A War Between Spies

Chapter 1283: Air raid

There is a command on the top, and you can’t stop listening. Aaron said that he would leave immediately, and he must leave immediately.

Yang Yi stood up and he said: "We left here and told Azar that we have to leave in a hurry."

Brian whispered: "That..."

Yang Yi put it down and whispered: "Let Anton stay, he knows how to deal with it, but the most important thing is, I don't think we can't go."

Brian hesitated for a while, then he sighed: "Paul, Black Jack, go out to make preparations before the launch, we are likely to encounter attacks, so..."

Not waiting for Brian to finish, Yang Yi whispered: "To protect life, everything else is not important, and you don't need to protect me."

Brian looked at Yang Yi, and then he understood what Yang Yi meant, so he quickly said: "Listen to him."

Paul went out with Black Jack. Yang Yi stood up. He gave Brian the bag with the cross, and then he went outside and found Anton. He said, "We are leaving, you are left to continue the mission."

Why let Anton stay, because he is convenient to contact Talta, and as long as a person is left, and insist on seeing Badadi, then Badadi should still appear.

Anton did not hesitate, he nodded: "Be careful."

Yang Yi found Azar again. After knocking on the door of Azar, he whispered: "Man, one thing happened, I have to leave right away."

Azar was very surprised and said: "You want to leave? Now?"

"Yes, right now, but my deputy will stay, this task must continue, I am not really different from the absence."

Azar spread his hand and said: "Okay."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said, "Well, there is one more thing. I think I need escort."

Azar was surprised again. He whispered: "The escort? Oh, of course there will be. This is okay. I will contact them to arrange the escort. If you leave, the road will be very inconvenient."

Yang Yi shook her head and whispered: "No, I mean armed escort."

Azar was even more surprised. He looked at Yang Yi with surprise, and Yang Yi could only explain it a little. He whispered: "I think that Victor will start with me and he wants to attack me."

"What a joke!"

After Azar finished speaking, he lowered his voice and said, "What is his identity, how dare he attack you here, unless he does not want to live, hehe, I can explain this to people of Ace Ais now. Let them grab the Victor immediately, no, at least monitor it."

Yang Yi sighed with a sigh of relief and said, "Oh, but I still have to leave immediately. Can I arrange for someone to arm me away as soon as possible? And I think I need to disguise it."

Azar appeared to be a bit embarrassed. He whispered: "In this case, it should not be a big problem. I will contact you immediately."

"The sooner the better, man."

Yang Yi bid farewell to Azar, and he waited for about half an hour in his room, and Azar returned.

"They are willing to provide people with escorts to leave, you can go all the way to the border, but do you really think that it will be safer if you have more people?"

Yang Yi whispered: "If my hand is a little more, I will not choose to let Aceis send someone to escort, but I have too few people. Once I have any danger, it is very difficult for people. Handle."

Azar looked at his watch and said, "Okay, you can leave after half an hour. Well, do you have any requirements?"

"There are no other requests, thank you."

Azar sighed and said: "I still think that Victor does not dare to attack you here, although I don't know what you are vying for, but I don't think Victor will be in as long as it is not crazy. I am attacking you here, hey, I will give you a personal hand to facilitate communication."

I didn't expect Azar to send himself in person. Yang Yi was very surprised. He nodded. "I am very grateful."

Azar left, he said that it was half an hour, but Yang Yi knew that it could not be so fast. Sure enough, when Azar said that he could leave, it was already an hour and a half later.

Aceis sent a hundred people, more than 20 cars, the size of this **** team is already very large, but to be honest, the more people, the more dangerous, because it may be hit by air.

Azar is still very energetic here in Ace Aes, because he is the party of Ace Ais, he represents the father of the gold, so as long as the requirements are not excessive, Ace Ais Satisfy.

Can go, Yang Yi sat on their own car, located in the back of the team, Brian brought another car near Yang Yi's car is very close, but in the middle is a Car's.

The team started to go. When it was in Mosul, everything was calm, but after the team left the city, Yang Yi suddenly said in the intercom: "Stop, I have to change."

Yang Yi’s performance can be described as suspicious, but Azar will not show up even if there are complaints. He said in the intercom: “Change the car?”

"Yes, change the car, I want a pickup, don't say it on the public channel, just let the two cars stop and exchange."

It was not a very strange request. After Azar was temporarily silenced for a while, Yang Yi’s car stopped at the side of the road and took a short time to replace the pickup truck with a machine gun.

I don't know if the cleaning union will launch an attack, because here ~www.readwn.com~ does not seem to have any armed forces to attack Ace Aes, unless it is an attack on Yang Yi by himself inside Ace.

But the cleaners should not have the strength to control Ace Aes, at least not much influence, so Yang Yi himself does not know whether he will encounter an attack.

After changing the car, catching up with the team, and then continue to follow the team for less than 30 kilometers, the car at the front of the team suddenly became a fireball.

When the attack arrived, I couldn’t see where the attack came from. I could only see a little dust on the ground in front, and then the explosion happened one after another.

"Air strike! Air strike! Spread out, spread out!"

Someone shouted loudly in the public channel of the entire team. Two rockets hit the roadside. St. Regis, who drove for Yang Yi, seemed to be a little scared. Then he suddenly shouted: "Air strike, we encountered an air raid! ”

Yang Yi was calm, but he is not calm now, because he feels that the cleaner does not really want to kill him, but the pilot who launched the attack in the sky can not accurately determine the target, that is, throw a bomb on his head. Even if the plane blows up, it is normal.

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