A War Between Spies

Chapter 1156: prophecy

Memory is too good, it is really a torture, really.

Yang Yi has always felt that her heart is as strong as a stone, but only someone praised him for an accent that was really nice, but it made him instantly collapse.

It’s not a stock market crash, it’s a state of mind collapse.

Yang Yi’s heart defense has always been lost.

Because Yang Yi's Oxford sound is taught by his mother, when he went to school to play, he talked to the classmates about the London sound, but when he was at home with his mother, he said Oxford sound.

Losing is a loss, and a momentary loss is also a defense failure, so in such an instant, Yang Yi’s eyes are red.

It’s really not a good thing to have a good memory. It’s like this in many cases.

Yang Yi's abnormality will of course not be ignored, so Petra's mother is very surprised that one of her compliments will make Yang Yi cry.

Yang Yi is not self-blaming, nor sad. He is afraid, afraid, and afraid that his heart is not as firm as he imagined.

"Sorry, I just... suddenly remembered my mother, she was talking about an Oxford accent, I was influenced by her..."

Yang Yi stunned his eyes, then he let go of his hand and whispered, "My father and mother died in a car accident, sorry..."

Petra put his hand on Yang Yi's hand.

Petra’s mother took a long breath and then apologized. “Oh, I am very sorry...”

Yang Yiwei smiled a little and said, "No, it’s me who apologizes."

Gently took two shots on Petra's hand, indicating that he was fine. Yang Yi picked up the knife and fork again, and then he whispered. "It feels really good to eat like this. I think I found my own. Going home."

After reading it, I did not forget to look at Petra with affection.

In short, the meal was finally finished in a very warm atmosphere.

After eating the meal, it was time to talk about business. Oscambell took out his mobile phone and looked at it again, but he was obviously not used to getting information from his mobile phone, so he took out his mobile phone and just called himself. assistant Manager.

Of course, Oscambell can't come alone with his wife. His bodyguard drivers are a lot, and the light assistants are three, one is his own assistant, and the other two are assistant assistants.

"How is the situation?"

"The speed has slowed down."

"Don't follow, let go, take all the money out."

"Yes, sir."

The assistant and his assistant rushed away in a hurry, while Oscambell looked at Yang Yidao. "This level of giant crocodile will not try to acquire Bell Securities because it is of little significance, but now it is intended to annex Bell Securities. There are already two banks. If you count, you have three. Can you be sure that you can get it?"

Yang Yi nodded, then he said, "Yes, because I will make Bell Securities worthless."

Oscambell frowned. "You only need this platform, not the value of this platform?"

“For me, getting the platform itself is the biggest value.”

Oscar Bell pondered for a moment, the road "is also good, so no one will fight with you, enough volume to disdain to grab a worthless junk stock, do not worry enough, I can help you, I It means after you actually bought Bell Securities."

Yang Yi got a Bell Securities that had basically no value. He certainly couldn’t let Bell Securities go down completely. He must re-do Bell Securities, and Oscar Bell said he could help him. Take another sum.

However, it must be admitted that if Oscar Belconn took out the help of real money, the speed of Bell Securities' recovery in Boer could certainly accelerate.

But how to operate specifically, Yang Yi still does not understand, although he can learn, but Yang Yi does not intend to put limited energy into the financial.

Oscambell also wanted to continue talking with Yang Yi, but at this time, Yang Yi’s phone rang.

"Sorry, I will pick up the phone."

Yang Yi came to the bedroom and connected Anna Anakina's phone.

"what's up?"

"Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Normandy landing, the ram will shoot Mario with a mauser 98k tomorrow."

Yang Yi lingered for a while, said "How to do?"

"The actors who pretended to participate in the reenactment of the war, used a Mauser 98k to kill Mario in the bunker, and now they have begun to hide the bullets in the bunker during the performance."

“Justin told you about the plan of the ram?”

"No, it's what we found ourselves, not close, but it shouldn't go wrong. I can't confirm Mario's seat at the event, but Justin and the Rams should have got the information."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said, "You don't have to do this information. It doesn't make sense. Just watch it closely. How much do you think the ram's hope for success?"

Anna Starkina’s faint road “The audience is also four hundred meters away from the bunker of the show. In the crowds, in the case of undiscovered people, if judged by common sense, the probability of success is about zero. But if it is a ram, chances of success are great."

"Yeah, although it is impossible, as long as the gunman is a ram, I always feel no problem..."

After a moment of indulging, Yang Yi whispered, "What do you want for Justin to do with us?"

"Without any requirements, as before, you can stand up and support him unconditionally at the right time, but if it is not necessary~www.readwn.com~ we will continue to hide."

Until now, Justin does not need to rely on the power of the water organization to avoid embarrassment, it can only explain a problem, the big Ivan and the ram really did not intend to train him into jealousy.

"Okay, I know, I will pay close attention to it tomorrow."

Anna Starkina whispered, "I want to remind you that if you don't want the ram's plan to go bankrupt, then don't reveal any information to Aaron. If you want to take the opportunity to let Satan disappear, or let the ram go from here. If you disappear, you can tell Aaron your discovery, but I strongly recommend that you don't do this."

Yang Yi smiled and immediately whispered "not to be an enemy of the Rams, unless he actively attacks us. This is the principle. It is good to do things according to this principle."

"Understood, then Justin and the Rams and Ivan have turned their faces. We are standing on the other side. Although it seems unlikely at present, we have to guard against this."

"This one……"

After thinking for a long time, Yang Yi finally said, "Since our fundamentals are intelligence, then, stand on the side of Justin!"

Anna Starkina whispered "There are black devils on the ram."

"I know, but the ram can't give us what we need, Justin can."

Anna Starkina said, "Understood, with your will, these are just a plan. Justin and the ram are not likely to turn their faces. Also, I think Justin will soon become the Cicero family. The patriarch."


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