A War Between Spies

Chapter 1169: condition

Danny’s face was always gloomy, and no one was vocalized when his brothers were brought out of the cell.

Silence, sometimes more anger.

James’s look was also serious. He and Gary Keane whispered two sentences, and then Gary went to Yang Yi’s side and whispered: “We need a brief talk.”

Yang Yi went aside, Gary hesitated, and then he said: "Your friends are not ordinary gangsters, they seem to be brewing a massive revenge."

Yang Yi whispered: "We have two people dead. Do you think this is the case?"

Gary hurriedly said: "This is not included in our agreement. It is London, not the Middle East. It is not a place where rioters can be arbitrarily ravaged. If your people are revenge freely, we are all very difficult to deal with."

Yang Yi nodded and said: "I understand what you mean, but it is impossible to do it. At most, we choose a way that everyone can accept."

Gary Keane is still hesitating, when James is facing Yang Yidao: "Let's leave here first, there is something to go out and say."

It is clearly James's inspiration, Gary Keane and Yang Yi said, but now it seems that James seems to be the least worried.

The group left the Scotland Yard. When he saw Danny, Xiao Feng was very excited, but he still stayed in the car and did not come down.

Yang Yi whispered to Danny and his party: "Captain, I need to talk to them again. You will take everyone back first. Don't rush to do it. Is there anything I can do after I go back?"

Danny smiled and reached for the shoulder of Yang Yi, saying: "I am not so unsettled, wait until you come back and talk."

"Jiang Ge should have been sent to the hospital. Now we have not been able to relax, captain, be careful."

Danny Haha smiled and said, "Okay, don't you teach, see you later."

A car couldn't fit, Danny had another taxi, and a few people left, and after watching them leave, Yang Yicai returned to the car where Gary Keane and James were.

"The things today are very smooth, thank you very much."

James sat in the car and slammed his hand and said, "If you don't mind, just talk in the car."

Yang Yi got into the car and sat in the back row with James.

After a moment of silence, James sighed: "Your people want revenge."

"Yes, but they are not my people, just my friends. I have to explain this clearly. Please don't misunderstand."

"Well, your friends, your friends are not ordinary people, nor gangsters. If they want revenge, they will cause trouble to many people. I will let them out. If they do too much, I will I can't explain it here, please understand this."

Yang Yi whispered: "I understand your situation very well, but all things have a suitable bargaining chip to exchange. Now my request is to ignore the revenge that my friends are about to start, so that they can enjoy peace as before. Life, can this requirement be met?"

James did not hesitate: "Yes, but give me what I want, I want to know all the details of the information you provide."


Yang Yi extended her hand, but James did not reach out. He continued: "I have conditions."

Yang Yi took the hand back.

James said with a serious face: "You can take revenge, but you can't overdo it. You can't absolutely not shoot a gun. But I ask you to never cause any public incidents, especially if you can't make any big news during revenge. Revenge can only be quiet. Quietly, can you?"

After that, James looked calmly: "In terms of your ability, even if you let Russia help all the accidents, it is no problem. I can accept Russia to help the accident, die in a traffic accident, and die in drowning. Died to overdose, but there must be no large-scale gun battles, and there must be no street vendettas."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "Is this condition?"

"This is the most important condition!"

"No problem, we can do it."

James sighed and said: "Please do it."

"I am definitely a person who said it is done, hey, is it okay to die from a myocardial infarction? Or a brain hemorrhage?"

"Of course, even if you put all the members of Russia into a myocardial infarction, I have no opinion. I will be responsible for the Scottish field, but you must ensure that they don't make news for me. Let me talk about it first, no matter what. Who, who created the news for me, I must arrest people!"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "No problem, normal cause of death, not on the news."

"I am not talking about pressing the news, but I can't get the news at all."

"Understand, please don't worry, I won't make you hard to do."

James sighed softly and said, "Well, when do you start?"

"Now, this kind of hatred can't wait for the night."

James was silent again, then he sighed: "When will I be given information?"

"Now, I will send the details to Gary."

There is nothing to say about it here. It was originally an exchange of interests. In order to quickly solve an undercover lurking in the heart of the UK, let a Russian gang pay the price. This kind of thing is of course easy to choose.

Yang Yi asked Danny where they went, took a taxi and rushed to the fastest speed.

The people of the water organization are on the periphery, although they cannot see, but they are outside, protecting these people of the Dark Knight.

Knocked on the door, Yang Yi went in, and Danny sat in a circle and was eating.

Can't say that it is gorging, but the eating of several people is really unsightly.

"Sit down and eat, Amin takes the tableware."

Waking up and letting Yang Yi sit down and putting a pair of tableware in front of Yang Yi, Danny put a dish in the small bowl in front of Yang Yi and smiled: "The heart of the air, please eat."

Yang Yi picked up the dish and smiled: "Don't ask me to eat meat~www.readwn.com~ Please let me eat green vegetables."

"It’s good to have a dish. I lived in the number for a few days and wanted green vegetables every day."

Yang Yi ate the vegetables, Danny took a few mouthfuls of rice in the bowl, and then he said to Yang Yidao: "This time we recognize the plant, it depends on you, the beautiful restaurant will not go first, do not trouble the boss, things solved me. Please drink morning tea and cook it for you in the kitchen."

"Then I thank the captain first."

Danny smiled and picked up a paper towel and wiped his mouth. Then he sang a sigh and said, "What is the result of talking to someone?"

Yang Yi said faintly: "Don't shoot, don't go to the news, as long as you do these two things, the Russian gang will not have to live."

. . . m.

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