A War Between Spies

Chapter 1134: Hello, traitor.

Although Anton left, he did not go directly to the target home.

Leaving the residence of Bol, Anton returned to the safe house where he lived because there was all the tools and equipment he needed.

“It’s actually living in an apartment, this bastard.”

Whispering in his mouth, Anton began to pick what he wanted to use.

"Forty-eight layers, it’s really troublesome, it’s really trouble..."

Putting a bundle of rope into the backpack, Anton thought about it, loaded two fixed rings and several rock wedges, and then he put a headgear into the backpack.

Nothing else, Anton had a very heavy backpack on his back, went out on the side of the road and opened the car he had just bought, and opened the apartment to the target residence.

At night, the number of cars is less, the traffic is no longer so congested, but Anton still used the test minutes to get to where the target lives.

A very high apartment building, high-end apartment, which is the kind that can be afforded by the free and rich, has a large area and a good vision. The most important thing is that the security forces are very adequate and responsible.

Anton stopped the car some distance from the apartment, then he looked at the apartment on the 50th floor and shook his head. "I hope I won't let me down. I haven't used the rope for a long time."

With a sigh of relief, Anton went to the apartment and passed the infrared-controlled automatic door. He came to the front desk of the apartment.

Anton’s appearance is not like a person who can live here. A young man in a suit and a courteous person at the front desk stares at Anton with a puzzled look. He uses a very polite tone: “What can help you? Yes, sir."

Anton nodded, then he pointed his finger at the ceiling and said, "I want to go up and visit a person. I want to know how to get up. Does the elevator need to swipe?"

The young man’s brow wrinkled and said: “You need to swipe your card, sir, if it’s not the owner here, you can’t go up, unless you have someone who lives here to invite you, I can help you swipe the card, but if you are not invited I am afraid you have to leave now, sir."

Anton nodded and said: "I didn't invite, but I have a pass."

“Passport? We don’t have this kind of thing here.”

"Yes, wait a moment."

Anton took the bag from his back and he began to turn his bag.

The young front desk brother waved at the security guards nearby, so the two full-arms armed, the security guards of the waist wearer pistol quickly came together.

"I found it, I have never used it, I don't know how it works."

Anton looked up with a spray can, and the young front desk boy had changed his face. He said in a firm and low voice: "Sir, please leave now! Otherwise they will... ”

Anton turned around and slammed it on the neck of a security guard with his palm. He turned again. Anton grabbed the baton that had already smashed down his head with the same hand, and then directly grabbed the security guard’s neck with his arm. A folder, the security guard's body immediately fell down.

"Reassure, they won't die."

Anton grabbed his nose with one hand and sprayed it toward the nose of the front desk with a spray.

The younger brother at the front desk stepped back and forth, and grabbed his nose with his hand.

Anton frowned and said: "It's really hard to use."

An ups and downs, Anton jumped into the front desk of the front desk, and then he stared at the front desk brother and said: "Do you want to die? If you don't want to die, take your hand off and take a deep breath. Don't force me to force you with violence, thank you. ”

The little brother took the hand and Anton sprayed the spray. After the little brother took a deep breath twice, he took a step back with satisfaction and said: "Very good, now count, from one to ten."

"one two Three……"

A frightened front desk brother suddenly became a stunned look at the count, his eyes completely lost his look, but he still stood there, and stared straight at Anton.

"Three seconds, it's not bad, this thing is very good."

After the satisfaction and surprise of the spray in the handle was thrown up and then caught, Anton said to the front desk: "Now tell me, is there a surveillance watch?"

"Yes, but it's safe, so the security guard should sleep, unless I press the bell."

"Are you pressed?"


"Very good, now send me to the elevator, I am going to the forty-eighth floor, oh, can you open the owner's door?"


"It's useless, forget it, just like this, just wait for me."

Anton jumped out again. He dragged the two security guards behind the front desk and said: "Now take me to the elevator."

The front desk helped Anton to open the elevator door, brushed the card for him, and pressed the button on the forty-eighth floor.

"Go back to your position, forget about it, well, sit and sleep, go."

At the front desk, the little brother was gone, and after the elevator door closed, Anton sighed and said to himself: "Great, don't fall down on the top of the 50-storey building. This is true. It’s great.”

The elevator door opened and Anton went out.

The houses here are very large, and the people to be dealt with by Anton are rich. The house he lives in has a floor area of ​​four to five hundred square meters. The most important thing is that one family and one ladder, so Anton does not have to find it. Looking for the target home.

Anton came to the door, he pulled out two wires, but after seeing that the door lock was an electronic lock, his brow wrinkled.

"How does the little egg guy open the electronic lock..."

Thinking about it, Anton directly knocked on the door.

Knock hard and knock hard.

Not long after, a confused and angry man shouted: "Who is! Who is knocking on the door and reporting identity, otherwise I call the security guard!"

Anton screamed: "Mr. Benfield opened the door quickly. I was an unemployed manager. The 38th floor of the building was on fire. The automatic sprinkler system was partially closed, because I was worried that it was unnecessary to damage everyone's furniture, but the fire brigade requested The residents of the whole building are quickly evacuated. Please get up quickly, don't carry any finances. Please be assured that the fire has been controlled~www.readwn.com~ but for your safety, please leave quickly."

"What? Is it a fire?"

After a horrified question, the door opened, and an obese bald man opened the door in his nightgown, and then Antone sneaked in without waiting for him to speak.

A punch hit the man's stomach, directly bent the target, and could not speak, can not speak.

"Hello there."

Closing the door, Anton held down the man's shoulder and smiled: "This is a greeting from the punishing, you traitor."

"The traitor? I don't know you, I am not a traitor..."

When the beaten man finally screamed and said something, Anton smiled and said: "You are a traitor soon. I said, your name looks like a traitor. Then you must be a traitor. The main thing is that I will make you a traitor."

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