A War Between Spies

Chapter 1192: Enjoy service

Boer looked like a slap in the face. When he saw Yang Yi, he grabbed Yang Yi’s arm and hurriedly said: "We have a problem!"

"what is the problem."

Bohr gasped, then he sighed: "Larry Bell, this bastard, he is a bisexual, but this is not the main thing, I did not expect this guy to maintain an underground club, every once in a while Hold a big chaos party!"

"and then?"

"Many officials, many rich people, and most importantly, this party is really abnormal."

Yang Yi frowned and said: "Why have I seen this kind of scum recently, hey, is this kind of thing very common in the rich circles?"

"But Larry Bell is playing too much!"

“How much has it been?”

Bohr is extremely angry: "Is this important?"

"Oh, okay, you continue."

Boer was indignant and said: "I have known Larry Bell for many years. I don't even know that he has this hobby, which means he never invited me, bastard!"

Yang Yi was speechless. Bohr suddenly felt that he was wrong. So he coughed twice and said: "The point is that Larry Bell invites many people every time. He will prepare men and women himself. Enjoy the guests, all the tricks you can imagine, cough..."

I coughed twice again, and Bohr said with a serious face: "The important thing is to kill people! He has killed five people at his party!"

Yang Yi was shocked and said: "Playing back, he dares to make a life?"

Boer’s hateful words: “The two drugs are too dead, three people are killed by ill-treatment, three men and two women, and two of the five dead are Larry. Belle’s, there were a few things, but he could use the money to settle things, but this time it was different. Larry Bell died. Those who didn’t dare to speak before dared to stand up and reveal the truth.”


"A man, his boyfriend was tortured to death by Larry Bell. This guy has collected a lot of money, but now that Larry Bell is dead, this guy is coming out to expose everything. Do you know what it means? Many celebrities will be pulled off the water. The most important thing is that this involves human life. Once it is exposed, it will be a big turmoil."

Yang Yi said incomprehensible: "Wait, are you not making bad news for Bell Securities? Why are you still nervous when you use this devastating scandal?"

Bohr looked sad and angry: "The problem is that we have not completed the acquisition yet. Larry Bell is equivalent to Bell Securities. What we want is to acquire a well-structured Bell Securities, not a Bell Securities that was destroyed by the scandal. If Bell Securities is completely bankrupt, then what is the use of us?"

Yang Yi nodded: "Oh, understand, what do I need to do? Wait, this kind of thing should not be difficult to deal with?"

Boer looked helplessly: "The man called the police. He is now in the police station. We can't kill people. If there is another scandal of killing and killing, it will be completely finished, so I have to do two things now. First, speed up the acquisition. At the same time, you are responsible for pressing this down, and you must not open it!"

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "No problem, this matter is easy to solve."

Bohr sighed and said: "Yes, you can turn to cia."

Yang Yi shook his head: "No, cia is not convenient to handle this kind of thing. I can turn to the cleaners. In fact, it is the best that cleaners are good at handling such things."

Bohr stunned, and then he nodded. "Yeah, I know the name, the cleaners, it’s not about handling this dirty work."

Yang Yi is very relaxed: "I have handled this matter for me. I think it is a big problem. Is there anything else?"

Boer’s face was not very convinced: “If you want to finish it, I will wait, because there is no time.”

Yang Yi shrugged, and then he called and waited for Elvin to connect. He said faintly: "Hello, I have something to trouble you."


When Yang Yi wanted to say it, he suddenly found out that he seemed to be the first to exercise the power of the cleaner customer.

I don't know how big the s-level customers are, and I don't know how strong the cleaners are.

"I need you to help me push down a scandal, it is Larry Bell."

Elvin quietly listened to Yang Yi's words, then he sighed: "No problem, this matter can be handled, to ensure that no troubles are left, the cost is 40 million US dollars, please pay off immediately after confirming the completion of the task. ”

Yang Yi was picked up by her own saliva, and then he said strangely: "I need to pay, and it is still so expensive?"

"Of course, I need to pay. As for the price, I have already reduced you by 50 million. Generally, we charge a standard. It seems that this sensational scandal will be completely concealed and it will cost 10 million US dollars. ”

"Well? Ten million?"

"I also promised that it will be cleaned up. I will never be turned over again. I need to pay 40 million US dollars. I have already reduced the cost of 10 million US dollars. Please understand that it is not important to deal with this kind of thing. How much can I charge, but can I handle it? Do you think I am right?"

"Well, it makes sense, how long?"

Elvin thought for a moment and said: "The fastest hour, the slowest six hours, depends on the specific situation."

"Okay, I am waiting for you to reply."

Yang Yi hung up the phone and said to Portor: "Well, the fastest one hour, the slowest six hours, not delaying my trip tomorrow."

Bohr is still skeptical: "Real? Is it too exaggerated? Well, I am waiting for the news, six hours is completely acceptable, I have to wait for this to be done after the other."

The next thing to do is to wait, let Bohr talk about their progress. When the time passed two hours, Bohr just finished his current progress~www.readwn.com~ and expectations for the future, When I didn’t talk about the benefits, Yang Yi’s phone rang.

Yang Yi grabbed the phone and said, "Hey, is it finished?"

"Please pay, everything is under control, oh, by the way, remind you, maybe you still don't understand our style, we are in charge of the concept of being responsible to customers, urgency, and customers think, so that broke the news People are already under our control. If you need to release some scandals, you can contact me. This part is free. What do you want him to say?

Yang Yi looked at Boer, and then he sighed: "There will be someone who will discuss the specific operation with you, can you?"

"Yes, don't make this call, I will give you a number and let him contact me."

Yang Yi hung up the phone and said to Portor: "Well, you don't have to worry, everything has been fixed."

Looking at the watch, Yang Yi smiled and said: "Time is early, I will catch up with my home and have dinner, so you can tell me when we can see the money back."


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