A War Between Spies

Chapter 1198: People hiding behind the scenes

In New York, Yang Yi did not really track Taylor.

In truth, this time to give up tracking of Taylor, it is very easy to lose the clues, but the problem is that now Yang Yi they have the support of the top of the cleaners, so he is like a God perspective, In this case, how could he worry about losing people?

The only thing Yang Yi needs to do is wait for news from Bonnie.

Therefore, Yang Yi even had time to stay with Petra.

Just when Yang Yi and Petra Qingqing and I were, his phone rang. After connecting the phone, Bonnie said on the phone: "Boss, there is something to do."

Yang Yi is carelessly saying: "What is it? You said."

"Taylor is going to a ram meeting in Mexico City. We know that the ram is on the same flight. Do you want to take the same flight with him?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said, "No, I will handle it."

Hanging up the phone, Yang Yi said with apologetic face to Petra: "It seems that I have to go out again."

Petra looked very disappointed, she hesitated, but in the end she was only willing to nod.

Yang Yi hugged Petra and whispered: "This is really inconvenient to take you. Next time, when I have the right opportunity, I will definitely go with you, whether it is to play or work, okay?"

"Okay, come back soon."

Yang Yi smiled and kissed Petra's face and picked up his coat and left the house.

When I got on the bus and reached their foothold in Anton, Yang Yi immediately hurriedly said: "What is the situation."

Bonnie said with a calm face: "Under our deliberate guidance, the person responsible for protecting the ram thinks that Taylor is very dangerous and wants to kill Taylor, but the ram does not agree to do this, so he can only think of it as safe as possible. The way to eliminate the threat is that the risk of seeing Taylor in the US is too great, so they decided to see it in Mexico, and the ram will definitely go to Mexico City."

"Can Mexico be the backyard of cia?"

Yang Yi said that he said the wrong thing after he said it, because Mexico is the backyard of the United States, but New York is equivalent to the living room of cia.

“Well, meeting in Mexico, is there any plan for the cleaners?”

Yang Yi looked at the second question for you, but Bonnie shook his head: "I don't know, because the specific operation is decided by the person responsible for the ram. The limit we can achieve is to get them. The whereabouts, but the details, we can't know."

There is nothing to think about, Yang Yi nodded: "We go to Mexico and let Aaron send people support, so we don't have to be close to the ram."

Bonnie said: "The good news is that there are only rams, no one else."

Yang Yi immediately had an interest, while Anton was eyebrows and smiled. "No black devil, very good, a lot less pressure."

Bonnie looked at Anton, and then she said faintly: "But the cleaners use a lot more people than normal, in order to protect the ram's s-class customers, secretly protect."

Yang Yi is a bit nervous, because to break with the cleaners, there must be an excellent excuse, because the rams are simple, but the fall of the enemy to the enemy of life and death means that there must be sacrifice.

That is the price that Elvin said.

Yang Yi wondered if he should pull the box over, but he quickly gave up the idea, because the next thing would be a face-to-face confrontation with Aaron. Of course, it was a psychological confrontation, but this time is definitely Not suitable for the box to appear.

"We have to find a ghost, which can cause a certain degree of ... loss to the cleaners, and it will not cost us too much."

Yang Yi quickly made a choice.

But Anton smiled faintly, then he sighed.

It is estimated that Anton also thinks it is not that simple, but Yang Yi can't really pay the price of letting anyone die in the hands of the cleaners to do the play.

"I called Aaron, you are ready, let's go to Mexico City and wait."

Anton said: "Wait, don't rush to call, don't forget one thing. If you tell Aaron now, then cia sent a large number of people waiting at the airport, and we don't know Ram and Taylor. How are you going to meet, if they really meet at the airport with impunity?"

Bonnie said faintly: "Yes, then the ram is exposed, don't forget Elvin's request, that is, try not to drag the ram into the water."

Yang Yi looked at Anton and said: "Although try to avoid exposing the ram, but... just try to be."

Bonnie whispered: "But you haven't done it as much as you can, sorry, you may not know how important an s-level customer is to us."

After all, Bonnie is not a water organization, she still has to give priority to the interests of the cleaners.

Yang Yi sighed softly and said: "Well, let's go to Mexico City first. After that, let Aaron send us a reinforcement."

Bonnie was silent, Yang Yi thought about it and said, "Let's bring a weapon, in case I need it, I will contact the plane first."

Xiao Yu stood up and said: "Take a bullet-proof vest, don't use it, bring it."

Yang Yi rarely wears bulletproof vests because he is not a person who needs to fight often. No, it should be said that his battle does not require bulletproof vests.

However, Xiao Yu said, Yang Yi thinks it will be brought with him.

Yang Yi personally went to clean up his belongings. He finally brought his own rifle that he hadn't used for a long time, and he wanted to use bulletproof vests that he didn't have a chance to use.

It is impossible to always hide behind the scenes. When there is a need to go up to it, there is still a bullet-proof vest that can be reassuring.

Of course, Yang Yi is most accustomed to using his knife ~www.readwn.com~ and some gadgets that he is not commonly used but will definitely carry with him.

There is a fact that must be known, that is, the spy equipment in the movie is full of futuristic and has all kinds of incredible effects. However, the actual equipment used by spies in reality is at least more advanced than that in the movie. At least a decade advanced.

Reality is more exaggerated than movies, and it is incredible. This is what can be achieved in the intelligence department.

There are four people, and there is also a Bonnie who is basically an outsider who will not participate in specific actions. That is to say, only Yang Yi and their three people can become a fuse that can change the history of the underground world.

Some wars are invisible, but they are even more tragic.

At the moment of leaving the door, Yang Yi was filled with a sense of historical mission. He took a deep breath and was about to push the door open, but he heard Xiao Xiao suddenly said behind him: "Don't move."

Yang Yi paused. Xiao Yu reached up and took a long hair on Yang Yi’s back. Then she whispered: "Okay, let's go."


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