A War Between Spies

Chapter 1153: survey

If Bell Securities is an elephant, then the water organization is a hunter, and behind the hunter, the water organization is followed by a leopard such as Oscar Bell, behind the leopard Oscambell, followed by a group of dogs.

The hyena is a semi-septic animal. Now that the elephant of Bell Securities has not completely fallen down, the dog can't immediately rush to bite, and the leopard has no ability to kill the elephant. However, the hunter of the water organization has already With a shot on the head of the elephant, everything is possible.

Before starting to enjoy prey, the hyena needs to drive away other predators, such as lions.

If the world is a prairie, then Wall Street is a piece of a complete biological chain, but the unruly external force of the water organization broke the ecological chain, killing the elephant in one shot, but also attracting the whole creature. Chain-chain reaction.

As long as it is a carnivore, I want to swallow the meat of Bell Securities, and at least I want to bite a piece of meat.

Bohr's strategy is to take advantage of it, but the elephant of Bell Securities can only let him swallow it. Even if the lions and dogs are the carnivores, it will not matter, but the skeleton must be left to the water organization.

Because Boer still needs someone to help him to completely kill Bell Securities, and then make Bell Securities stink, no meat, no one wants, he can swallow the entire Bell Securities.

Otherwise, those big investment banks on Wall Street, as well as the US government's supervisory department, could have let the water organization show such a small role to swallow Bell Securities.

This is the drawback of too small a volume. The hunter has a gun and can kill a huge elephant. But this hunter can sell ivory and elephant corpses but can’t eat the elephant himself. .

How to stop other investment banks and water organizations to grab it, after all, this place on Wall Street is ultimately orderly, not who has more guns to use. About this, Yang Yi really does not know.

Yang Yi is only a good memory, but of course he is ignorant of the areas he has not touched.

Only by Bohr, but Boer is worth trusting.

So Bohr said that he is looking at him now, and that is really only to see him.

"Take it to you here, I have to do other things, what we need to do, try to communicate in advance."

Just a little sigh of a few words against Bohr, Yang Yi sighed with relief and said: "I have to deal with my own affairs now."

Yang Yi left alone. He should go back and see Petra. Because Larry Bell died, Oscar Bell couldn't help but have a big move.

At this time, of course, I still have to maintain good communication with my future father-in-law.

However, when Yang Yi drove to his small house with Petra, the first one to call was not Oscar Bell, but Aaron.

The phone rang and found that the phone was called by Aaron. Yang Yi connected the phone and said: "Sir."

Aaron indulged for a moment and said, "What happened to the Russian?"

Aaron didn't ask why Yang Yi killed Larry Bell. Of course he knew what Yang Yi did last night. The helicopters stopped at the building of Bell Securities. If Aaron didn't know what Yang Yi wanted to do, he died early.

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "My men, who are recruited in Ukraine, have strong abilities. The former KGB, who is not full of hatred against Russia, has no good feelings. He has nostalgia for the Soviet Union, but he has already accepted the reality. ”

Aaron said faintly: "You do a lot of things. If I know what you have to do beforehand, I may have different ideas. Now that I know what you are doing, can you succeed?"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "I have succeeded, sir."

Yang Yi blew a cow at the right time, and Aaron was a long time.

Is it time to show more content? Yang Yi thought about it and felt that the timing was still not mature enough. Aaron was not good enough for him, and he did not pay enough attention to it, but the most important thing was that he did not really have enough power.

Jetero began to receive the arms sales channels left by Nicholas, which was quite smooth. It is estimated that up to three months, Yang Yi will become the second largest arms dealer in the world.

It’s really a sense of accomplishment to think about it.

So if you have another investment bank on Wall Street, um, this is really amazing.

After a moment of silence, Aaron said: "Is it successful, will it be too confident?"

"There will be no problems, sir, I am very confident about this."

Aaron laughed: "The confidence of young people is understandable. The only thing worth worrying about is that after you have had so much, I can hardly believe that you can maintain your current status, cia's identity."

Think about it, Yang Yi thinks that Aaron can tolerate him is not easy, but now the situation is becoming more and more obvious, that is, Aaron knows someone behind him, but Aaron wants to know who is behind him.

Or Aaron has already guessed who is behind Yang Yi, but he is not in a hurry to dismantle, because he can get more without tearing down.

This situation is of course well understood. If there is a deadly enemy, I know that this deadly enemy is very powerful, but this deadly enemy is as invisible as himself. At this time, suddenly discovering a little tentacle exposed by the enemy, it is immediately cut off. The tentacles of the enemies, or digging behind the tentacles, try to find the body of the enemy.

Normal people have to choose the latter ~www.readwn.com~ But Aaron deliberately mentioned Anton. There is a reason for it. Now I think it might be because the words that Anton said on the helicopter were heard by the pilot.

Is Anton intentional? In fact, it is not intentional, but Anton said that there would be no problem with these words.

Yang Yi intends to strip off his disguise a bit, so that Aaron can see his true value, and doing so requires a gradual process.

"Sir, first of all, I must admit that my footsteps are a little bigger, but when opportunities are already in sight, I certainly have to seize this opportunity."

Yang Yi’s answer was ambiguous, but Aaron’s answer was also unanswered. He did not follow Yang Yi’s words, but faintly said: “There is a task that I want to give to you.”

"Yes, sir."

"I believe you know something about what is happening in the Cicero family now."

"Yes, sir."

"You are also very familiar with Europe, so I want you to help investigate the reasons. It is best to give me an analysis report and tell me who you think will win."

Yang Yi has some indifferent words: "Is it just an analysis report?"

"No, of course not. There are some things that are happening in the Cicero family. They involve several more influential people in the underground world, such as Dai Ivan, such as a mercenary group called Satan. I think you are also familiar. People in the underground world, can you help me investigate?"

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