A War Between Spies

Chapter 1167: Put people first

If you let a gang stop the way, it is really funny, and it is too funny.

The water organization is weak or strong, and certainly not a gangster as an opponent. Why, because the gang is not worthy.

It’s also a spy organization. It’s better than a gangster.

Therefore, Yang Yi and Xiao Feng can be together in a no-man's land. Some people dare to stop them, let the other party die or live is really something between Yang Yi and his thoughts.

Next, of course, go directly to the police station.

Danny’s place of detention is very high and is the place used by the London Police to temporarily hold repeat offenses, because from that perspective, Danny is the most dangerous prisoner in the UK.

Therefore, Xiao Feng now believes that Yang Yi is very bullish, but whether he can pick Danny out, he still remains skeptical.

Because this involves two completely different fields, it is the expression of two completely different abilities or powers. Yang Yi is very capable of playing. There are many people under Yang Yi, and the people under Yang Yi are very powerful. They are facing one. When you are a gangster, you can destroy each other with a nearly crushing posture.

But let the Scotland Yard not be one, but several dangerous elements are unconditionally released. Is this really okay?

Yang Yi drove the stolen car to the parking lot near the Scotland Yard. Then he said to Xiao Feng: "The time is almost up, we are waiting here for a while."

"How long?"

"Hey, there are fifteen minutes to the appointed time. Just wait fifteen minutes. If no one comes to me after fifteen minutes, then we can go back."

Yang Yi and Xiao Feng waited for fifteen minutes while sitting quietly in the car.

When the time is up, Yang Yi, who was already very confident, really has some loss of confidence. He feels that there is no problem. If there is no problem, Gary Kie is not coming, that is a problem.

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, his face was not very good.

"Let's go, it seems that I really miscalculated the situation."

Yang Yi once again launched the car, Xiaofeng whispered: "Don't wait? Can't you?"

Yang Yi nodded and said: "It should be no good, so we should go back and re-plan how to rescue the captain."

It is no longer possible to use the word, Yang Yi has been saved.

I didn't feel particularly shameful or faceless, but Yang Yi really felt a little trouble.

Xiaofeng hesitated a moment, then he whispered: "Or else we will wait a little longer? How about five minutes?"

Yang Yi thought about it and finally nodded: "Well, wait another ten minutes, maybe it is a traffic jam."

Waiting for another five minutes, Yang Yi’s heart was not so hopeful. He shook his head and said to Xiao Feng: "Let's go."

"It’s not ten minutes yet."

"In fact, it is meaningless. It seems that they are still not paying enough attention to me. Since they refuse to release people, we will save ourselves. The consequences and responsibilities should be borne by the British."

Yang Yi said that the sentence is not a swearword. Xiao Feng’s eyes looked at Yang Yi’s eyes and said: “I feel that you are very aggressive.”

At this time, a car drove up quickly, and then rested on the side of the road recklessly. Then, Gary Keane pushed the door down from the car, and then stood there and looked back and forth, and squatted. Out of the phone.

Yang Yi slammed: "It’s coming!"

Xiaofeng was shocked and happy, saying: "Come on? That is hope."

"I am going out to see."

Yang Yi pushed the car and got off the bus. He stood by the car and waved at Gary Keane.

Gary Keane saw Yang Yi, who was relieved and ran to Yang Yifei.

"Sorry, I used it for too long to convince my boss, and I came across a traffic jam on the way. Fortunately, you are waiting for me."

Just talking to Yang Yi, Gary Keane’s car came down again, looking at his fifties, and looked at him with a serious look.

Gary Keane lowered his voice and said: "My boss, you have to talk to him. There are no problems in terms of your conditions and requirements, but I need my boss to agree. Everyone will take a step back. ?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said, "Okay, let's talk first."

When he opened the door, Yang Yi handed a walkie-talkie to Xiao Feng, who was sitting inside. He said, "I will talk to them again. If I have anything, or if you see something, use this to talk about it. Just fine."

Xiaofeng nodded, and Yang Yi closed the door and followed Gary Keane to the serious middle-aged.

"Hello there."

"Hello there."

"I introduce myself, I am James Wall. I have heard about your name. I am very happy to see you today."

Yang Yi reached out and held a hand with James and smiled. "I am very happy too."

Standing on the side of the car, James looked at Yang Yi. After a little thought, he said directly: "The information you provided, we are very interested and very concerned. Regarding the information about Brexit, can you please tell me carefully? speak?"

After that, James looked apologetic: "We have seriously considered your request. From my personal point of view, your request is not excessive, but the level of the case is too high, and the above People sometimes lack understanding of those of us who really do things, so..."

After a brief interruption for a while, James looked serious: "We have an additional condition, not too much, that is, after you get this information, tell me in detail, if you have more detailed information, such as what this information is. Time, from where to hand to the CIA, we will release people immediately, I personally take charge of the matter, personally negotiate, and release people to you as soon as possible."

Get detailed information on the information?

This is almost two intelligences.

Yang Yi told Gary Keane that CIA already knew the intention of Brexit. This is an intelligence. If you tell them how to get the information process, it basically sells the CIA’s undercover in the UK. I don’t know how many things are saved in five places.

Therefore, Yang Yi certainly can't tell him too much.

"Put the person first~www.readwn.com~ talk about the rest."

Yang Yi’s attitude is very determined. He will let people go and say, and all other issues will be discussed later. Now, MI5 is thinking of using Danny as a bargaining bargain with him.

If MI5 does not help to get people out, then Yang Yi will change partners. I am sure that MI6 will be happy to take the case.

James's face is a bit ugly, Yang Yi whispered: "Mr. Wall, I am very anxious, now using my friend as a bargaining chip, I am very upset."

When you show your determination, you must not leave too much room for fantasies.

James Wall looked at Yang Yi's serious and cold face. After a little thought, he finally nodded and said, "Well, let me go first, you come with me."

. . . m.

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