A War Between Spies

Chapter 1211: Wrong, it has been revised.

Gray people need to urgently complete the raid on the cleaners.

It is impossible to get a long line to catch big fish after getting the information. Once the cleaners realize that Yang Yi has changed, the cleaners will inevitably change the contact method urgently and take back all the people who may be exposed.

There is another possibility, that is, the cleaners have realized that Yang Yi may be betrayed, so they have modified the previous contact methods, then Yang Yi calculated that the cleaners were sold, and the gray people would not be allowed to take any advantage.

Of course, there is a problem now. If the cleaners deliberately sacrificed Yang Yi to protect the rams, the foundation of Yang Yi’s sale of cleaners would not exist. When any secret organization finds it possible to be sold, the first thing to do. It is to eliminate the danger, even if you can not kill Yang Yi immediately, at least you can protect yourself.

Therefore, since the cleaners know that they have given up Yang Yi and have not been able to kill Yang Yi for the first time, it is necessary to evacuate all the people who may be exposed.

But fortunately, there is a very reasonable explanation that can make the gray people do not doubt that the loss of the cleaner is intentional.

That is the combination of Yang Yi, a group that protects the ram. They don’t know each other’s existence.

Yang Yi said that the cleaner gave up on him, but this is only the idea of ​​his anger. If the cleaner does not know that this oolong has appeared between his two clients, it is of course understandable and acceptable.

So everything can only be seen by the gray-clothed people who can make a major victory in the cleaners according to Yang Yi's intelligence. If so, then everything can be perfectly explained.

If not, then Yang Yi will die and die.

The gray-clothed people are already starting to deploy, but this kind of secret battle requires no more people. It is really hard to say whether the gray-clothed person has this ability.

When you are staring at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.

When the gray-clothed people attack the cleaners, the cleaners can also take the opportunity to spy on the strength of the gray-clothed people. This is definitely something that will happen.

Aaron left, he did not contact Yang Yi in the face of the gray people, he did not let anyone to monitor Yang Yi, initially reflected his trust in Yang Yi, the most basic trust.

After two and a half hours, Aaron returned.

"We will launch an attack at 8:00 pm EST. At the same time, the various locations you provide will also launch attacks at the same time. This will not be very good, but we have no choice, that is, there are two more. It’s a half hour, it’s time to start.”

Five hours, in several countries around the world launched an attack at the same time, the initial performance of the gray people is really strong.

Yang Yi said faintly: "Then I will meet at 8:00. If he sees me, you attack. If he doesn't see me, you can choose to cancel the attack."

Aaron smiled and said: "This is really my idea, if your contact has not seen you..."

"There's nothing left to say, I know what the consequences will be."

Aaron reached out and made a gesture of asking, then he took out Yang Yi’s cell phone and phone and placed it at Yang Yi’s hand...

"Have you checked the phone?"

"No, it is really not."

Yang Yi picked up the satellite phone, and then he whispered: "This is the cleaner who gave it to me. I hope that you have not touched your hands or feet. Otherwise, it may be discovered by the cleaners. Even if you want to study the phone carefully, I have to wait for my call, so tell me again now, have you checked or moved this call?"

Aaron said very seriously: "Of course, I know the seriousness of doing this, so of course I have not touched your call."

Yang Yi nodded and he dialed the phone.

The phone was quickly connected and the sound of Elvin sounded.

"Where are you? What happened?"

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then he whispered: "I tracked the ram in Mexico, I was attacked, I was injured, and all three of us were seriously injured. Now we are all in the hospital, the old demon and the queen are very hurt. Serious, but no life is dangerous, Bonnie is completely okay, she is taking care of us."

Elvin sighed softly and said: "No life is dangerous?"


"That's good, it's good, this is a misunderstanding, um, where are you now?"

Yang Yi whispered: "misunderstanding?"

"Hey, let's talk."

Yang Yi whispered: "Well, at eight o'clock in the evening, I am not very convenient to move, so you have to come see me."

"I will rush over and I will contact you later."


Yang Yi hung up the phone, and then he looked at Aaron. "You heard it. It seems that there is no problem at the moment, but... he should explain it to me in detail, so I can dispel my doubts, but he did not."

Aaron frowned. "Do you suspect that he has begun to be alert to you?"

Yang Yi nodded: "Yes, what do you think?"

Aaron thought for a long time and shook his head. "Although I am completely unfamiliar with your contacts, I don't think he has begun to doubt your performance. www.readwn.com~ If he suspects that you want to change, you should If you explain, he does not explain, it means that he still trusts you."

Yang Yi appeared to be suspicious, and then he sighed: "He didn't agree with me to meet, I was injured. If he trusted me, he should come to the hospital directly to find me, but he said that he would contact me later."

Aaron nodded, then he looked serious: "All the guesses we have now make sense, so if we just rely on guessing, we will only fall into double negation, and then we will never get an accurate answer, so The easiest way is to meet your liaison. If he comes, it means he doesn't doubt you. If he doesn't come or change someone, then... it's a pity."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "Prepare the man, he should not come to the hospital to see me, so you have to prepare some good hands and be closer to me."

Aaron smiled and said: "For the sake of safety, it is better to take care of you. You only need to bring a bug with you. It is convenient for us to control your whereabouts and safety. Oh, you will search when you meet. ?"

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "Never, but I don't know if there is any device that monitors or shields electronic signals. Because every time we meet, we have a lot of people. It should be difficult to shield the signal, but Monitoring signals is possible."

Aaron thought for a moment and said, "I will arrange six people. As long as the Irvine appears, wait for your signal, we will catch him."

Yang Yi was silent for a moment, then he sighed: "He knows a lot, so try not to kill him, be sure to stay alive."

Aaron smiled: "Of course."

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