A War Between Spies

Chapter 1185: character

Yang Yi has stepped back two steps. The next thing is to hand it over to Brian, and the two people will be punished as they should, and then they will be tried again.

But Yang Yi has to talk to Anna Starkina seriously.

"I don't want to understand."

After a pause, Yang Yi took a breath and said: "If this is a trap that wants to destroy us, then the person who laid the trap has missed the best opportunity, but if it is not for us to wipe out the net, why should we have this trap? ”

Anna Starkina shook her head gently: "I don't know, it's a conspiracy, but it doesn't look like a deadly trap."

Of course, Anna Starkina doesn't know everything.

Yang Yi sighed deeply and said: "So what do you think is this, a test? My feeling now is that the whole thing is a test, but what about me? Or what test us? The ability to collect intelligence? There is no experience in this incident, our combat effectiveness? Our combat effectiveness is still not experienced at all, because our opponents are too weak, whether they are Russian helpers or North African helpers, they are too weak."

Anna Starkina continued to meditate, then she suddenly said: "Test your attitude?"

"Attitude? What is the test of my attitude?"

"You pay attention to the Dark Knight."

"Danny is my friend. The night knight saved my life. I don't think there is anything to test. They have something, I will do whatever it takes."

"This is your attitude, if anyone wants to see it?"

Yang Yi lingered for a while and said: "Impossible. According to Basanov, someone impersonated Shahd and contacted him two months ago. Three months ago, someone tried to test my night knight. Start your layout with your attitude?"

Anna Starkina said with a deep thought: "Two months is not too long. At that time, you have entered the CIA. If this is a test of the gray man, then Aaron is the implementer, if Aaron. If you want to test you, then what will he test? I think it is your character. It is something that can't be seen from the outside. Some things need to be verified."

"What does this mean?"

Anna Starkina looked at Brian, then she whispered: "Before deciding to send me to fight Brian, the Dark Devil investigated him for nearly two years and made a clear judgment on his character, confirming After he had a character defect, he decided to let me attack him. I am very precious. If there is no basic grasp to be able to attack him, I will not be sent."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said, "Yeah."

“Sometimes, ability is not the most important. When deciding a person to perform a very important task, personality is often more important than ability, such as loyalty.”

Anna Starkina sighed, then she whispered: "This matter can be declared over, that is, the test for you is over, and Aaron wants to see what has been seen."

Yang Yi reached out and grabbed her hair. He whispered: "How is my performance?"

"How do I know that I am not Aaron, I don't know if he wants to understand your part of the character, but I believe that the answer will be known soon."

Yang Yi frowned and said: "If my approach makes Aaron satisfied, he will reuse me. If I don't satisfy him, then I am in danger. He should want to kill me."

"Yes, let us analyze why Aaron used the Russian gang and North Africa to test you. First, the night knight is in London. This is a geographical factor. Secondly, the Russian gang and the North African gang are all extinct. The evil trade, so why did you choose these two gangs as chess pieces?"

Yang Yi is incredulous: "Is it necessary to test my character? No, as a spy, do you have to test humanity? Is it good to test me?"

Anna Starkina shook her head: "I don't know, but I know that personality is very important, that is, the character you said in your mouth. I said that personality is more important than ability."

Yang Yi can only wave his hand, Anna Starkina said: "If this is a test, then the test should be over, your performance and practices are irreversible, we still don't know the result is good, if Ya If you want someone who only looks at the interests, then you have already disappointed him. If not, then your performance will satisfy him."

Yang Yi whispered: "I don't think Aaron is a guy with a sense of justice. It has been seen from his actions."

"Never arbitrarily evaluate a person, what you see, what you know is not necessarily true, human nature is very complicated."

"You are right, I should not arbitrarily evaluate Aaron."

Anna Starkina pondered for a moment and said: "If this is Aaron's test, it means that you have officially entered the vision of the gray people, they value you, otherwise they will not specifically prepare this test for you."

Yang Yi felt a little angry, he whispered: "But the gray people use the wrong way, they should not hurt my friends."

"Your friend?"

"The night knight, the night knight died two people, perhaps in the gray man's eyes, the night knight is just a piece that can be used to test me, but for me, everyone in Danny and the night knight is my friend. They can't harm my friends to test me, which makes me unacceptable!"

After that, Yang Yi whispered: "I am very angry, because the dead people can't live."

Anna Starkina whispered: "That's your opinion. For Aaron and the Greys, the Dark Knight and Danny are nothing."

Yang Yi turned his head and looked at Basanov and Shahd. Then he whispered: "What should I do now?"

"According to your thoughts, things are done, and then what to do, no matter what the truth of the matter is, it is now over. If it is really as we guessed, Aaron should contact you soon. ""

Yang Yi thought about it~www.readwn.com~: "Would you like to tell Danny about our guess, let him know that I didn't help him, but I was tired of him."

Anna Starkina shook her head: "I will choose not to say anything, but my advice to you is that you can say what you want. If you are willing to tell him, tell him, you don't want to tell him, then don't tell him. ,it's up to you."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then he picked up the phone and waited for Danny to connect and sighed: "Captain, we caught Shahd and Basanov, and you solved it after you solved it. We, and... forget it, or talk after meeting."

Anna Starkina smiled and said: "You decided to say it."

"Yes, I decided to tell the captain."

After the talk, Yang Yi whispered: "I have to deal with the things here, I have to go to see Aaron, I think it is better to take the initiative to attack."

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