A War Between Spies

Chapter 1265: I'd rather die

It was more than a month.

Yang Yi’s life is very good. Every day, he has money that ordinary people can’t earn in his life. So in life, he has been extravagant to the extreme, ordinary people can’t see it, but it’s really only the best. .

Yang Yi is surrounded by beautiful women, and now his relationship with Petra is very good, because this month basically did not leave New York, so he basically goes home every night, back to look really like home Live at home.

During the day, Yang Yi basically stayed in the company, and there was something to do with the secretary, and nothing to do with the secretary.

Yang Yi has lived a life that everyone dreams of, but he is not happy.

Because Yang Yi has a lot of burdens in his heart, not only because his situation seems to be infinitely dangerous, but also because his heart is very embarrassing.

To everyone around you, especially women, to Kate, to Xiao Yu, to Petra, to Bonnie.

It can be said that Yang Yi is really scum in the relationship. The problem is that Yang Yi is still struggling not to be too scum, but he knows that he has a **** no matter what reason.

And Zhang Yong got cancer, and Yang Yi couldn't do anything but wait.

So how can Yang Yi be happy?

Yang Yi’s acting skills are unparalleled, but whether a person is happy or not can’t be played.

Yang Yi felt that she played very well, but this day Petra finally broke his disguise.

"Dear, why have you been very sad recently?"

Yang Yi was sitting and watching TV. After Petra sat by his side for a long time, she finally asked her questions.

Yang Yi lived because he really felt that he was pretending to be very good.

"I am not unhappy."

Petra whispered: "You deceive others, can you deceive me? We live together every day, of course I can tell your true feelings, you are not unhappy, you are sad, why?"

Yang Yi made a sigh for a while, then he shook his head: "No, just a little unhappy, to be exact, some confusion."

Petra just looked at Yang Yi quietly, and Yang Yi finally sighed: "I have got everything now, but I... I don't know what to pursue."

Petra shook her head gently, then she whispered: "Is it because I made you unhappy?"

"No, this is definitely not, you think too much."

After categorically denying, Yang Yi put his hand on Petra's body, then he sighed and said: "My best friend, the best brother, he got cancer."

When talking about these words, Yang Yi’s feelings are sincere, so Petra believed his words this time.

"Oh, God..."

Petra took Yang Yi’s hand and whispered: "Sorry, dear, I am sorry."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and patted him on Petra's hand twice. Then he smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I... I have to accept the reality."

Have you passed another level?

While feeling relaxed, Yang Yi suddenly realized a problem, that is why he must live with Petra? Why should he go further and further in the direction of getting married with Petra?

So Yang Yi suddenly wakes up. He and Petra were together for a task. Now that the mission is completed, Aaron hopes that he can maintain the relationship with Petra, so he will continue to maintain the relationship with Petra. .

But now, Yang Yi thinks that he can't go on like this anymore. The longer he gets along with Petra, the more harm he has to Petra, and he and Petra are not all the way.

Almost in an instant, Yang Yi felt the pain.

Breaking up with Petra, peace is impossible, just looking for an excuse to break up seems to be relatively simple, but Petra has not given him any excuses until now.

Just play and disappear? Just like Anton is good at it.

But it’s really good.

Yang Yi began to feel sad, how to get himself into this field, waiting for the days when he really wants to get married with Petra, and then suddenly disappeared, then how should Petra come from?

Otherwise, it is still dead.

Yang Yi suddenly came up with this idea. Of course, it is not a real death but a suspended animation. It is simply too simple to create a fake death based on his conditions and the resources and capabilities of the water organization.

This thought began to breed as soon as it appeared, and then Yang Yi could no longer hold this thought.

When Yang Yi thought about how to implement it, his mobile phone rang. When he picked up the phone and connected it, he listened to Anton Shen Shen: "Boss, there is something you need to go back to the company to deal with, Europe. There is an acquisition that requires your authorization."

Because of the time difference, working at night was quite normal for Yang Yi, so he immediately said: "Okay, I am going to the company."

Yang Yi stood up. Petra didn't ask anything. He just stood up and took Yang Yi's suit on the coat rack.

Petra was originally a big lady, although she has no shelf, but she has done this kind of thing, but now Petra has become more and more used to doing these things.

When Yang Yi was wearing clothes, ~www.readwn.com~ was touched by the move.

Some of the embarrassed left the house, sat on the car that Anton drove, and waited for Anton to open his mouth. He made a devil's message: "How do you think I am dead? Hey, let's take off."

Anton frowned: "How are you so weak? Is it necessary?"

Yang Yi sighed and said: "I think it is necessary, um, let's talk about it later, what?"

Anton launched the car and said: "Anna called, we still go to the office to talk."

Why go to the office to talk, because there are good security conditions, so when you listen to this, Yang Yi knows that things are important, but not very urgent, and the requirements for confidentiality are particularly high.

Otherwise, Anna will call Yang Yi directly.

Bonnie had already prepared everything. After Yang Yi arrived, she immediately called the phone.

"Hey, Anna, is there anything?"

Anna Starkina whispered: "We died three waiters, but the menu was delivered to the customer, now it's time to serve!"

Three aids were dead, but they finally got in touch with the inside, and they really found the trail of Badadi.

To be honest, it’s only a month’s time, which is faster than Yang Yi’s best expectations.

"So fast? How do three people die?"

Yang Yi is still very concerned about human life, so he asked first, but Anna is wrong. He said: "Don't worry, they are not found, they just died normally in the battle. We are lucky, now, As long as they find Badadi, you can send me a location at any time, so you should talk to Justin, because the information may be sent in the next minute."

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