A War Between Spies

Chapter 1263: No hurry

Zhang Yong left. He did not find any excuses when he left. He only said that he was leaving and he left.

But Zhang Yong went straight to London.

When I knew that Zhang Yong had boarded the plane to London, Yang Yi sat in his room and stared at his desk to start a daze. Anna came across the road to see Yang Yi, she found Yang Yi’s anomaly, but eventually Did not say anything, but quietly left.

Yang Yi has maintained a position for a long time.

Until Brian quietly entered Yang Yi's room.

Raised his head, Yang Yi looked at Brian with a very long-awaited look: "How?"

Brian’s lips twitched twice and eventually whispered: “Harry Clinic.”

Yang Yi’s face was gone without blood, and Brian continued to whisper: “The Harry Clinic is...”

"I know, cancer."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then he whispered: "Perhaps just a misunderstanding, confirm it."

Brian nodded. "I know, hey, I will let people check it out, you... okay?"

"I'm fine, there is hope, so I'm fine."

Brian left, and Yang Yi sighed. He picked up a box of cigarettes on the table, took it apart, and pulled out a point.

When Yang Yi just had a third cigarette, Brian came in again.

Putting a tablet in front of Yang Yi, when Yang Yi reached out and wanted to take it, Brian reached out and took the tablet back.

"Or I will explain it to you. Zhang Yong is already going to the Harry Clinic for the third time. He has gone there twice. The case has already been taken out. At this time, Zhang Yong is still waiting for his attending doctor, so this time. The result of the inspection has not yet come out."

Zhang Yong hasn't seen the disease yet. Brian has already got his case. Because he knows where Zhang Yong is going to see a doctor, the rest is really easy.

"No need to lay the ground, tell me the result directly."

Brian was silent for a moment, then he whispered: "Lung cancer."

Long took a breath, Yang Yi's cigarette in his hand was lit, he took a sip, coughed twice, put the smoke just to speak, and then came a more intense cough.

After coughing for a long time, tears came out, Brian handed a cup of cold water to Yang Yi, and Yang Yi annihilated the smoke that had just been lit, pushed the cup to the side, whispered: "Just got it, um, what? How much?"

"In the medium term, but it has spread. At present, only conservative treatment can be taken, and Zhang Yong refuses chemotherapy and surgery."

Yang Yi took a deep breath and said: "How long can you live in the middle of lung cancer?"

Brian whispered: "Optimistic is expected for three years, but according to Zhang Yong's current lifestyle, up to two years, but this refers to the survival time, the fastest one year, he can no longer continue activities like this It is."

Yang Yi got a very calm face, and he stared at the table again.

Braun whispered: "Would you like to let the stone statue call Zhang Yong back?"

Zhang Yong still doesn't know that he is being followed.

Yang Yi thought about it. He shook his head. "No, it doesn't make sense. Now Zhang Yong is also going to the Harley Clinic. After we have debunked it, I still go to the Harley Clinic because the Harry Clinic is already the best place. It is."

With a slight sigh, Yang Yi looked at Brian and whispered: "After waiting for the brave brother to read it, I will give him the results of this inspection. We should not alarm Zhang Yong, know his condition." ”

Brian nodded. "Okay, this is easy."

With a slight sigh, Brian shook his head and picked up the tablet and left.

Yang Yi once again smoked the cigarette. He slowly sighed after he smoked the cigarette. Then he picked up the ashtray on the table and slammed it down.

Yang Yi, who has a burning fire in his chest, is uncomfortable and particularly uncomfortable.

Yang Yi’s emotions never go out of control unless he is really out of control.

I took all the things on the table and squatted on the table, one by one, and then Yang Yi thought it was not enough, so he took up the chair and slammed it on the table.

Still not enough.

So Yang Yi began to use force to destroy everything he could destroy.

Who is Zhang Yong?

For Yang Yi, Zhang Yong is also a teacher and friend. In fact, their relationship has nothing to say, that is, from the day of the prison, they are inseparable.

Xiao Yu was injured, and Yang Yi was sad and worried, but more of it was anger. He could turn Xiao Yan’s injured anger into a hatred of the gray man, or turn into his motivation.

But Zhang Yong is different. Zhang Yong is sick of himself.

Who is sick, can you vent your anger on, and blame God.

Therefore, Yang Yi really couldn't help it. He had to vent, and he could only be here. Only at this moment, when he got out of the door, he must still be the calm and wise sea god.

There was a noise in the room, and the people outside were deaf.

Finally, Yang Yi walked out of the room.

Yang Yi walked out of the room, especially calm, he never changed his expression, except for the uncontrollable blood color, he really never changed his expression, so at least his appearance always remained calm ~www.readwn.com~ directly When she found Anna, when Yang Yi wanted to talk, Anna calmed her hand and pressed down, then she began to brew coffee.

Hand grinding coffee, very slow, Anna has been a method of putting a cup of coffee in front of Yang Yi, it has been a while.

"Drink coffee."

Yang Yi didn't want to drink coffee, but looking at Anna's calm eyes, he took a sip of coffee and then he began to slowly drink until he finished a cup of hot coffee.

"Okay, now you can tell me."

Yang Yizhen has calmed down. He thought about it and said: "I intend to talk to Aaron. About the Queen and Zhang Yong, since he said there is a way, it is time to throw a bait for me."

Anna Starkina sighed and whispered: "I thought you would abandon this idea after you calm down."

Yang Yi shook her head and whispered: "I thought it was OK, but I found it impossible."

Anna Starkina immediately said: "My answer is no, now is not the time."

Yang Yi said slowly: "The Queen can wait, but Zhang Yong can't wait."

Anna Starkina said: "If you are notifying me, I will not say anything. If you are asking for my opinion, then my answer is no! Because the timing is not enough, if you need me. If you give reasons, well, I know your relationship with Zhang Yong, but you can't just drag everyone down because of one person, and you can't waste all our efforts and the price."

Anna Starkina approached Yang Yi, then she whispered: "The main thing is, even if you are in a hurry, the result will be as you wish? Have you ever thought that if the plan really fails, then Zhang Yongcai It is completely lost hope."

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