A War Between Spies

Chapter 1128: Irreplaceable

Yang Yi bought another RS6, and it was really Petra’s money.

Said to find a rich wife can fight for 30 years less, this sentence is indeed true, but the problem is to let a beautiful girl send you an RS6, first you have to be able to afford a Ferrari, but also To be handsome.

The point is that you must be handsome.

Light handsome is not enough, but also speak.

In fact, speaking is not enough, but in short, there is a skill that can make a rich beauty give you a luxury car, in fact, you don't care about this car.

So for Yang Yi, this car is really nothing, just because the girlfriend is interested in sending him a gift, just like ordinary people are interested in sending a girlfriend a doll, no difference.

Petra has been busy for two days. She is busy looking for a new house to live with Yang Yi, and Yang Yi has opened a brand new RS6 and went to the safe house that Anton had just arranged.

Boer came, and Anton went to pick him up. Yang Yi was not suitable to go to the airport personally, so he could only come to the safe house to meet with Bohr.

In fact, Yang Yi didn't want Bohr to come to New York. It was too dangerous. Until now, Yang Yi didn't know who wanted Boer's life. What Boer revealed and what Yang Yi could see was only apparently on the surface. tip of the iceberg.

The pool behind Bohr is too deep.

Therefore, Yang Yi hopes that Boer can manipulate everything behind the scenes. Don't come out personally, but Boer is still here, because he doesn't really come.

Bohr came with Norbert, of course, and Chris came together.

In the Invasion-2014 plan, two of the three people could not show up. Even if Yang Yi got the help of the CIA, the identity of Chris is no longer a problem, but the identity of Boer is absolutely unexposed.

However, Boer did make a big change in order to return to New York.

Bohr did plastic surgery, not for good looks, but for cosmetic surgery to get rid of everyone. From the moment he decided to return to New York, cosmetic surgery had begun.

Even with Yang Yi's memory, at the moment I saw Bohr, I couldn't immediately recognize that the person in front of him was Bohr.

"The cosmetic surgery is very successful."

Bohr looks younger at least ten years old, the color of his hair has changed, the shape of the bridge of the nose has changed, his lips have changed, his ears are different, and even the most difficult to change eyes are very different.

Even the most familiar person with Boer, just seeing the current Boer, can never recognize him, unless it is a time to get along with the current Bohr and the former Bohr.

Because Boer is not the same as before, but this Yang Yi has long known that because Bohr has been insisting on fitness, is still very committed, very professional.

Bohr with a pair of black-rimmed glasses smiled and said: "This is not a cosmetic surgery. Now my name is John, John Felton."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "It's really a public name."

Sitting down next to Boer, watching Boer looked at it for a long time, Yang Yi nodded and said: "Very good, as long as you don't appear in the front desk, you should not be too dangerous if you stay here. , try to go out as little as possible, what is the gait training?"

Bohr shrugged: "Of course, I have been practicing, don't forget that I have the best teacher."

Yang Yi took a shot, and then he was very excited: "Very good, since you are ready, then I announced that the invasion of 2014 officially began."

After a while, Yang Yi looked helplessly: "Even if you don't applaud, at least the expression should be expressed? Why do you look so calm, only I am excited?"

Chris whispered: "Invasion 2014? What is this ghost name?"

Yang Yi pulled her face down and said: "This is the name of Anna. Do you have opinions?"

Chris shrank his head and said, "I have no opinion, no opinion at all."

Yang Yi looked at Bohr and said, "Okay, now let's explain in detail what we should do."

Boer helped him not to be particularly accustomed to the glasses, a calm face: "We have sufficient funds, and me, the preparation work has been completed, there is nothing to say in this part, as for the goal, I have already chosen It is Bell Securities."

Yang Yi’s handcuffs: “Very good. First of all, your goal is not your own bank. Secondly, your goal is not Petra’s father’s US investment bank, so I will be embarrassed.”

Bohr continued to say faintly: "Do you still say what I said?"

Yang Yi quickly said: "You said, you said."

Bohr breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The characteristic of investment banks is that all business activities are accompanied by high risks. Relatively high risks are also high risks. Therefore, this market is very sensitive to the sense of risk, as long as all investors think When Bell Securities is over, then Bell Securities is really finished."

Although not very understanding, but Yang Yi is still a very serious look in listening to Boer.

Boer faintly said: "After the subprime crisis, the entire Wall Street was cautious, but greed is the main theme of Wall Street forever, and Bell Securities, I know that their investment is not healthy, they have many hidden dangers that can be kicked, I know this very well."

"carry on."

Boer smiled and said: "But the choice of Bell Securities as a target, or because of Bell Securities's president Larry Bell, Larry Bell is the most wealthy banker I have ever seen, his ability is very strong, The popularity is very good, even in the subprime crisis, because of his good relations with the political and banking circles, he also let him through the crisis very smoothly."

Yang Yi smiled bitterly: "I thought you would say that he is a jerk."

Boer faintly said: "He is a jerk, but in the eyes of ordinary people, he is not a bastard, and why should I choose Bell Securities, because Larry Bell is the soul of Bell Securities~www.readwn.com~He bears If the entire Bell Securities falls, Bell Securities will be finished."

Yang Yi took a moment and said: "I understand, you want to start with Larry Bell? You want to kill him!"

Boer nodded and said: "We only have billions of dollars. This money incites an investment bank worth hundreds of billions of dollars. But if you want to put the whole bank in the bag, you have to take some other measures. Money is the foundation, but killing the soul of Bell Securities is the most important means."

Bohr looked at Yang Yi and said: "If we don't take some rules, how can we get dozens of returns? I chose Bell Securities because Larry Bell is on the bank's board of directors. The role played by China is irreplaceable. Larry Bell has a chance to die. He is not dead. We have no more money and no chance."

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "Well, then kill him, but you need to use the means that others can't see, right?"

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