A War Between Spies

Chapter 1221: Hope you like it

The Masonics have existed in the history of literature for a long time. The vast majority of conspiracy theories in the world can be related to this mysterious but well-known organization.

As for the Illuminati, it is similar. Like the Freemasonry, everyone knows the secret organization of conspiracy.

But the problem is a secret organization that everyone knows. Is it still a secret organization? Everyone knows what conspiracy this organization has, so can the conspiracy of this organization be realized?

Therefore, Aaron said that the gray-clothed people are not Masonics, but the things that the gray-clothed people do are exactly what the outsiders have to say about the Masonics.

There are really secret organizations in this world, and they are indeed planning big plots, but they are not what the world knows.

The castle retreat, the name of this organization, Yang Yi is really the first time I heard about it.

It’s not a Masonic, it’s not a bright name for the Illuminati, but it’s a little disappointment for Yang Yi.

But soon disappointment became a strong expectation and a sense of satisfaction after knowing the secret.

Yang Yi looked at Aaron with the look of anticipation, because he was waiting for Aaron to say more secrets.

Aaron looked at Yang Yi and looked at Yang Yi with a smile.

Yang Yi lighted a cough and said: "Is the official name of the gray-clothed man called the castle retreat?"


"So what is the purpose? What is your goal?"

Aaron put his hand on the road and said, "This can't tell you, but I want to ask is you know the name of the cleaner?"

Yang Yi feels that even the real name of the cleaner does not know that it is excessive. It seems that he is not the core of the cleaner, but the problem is that he really does not know what the real name of the cleaner is.

"Oh, um, I don't know..."

Aaron laughed. He said: "The name of the cleaner is called the shield of freedom."

Yang Yi frowned and said: "If you listen to the name, it seems that the cleaner is more just a little bit more, hey, make a joke."

Aaron didn't care. He smiled and said: "The name is just a code name. We are called gray people. It is because the traditional clothes are gray. The cleaners are called cleaners. That's because they do. It’s the job of the cleaner. Do you understand the difference?”

"That means you are higher."

Aaron nodded and said: "I can't explain more to you, because the authorization I get now can only tell you this. If you want to know more, then you need to go to the headquarters and really join the castle retreat. Only after you are qualified, because you know what we mean, we know what we are doing, and this is the secret of the castle retreat and the cleaners, the secrets that are strictly guarded, the biggest secret."

Yang Yi noticed that Aaron no longer said the name of the gray man, but he still kept the name of the cleaner.

Still can't know the goal of the gray-clothed person, which makes Yang Yi somewhat disappointed.

But now it can be known that the goals of the gray-clothed people and the cleaners are the same, the pursuit is the same, but their means or practices are biased, which leads to division and thus hostility.

There is a big secret. This is a certain secret, but this secret is shared by the Greys and the cleaners. Even if their biggest goal is to destroy each other, they still refuse to make this secret public.

Yang Yi thought for a long time, then he cautiously said: "If you are not a Masonic, not a light, then, can your history pass me?"

Aaron did not hesitate: "The Masonic is the appearance, the Illuminati is also the appearance, the real secret or the person who is doing things is us, the castle retreat and the cleaner, you can also tell you, know these two names. No matter what period of time, no one has ever exceeded 100 people since ancient times, which means that this name is one of the biggest secrets."

Aaron looked at Yang Yi. He shrugged and said: "Before the Second World War, the castle retreat was integrated with the cleaners. You should know that the fuse that really led to the split is the nuclear bomb. Birth and use."

Yang Yi deep took a breath and said: "I understand, I understand! Then your name has always been called the castle retreat, there is no organization of freedom shield, or vice versa? There is always a shield of freedom without a castle. Retreat?"

"There is no shield of freedom. Such a vulgar name is obviously not an organization name that has been inherited for hundreds of years. The source of the castle retreat is very complicated. You can think of it as the direct successor of the Templars and the spiritual successor. In the special period of the Middle Ages, the castle retreat was forced to absorb some new members, mainly from the members of the Illuminati, but the castle retreat and the Illuminati were never directly related, not at all."

Yang Yi nodded. He was still waiting for Aaron to go down, but Aaron had not been following for a long time.

"What's next? Then what?"

Aaron smiled. "Below, there is nothing below, because I can't tell you more."

Yang Yi was disappointed. Aaron put it down and said: "Now tell you a question that is more of a concern for you. You will want to ask why your mother is a member of the castle retreat, right?"

This Yang Yi is of course concerned. He thought it would take a long time to know. Maybe he could never get the truth. He didn't expect to get the truth much earlier than he expected.

"Of course I want to know."

Aaron coughed a little, then he sighed: "Your mother... was once a cleaner."

Yang Yi was once again hit.

"Your mother is an apostate. She betrayed the cleaner. Why? Because she wants to save you, as a mother, she chooses to pay for the child and you, including life."

Yang Yiru was struck by lightning and stayed still.

Aaron continued to say faintly: "The cleaners always want to enter China. Your parents are their achievements, but when you have a problem after birth, you are a genius, but can you know the genius... Many times it is not normal, I am referring to physical abnormalities."

Yang Yijun looked at Aaron, Aaron continued to say faintly: "You are a genius, but there is a price, if everything develops normally~www.readwn.com~ You can't live ten years old, even if you never mind, I can't live for sixteen because you have a tumor in your brain. I don't know if this tumor makes you a genius, or if the genius brain makes you have a tumor, but you can't live sixteen."

The answer is already coming out.

Aaron smiled and said: "Yes, just like what you are thinking, in order to save you, your mother has changed. I sent your inspection report twice, and then you received treatment when you were five years old. So you can live to this day."

Yang Yi didn't dare to think about it because he thought of a terrible possibility.

Aaron sighed and said: "You remember a lot of things, but do you have a blank pair in your memory? Yes, it is the memory of your treatment, but now I don't want to discuss this with you, I want to tell you. Since we have the medical technology of the leading era, what do you think of?"

Yang Yi blurted out and said: "Xiao Yu!"

Aaron nodded and smiled. "Yes, it is not a big problem for us, or we can cure Xiao Yu. This is the focus of today's conversation. I am very happy to tell you this good news. I hope you will like it." ""

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