A War Between Spies

Chapter 1231: Lose faith

"Hey, man."

"My brother, hello, I haven't heard your voice for a long time, how are you, how are you?"

Compared to Yang Yi’s low voice, Justin’s voice sounded too enthusiastic.

"Can I trust you, man."

Yang Yi’s tone is more serious, so after a moment of silence, Justin sighed: “Yes!”

"I will give you a billion dollars. You can help me wash the white, and then divide it into four accounts. If you have a request, you can get the money if you give it to someone who has the money. You can get it. ?"

Justin was silent for a long time, then he whispered: "Why are you looking for me?"

"Because you are trustworthy, and I can't find anyone who can help me except you."

Justin took a long breath and was very emotional: "Trust, um, your request is a bit high, but I can do it, but the fee is a bit expensive. You know, just sign a name and you can get the money." The requirements are really difficult to do. Can you withdraw money with a password or a number? Even if it is just a simple set of numbers, it is easier and more reliable than simply withdrawing money by name."

Yang Yi thought for a while and said: "Yes, how about looking for you directly?"

"Don't look for me, although I have enough confidence in myself, I will never swallow your money, but I am afraid that once I have an accident, the money will disappear. You know that our trip is not so safe. So, still save the bank, what do you think?"

"Yes, that bank?"

"I don't know yet, but I will tell you, I will give you money after I confirm it."

"No, give you the money first, man, you may take some risks in this matter."

Justin laughed, and then he said indifferently: "Don't we have no risk of living that day? Tell me, how many people do you think want to kill me? I want to kill me all the time!"

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome, I will help you put the money in a safe place. Just go back and just tell me the numbers. In addition, I still have something to talk to you."

"what's up?"

"About Ace Ais, man, now you are doing a good job. Can you send more people to the Middle East? The information is scarce and the price is very high, especially about the last time I told you. You have found out for Badadi, and the money is really good."

Yang Yi didn't hesitate, he whispered: "Okay, I will send more people to the other side, as soon as there is news to inform you."

"Good luck, stay in touch, goodbye."

Yang Yi hung up the phone, then he looked at Anton and said: "I want to call Anna."

Anton nodded and operated on a machine for a while. After a while, he nodded and said, "Wait a minute, the candy is fine, but Schultz said he needs to wait."

After another two minutes, Anton finally nodded: "Schutz can also be there, call."

Yang Yi uses a network virtual phone. The confidentiality is not high. It is lower than the mobile phone that may be monitored. But with Tang Guo and Schultz teamed up through numerous encryptions, there are all kinds of complicated. After the operation, at least the current confidentiality is acceptable.

Yang Yi dialed the phone and Anna Starkina connected the phone.

"Anna, I have a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"My confidence has been destroyed. I feel that everything is under his control. Now everything we do is actually being watched, which makes me feel uneasy and even afraid."

Anna was silent for a moment, then she sighed: "It is normal to have this kind of emotion, because there is more than one smart person in your world, success or failure. It is normal for any spy. It is really normal. You have met well. The opponent, than your powerful opponent, this is also a normal thing, I can't help you rebuild your confidence, I just want to ask you a word, what do you want?"

Yang Yi took a moment, then he whispered: "I want, I want to..., um, what do I want?"

Anna Starkina whispered: "You are so smooth, so far you are doing very well, you get everything that most people want, wealth, status, or power, when you are young, these are all Yes, but I want to ask what you really want? Is it revenge?"

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I used to be, but now... well, now I know more. Everything I thought about might be wrong. Simply put, I am worried that I am really gray. People are impressed."

Anna Starkina whispered: "You don't have faith, you don't have an object worthy of allegiance and struggle. The driving force that drives you forward is revenge, but you don't know if it's time to revenge, or that revenge is not for you. When it's so important, then you lose the only motivation, so I can't help you, no one can help you, you can only rely on yourself, if you find a new goal, then go for it. If you don't have it, then you can't go to a dreamy life?"

In the end, I still had to rely on myself. Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I understand, thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Where to continue to send more troops to the Middle East, we will continue to recruit people with insufficient staff, focusing on the intelligence of Ace Ace and Badadi."

"I understand, is there anything else?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "I tell Kate that I am very good, don't worry, I have something to do."

Just then, when the phone rang, Yang Yi quickly went to see his mobile phone, but Anton was whispering: "My phone, hey, I don't know the number."

Yang Yi did not hang up the phone. After Anton frowned and connected the phone, his face changed almost instantly.

Yang Yi has never seen Anton's face so shocked, so depressed, so... sad.


Anton Muran looked at Yang Yi~www.readwn.com~ Then he whispered: "Yalebin...dead."

Yang Yi took a moment, then he said strangely: "What do you say?"

"Yerebin, who passed away in his own house last night, was very peaceful when he left."

Anton hung up the phone, he said, the whole person looked down and succumbed.

Anton himself is wounded. He can already be active, but the problem is that even if Anton is in the most miserable and painful time, he does not seem so sad and helpless.

No tears, but Anton's look is much more painful than tears.

Yang Yi could not help but say: Anton! Yalebin is very old, he... don’t be too sad! ”

Anton shook his head. He looked at Yang Yi and trembled: "You don't understand, my faith is gone, my faith is gone..."

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