A War Between Spies

Chapter 1161: What Anna said

I was going to have nothing to look for, but now I have something to find myself. For Yang Yi, now is not just a matter of helping, it is not a question of finding nothing, but how big he is going to get this thing. .

Anton is a good assistant, but Yang Yi left him in New York, because Boer always has to be able to play. In terms of the comprehensiveness and ability of Anton, he does not leave anyone behind.

Therefore, Yang Yi only has Xiao Yu and Bonnie.

It is not always beautiful to have beautiful women, at least this time, not a beautiful woman who eats, and two beautiful women can’t see it is Yang Yi’s current state.

Fortunately, Yang Yi’s mood is definitely not suitable for playing emotional games.

Yang Yi is anxious.

When the plane landed at London Airport, Yang Yi was shocked by the people waiting to meet him.

Because the elites of the water organization will all come, one is not lacking.

Yang Yi has only one feeling, how can he get Danny's people? It is possible for the water organization to act collectively for them. Although one Anton is missing, this is indeed the most action taken by the water organization since its establishment.

"How come you all?"

Anna Starkina stepped forward and said: "You never used such an eager tone to mobilize our strongest strength, so of course I brought everyone."

"What about Justin?"

"He doesn't need us anymore. Now it's OK. Big Ivan and Rams don't take Justin as a sly intention, so Justin is very reassuring to let us go. Also, he thinks hiding our existence. Ok, because it won't affect his relationship with the ram."

Yang Yi nodded: "It makes sense to wait until I finish the matter here and then meet him."

Anna said faintly: "We have arrived for six hours. During this time, we tried to contact your friend, but failed. The phone number you gave is no longer accessible. Let’s check Tang Guo. The location of the signal, the signal has been blocked."

Yang Yi’s heart was raised.

Panic is not enough. Yang Yi is not the kind of person who can't help but hear the point. After thinking for a moment, he nodded. "There should be no problem. The Knights of the Dark Knight still have anti-reconnaissance skills. They should block the signal and want to keep the last tool that can contact me. Hey, maybe they are waiting for me, they won’t open the phone until my plane is landing."

Looking at the watch, Yang Yi continued: "Do you have a background check?"

Anna shook her head: "The time period, lack of necessary information, so the survey results are not good, Tang Guo's brother got some news, but I think these messages are of little value, and naturally I will get first-hand information after finding your friends. So I didn’t send people out to gather intelligence, but concentrate on waiting for you.”

It was so comfortable to have Anna Starkina as a helper.

Yang Yi looked at everyone, then he waved: "Let's go, first find a place to settle down, and contact the night knight's people before planning the next step."

The first step in the process has already completed the most basic preparations, at least the cars are rented, and the number must be surplus.

Yang Yi’s car was opened by Zhang Yong, the first officer was sitting in Yang Yi, and the latter two were sitting on Brian and Anaskinna.

When Anna Starkina was there, Brian’s words were really few. Yang Yi was curious about the fact that there were a lot of people in both grades. How did she stare at each other all day and didn’t feel bored at all? Of course, mainly Brian.

"Brother, how many people can we use?"

Zhang Yong has a helpless look: "There are few people in the UK, who is stupid, when the mercenary runs the UK to do things, the price has to rise to the sky, and then, Danny is worth it. Bring two or three hundred mercenaries? Are there any things that these people can't do? The gangsters are just fighting, you bring a large team of mercenaries to the scene? Kill the chicken with a knife."

Yang Yi was speechless, and Zhang Yongxing came up. He said loudly: "Let's talk about it, Danny, although they are few people, they can still live in this place in London. After all, many people have been on the battlefield, but this is the case. Years have passed, when they dared to fight and dare to fight it out, now one by one has a family and has money, and then let them desperately do not work."

Yang Yi whispered: "The captains are still dare to fight."

"I dare to fight hard, but you figure out that they were active and desperate. Why, except for bad things, nothing else. Now, now they are not wealthy, you still let them have a gun." The times are different."

After quite a sigh of emotion, Zhang Yong pointed his finger at his nose and said loudly: "What am I, I am a mercenary, it is still now!"

"Yong brother, you are not now..."

"Oh, although it is on your thief boat, what I am doing now is not what the mercenary is. In short, is it the work of the mercenary? Is it Danny? I rely on him to be a restaurant manager! I am with You tell this guy is a costume!"

"Cough, brave, say the topic."

"I am not talking about the topic? Do you believe that you have to go back ten years, don't care what Russian gangs or North Africa gangs will never dare to provoke him, the night knight, murder is not blinking, the wind and blood are coming over, the gang is seeking for money, not In order to fight bravely, who has nothing to do with the hard and sly scorpion, isn’t it? Now? Danny is rich now, their territory is not small, not gangs are more moist than gangs, local gangs are not Who is he engaged in?"


Yang Yi coughed again, then he turned to the back of Anna: "Where are we going to settle?"

“The three hotels have been set up~www.readwn.com~ try to be scattered but not far away.”

Zhang Yong finally did not speak.

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "If the captain is caught by the police, it is not difficult to know where he is being held. We should start from this aspect. If we have been unable to contact the Knights of the Dark Knight, we can only Come on yourself, rescue Danny first, and then consider other things."

Anna Starkina shook her head. "No, my idea is not to hurry to rescue Danny. He may suffer a bit in the police injury, but there will be no big problems, at least not dead. We should first figure out The situation, to find out who is Danny's enemy, and then we kill all the Danny's enemies, and then to rescue him is not too late, first rescue, will make the enemy alert and inconvenient for our actions."

Brian nodded and said: "Yes, kill all the enemies and save people. Anna is right."

. . . m.

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