hired you to kill me, but Nicholas is your first goal, so the person who saw me lost to kill Nicholas After the opportunity, you will be shot, the perfect time, because my people killed Nicholas, no one will doubt you."

"Continue to say ~www.readwn.com~Yang Yi Shen said: "You killed the first goal, and I was also your goal, because there is no rule that the task of assassination can not be taken, but Nicholas is dead, you There is no reason to kill me. ”

"Yes, that's it."

Cupid acknowledged it generously, and then Yang Yi smiled and said: "Who is the person who hired you, I can only think of one, Ivan, oh, of course, it may be Dai Ivan."

Cupid breathed a sigh of relief and said: "As a killer, keeping the employer secret is the most basic criterion."

Yang Yi didn't need Cupid to admit it, but he looked at Cupid's reaction and knew he was right.

Cupid accepted Ivan's employment to kill Nicholas. He was hired by Nicholas to kill Yang Yi. Finally, Cupid succeeded in killing Nicholas, and then he lost the reason to continue killing Yang Yi. So, his The task is perfectly finished, one is automatically terminated because the employer dies.

Very good, this is really good, for both Cupid and Yang Yi.

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