A War Between Spies

Chapter 1205: Trust me

Bonnie pulled the trigger and Yang Yi didn't move.

The gun rang, but the bullet flew over Yang Yi’s head.

I think that it is impossible for Bonnie to shoot Yang Yi with the heel. Otherwise, the sacrifice of all this has any meaning.

Yang Yi put down the gun, then he whispered to the angry Bonnie: "I have a way! I have a way, you don't have to worry, believe me, even if it is to make this scene more real, you can't Go to hell!"

Bonnie looked angry and said: "I can't commit suicide! You coward, do you want all the effort and sacrifice to be wasted? You should kill me, you should kill me!"

Yang Yi shook her head.

Bonnie said with a desperate look: "I just want to die in your hands. You are my first man. I have to put all my feelings into you. This is... the task needs, when I have to die. I also hope that I can die in your hands. Don't you know what I am going to do in the hands of the gray man?"

Yang Yi whispered: "Believe me, you should believe me, I will not let you fall into the hands of the gray people, now I want to understand, really! You believe me, I really understand!"

Bonnie gnawed her teeth: "The queen is going to die! The old demon is going to die. They also die a lot of people. You told me this time you want to understand? What do you want to understand? Damn, you want me to suffer. After that, say something that shouldn’t be said, so that all efforts are in vain?"

Bonnie’s desperate look, she suddenly turned her head to Anton, and hurriedly said: “He is a coward, you come! I can’t commit suicide, but you always have the strength to shoot!”

Anton struggled to reach out, and Bonnie looked at Yang Yi with a hateful look, then placed the gun in Anton's hand.

Yang Yi rushed over and slammed the gun in the hand of Anton when Anton had just received the gun.

"Don't shoot, don't die, character defects! Do you understand?"

Yang Yixian looked at Bonnie, and then he looked at Anton again. He said with eagerness: "I must have a personality defect. Do you understand? Aaron’s test, he does not want a killer without feelings. What he wants is A person with a personality defect, understand? If you don't understand it, it doesn't matter. Just believe me!"

Yang Yi sighed and whispered: "You have to do just believe me, well, Bonnie, now pick up your gun and fight with me."

Yang Yi appeared to be very confident. Anton thought about it with a slight sigh, then he whispered to Bonnie: "Listen to him."

Bonnie sighed, then she shook her head. "I really don't know, I don't know if it will be messed up by you, I... I really don't know!"

"Trust me!"

After that, Yang Yi turned to the door, and then he was very calm: "Now believe me, take care of my queen and the old demon, I am here to block the enemy, waiting for the reinforcements."

According to the truth, Yang Yi can't be alone, but the cleaner doesn't really want his life, so in any case, Yang Yi can keep it.

Soon, a car screamed and rushed over. When Yang Yi’s watch rang, the representative of the enemy and the identification system was prompted by friendly forces rather than enemies.

The reinforcements finally arrived.

In fact, the CIA is very efficient. It is not the United States, but Mexico. The CIA spent less than an hour and organized a team of dozens to support Yang Yi. This efficiency is really high because the CIA is a spy. It is not an army. It is impossible for a spy to send dozens of people to fight on a foreign land.

If it is not because this situation is really too special, the CIA will never make such a move.

Because this is a violation of the sovereignty of a country, it is of course impossible for CIA people to recognize their identity, and will not admit it anyway, otherwise it will be an international scandal.

A person who looks like a gang is rushing in. Of course, he may be a gang, because in Mexico, the drug lords are like CIA's cash machines.

"Where is the target!"

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He leaned against the frame of the door and slipped down and sat down on the floor. Then he shook his head and said, "I don't know, no accident has already run."

The agent, like a gang, showed a relief, although he immediately concealed his expression, and looked angry: "Damn! It's late!"

Yang Yi whispered: "Man, how about saving us first?"

"Come, come on! Take them to the hospital, fast!"

Yang Yi turned to look at Anton, and the situation in Anton was relatively stable, so he then looked at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's face is very pale, no blood, she does not know whether it is faint or dead, Yang Yi has not dared to ask.

Although his eyes are closed, Xiao Yu’s face is facing Yang Yi’s.

The bulleted Xiao Yu looked very weak, she lay there, and the bloodless face looked calm.

Looking at Xiao's calm face, without **** lips, Yang Yi suddenly came down from the middle. He put down his pistol, raised his right hand, covered his eyes with his hands, and began to burst into tears.

I cried.

The man who came to the rescue was shocked by Yang Yi’s crying.

Yang Yi didn't want to worry about anything. He just wanted to burst into tears. He didn't want to worry about things like shame. He just wanted to cry.

If Xiao Yu is dead, then this is a memorial to her.

Because even the chance to cry later is gone.

Just when Yang Yixi was crying, the two men went up and down and lifted Xiao Yu. Then when they crossed Yang Yi’s door, the people in front yelled at Yang Yi: “Be careful, let one let. ”

Yang Yi closed his leg and he reached out and touched Xiao Yan's face gently.

This is the first time Yang Yi reached out to touch Xiao Yan's face, and the blood in his hand touched Xiao Yan's face.

"Get on the bus, man, you are shot, I have to take care of you first, now you are safe, you are safe."

Yang Yishun stood up~www.readwn.com~ He looked at Bonnie and Anton with a blank look. Anton was being lifted up, and Bonnie came to him with a worried look.

Yang Yi suddenly turned back and looked at the person in front of him. Shen Sheng said: "Save her, save them! I will give you an unimaginable return! Be sure to save her!"

"Of course, of course, buddy, we are colleagues, rest assured, rest assured."

While comforting this Yang Yi, the person who brought people to the rescue said: "Let's evacuate here, clean it here, hurry up!"

Bonnie followed Yang Yi to a car. She looked a little nervous. In fact, she was very nervous because she didn't know if Yang Yi's promise could be honored.

Yang Yi’s injury must be seriously injured, but he held Bonnie’s hand with his hand and whispered: “Believe me, there will be nothing, believe me!”

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