A War Between Spies

Chapter 1214: Dust settled

There should be follow-up, and someone should rescue Irvine.

Yang Yi has great confidence in this.

Irvine can't be caught by the gray man. He can die. He can take the initiative to die in order to look real, but he can't be caught.

Man, after all, is a human being. After all, Irvine is a flesh-and-blood body rather than a robot. No matter how strong his will is, once he falls into the hands of the gray-clothed person and falls to the end of the trial, he is very likely to know. Everything is revealed.

In order not to let Irvine say what he said should not be said, he would either not be taken away or killed by himself after being taken away.

If you can't be rescued, it is best to be killed by yourself.

Keaton turned and he protected Elvin with his own body, pulled out the pistol in his right hand, and watched everyone in the cafe with vigilance.

Bonnie stepped forward and she grabbed Yang Yi’s wheelchair and quickly pulled Yang Yi back.

Bonnie is worried about being accidentally injured.

Just as Keaton announced his hand at the air, the café was immediately electromagnetically disturbed, blocking interference in the full band, and no signal from any electronic device could be sent out.

At this moment, two coffee guests saw Keton's action after pulling the gun, first subconsciously left the seat, and then began to run to the door, but their actions were just an illusion, one of them turned around And opened the gun at the moment of turning.

Keaton fired, and he had a shot in his chest, and then he shot the man who shot him before he fell.

Keaton swayed and stepped back, reaching out and holding Elvin as a support so that he would not fall.

As for the other person, Keaton no longer has to deal with it.

The same is a customer, a middle-aged woman who pulled out a pistol and killed another.

At the beginning of the fierce battle, it entered a fever.

The coffee shop was in a mess, and Keaton was shot. He couldn't support his body, so he simply fell back to the sky and still wanted to protect his body with his body.

There are two doors, dozens of customers, and two cleaners have fallen under the gun, while the gray man has only a clear target in Keaton.

The middle-aged woman was close to Keaton and Irvine with a vigilant look. She had just walked to Keaton’s side. A seemingly flustered customer suddenly shot and did not hesitate to open the head of Irvine. The gun.

Abandoning the rescue, the cleaners began trying to kill Irvine.

Elvin was crushed by Keaton, but his head was visible on the side, but at this moment, Keaton saw the gunman's movements, and he almost meant to let his body slip. Going on, then the bullet hit his neck.

The gun is a pistol, the bullet is a flowering bomb, the flowering bomb has a strong stopping effect but the penetrating ability is very poor. Therefore, the bullet hits Keaton’s neck and hits a huge blood hole in his neck, but after all, Did not break through the neck and hit the second letter.

Keaton is dead, no matter how many people are waiting to support him, and rescue him, Keaton is dead, because his injury is not the kind of injury that can be saved.

Yang Yi only knows Keaton’s name, but he knows that he can follow Aaron’s side. That Keaton must be the trust of Aaron, and it is the trust of Aaron. Then Keaton’s status must be very high. The role must be important.

Such an important person, in order to protect Irvine, did not hesitate to choose to use his body to block bullets, and did not hesitate to use his own life to change the life of Elvin.

Those who wanted Elvin’s death desperately protected Elvin, and those who wanted Elvin’s life desperately wanted to kill Elvin.

When Elvin died generously, Keaton should be ready to change his life.

Why does Keaton not wear bulletproof vests? Why don't anyone wear a body armor, whether it is a cleaner or a gray coat?

Because wearing bulletproof vests is easy to see, it is almost impossible to get through the eyes of a special agent. In order not to be exposed, no one will wear bulletproof vests.

There are very few bullets in the battlefield of spies, but they are even more deadly.

For a moment, Keaton died.

The middle-aged woman finally came to Keaton and Irvine. She didn't look at Keaton, who was already dying, but turned and stood on the other side of Keaton.

A customer, an old man who seems to be in his seventies, suddenly got up in chaos and pulled his gun toward Yang Yi.

The woman fired at the old man, a waiter not far from the old man suddenly rushed to the old man, a guest who seemed to be rushing to escape suddenly rushed to Yang Yi.

The woman hit the old man, and then the waiter threw the old man. The customer who rushed to Yang Yi’s body and wanted to block Yang Yi with his body took a step. The bullet swept past his waving arm and wiped the wheelchair. In the attempt to block Yang Yi's Bonnie with his back, he hit Yang Yi's neck.

Yang Yi's neck was hit, but he was fine. The bullet opened a blood trough in the thick place where his neck and shoulders were connected, but that's it.

Yang Yi is like a wood man who can't move without expression. He looks at everything, watching the cleaners want to kill him. He looks at the gray man to take the initiative to use his body to stop the bullets.

Yang Yi knew that the old man could kill him, and the old man also succeeded, but the old man chose a shot that looked the most thrilling, but actually did not pose much threat to him.

The shooting is really good!

After a scary blood trough on Yang Yi’s neck like a surgical operation, the old man died. The middle-aged woman hit him, but the fatal wound was the one who threw him. The waiter cut his half neck.

The customer who stayed in front of Yang Yi pulled out the gun. He looked back at Yang Yi and apparently showed his fortunate eyes. He waved at Bonnie and motioned that she would immediately push Yang Yi away.

Bonnie continued to push Yang Yi to leave, but she stopped immediately.

I don’t know where the bullets came from, hitting the middle-aged women in front of Irvine and Keaton and exploding her head.

Another customer got up and fired four shots to kill the cleaners that Yang Yi didn't see.

By this time, few people who had panicked had escaped from the coffee shop because everything happened too quickly, and the relationship between murder and murder was too fast.

In these flustered and screaming people, I don’t know how many are cleaners, and a few are gray people.

No one can tell, in such a chaotic situation, no one has time to carefully identify who is an enemy, and can not distinguish who is an enemy, so can only do one thing.

The cleaners tried to kill Elvin, and now they have added Yang Yi. They must guarantee that they will not let the two men leak. And the gray-coaters have to do everything to protect them.

In less than a minute, when a large number of people wearing bullet-proof vests and finally holding a submachine gun and a pistol squeezed in from the door, Yang Yi knew that everything was over.

Yang Yi knows that she will not die, because the cleaner will not kill him, so he does not worry about anything, he just knows that everything is over.

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