A War Between Spies

Chapter 1307: Concealing each other

Anton couldn't save Satan, but he could make Satan's situation a little better.

Strongly demanding that Badadi must be alive, but also pulling Azal’s strong stance, it must be of some use, because now Anton represents the CIA, Azar represents the Shah Intelligence Bureau, and the representatives of the two gold fathers join hands. If you put pressure on it, you can't ignore the people who don't believe in Ace.

No one is stupid, AES is now very strong, but Aes, the anger of the organization can survive to the present, there is no support behind it?

Even if someone is eager to kill Badadi, if he is good at his position, he must consider offending the words of the father of the gold master. Will he be killed when he took office?

Therefore, as soon as Badadi is alive, he can be used as a meat shield by Satan.

Time passed by little by little, and the sky gradually darkened.

The python called Anton and Azar, and they were going to launch a rescue operation. This time, it was the elite unit of Badadi or the python personally commanding.

The costume of the python has not changed, but there are dozens more people around him.

With night vision, wearing bulletproof vests, masks on his face, armed to the teeth.

These people knew that they would never be Ace's troops. The American style was too strong, or the modern sense was too strong. Now, Ace Ais finally took out the power of the bottom of the pressure box.

Anton even suspected that these people were sent directly by the United States, because from the perspective of weapons and equipment, their American background is to be strong.

Looking at Anton, the python took a deep breath and whispered: "I wish you good luck. Now, according to the plan, start to enter the attack initiation position, let's get started!"

After that, the python squinted at Anton and Azar and said, "Please come with me."

The python is interested in showing strength. Absolutely, he has great confidence in his team, absolutely.

Anton began to worry about Satan. He didn't know and was not familiar with the team he could see. But his professionalism and vision can be seen that this team is absolutely strong.

How can Aceis have an elite force with so many people?

Radio communication was completely cut off due to electronic interference.

In fact, electronic interference is not indifferent to the enemy. If the electronic interference is turned on, then its own radar and radio facilities can not be used. For Americans, it is better than nothing, but the problem is that the current electronic interference is Ace. Ace, they have neither the ability nor the need to carry out interference that only affects the enemy and is not affected by it. It is better to completely ban it.

At the attack initiation position, on the side of the Great Temple, after a team of seventy or eighty people arrived, the python allowed Anton and Azar to stay at a distance of more than ten meters from him, neither affecting his command. And they won’t let Anton see anything.

The python whispered something. Soon, twelve people came out of silence in the team. They opened the night vision device, the bullets slammed, and then began to conceal the main entrance to the main hall.

Azar whispered: "What are they doing? It seems that only these people are going to act? And it is attacking from the main entrance of the main hall?"


Azar is extremely puzzled: "Why, are they crazy? The main entrance can't be attacked!"

Anton whispered: "This is a tentative attack, and he has to do this. For a reason, first, Ace Aes has launched many suicide attacks, so how do people inside know about this substitution? Maybe these twelve people will go in, and this kind of indoor attack is hard. If there are many people who are useless and can block the first wave of attacks, then the attack will be meaningless, and only more people will die. ""

Azar whispered: "Would it be dangerous for these people?"

Anton said faintly: "They are temptation attacks. These people should not come back if there are no accidents. Why do you send out 12 people because twelve people can be divided into four three-person combat groups for this building? In terms of size and size, the 12-person combat team is already the limit. It is useless. It is not enough. There is no backup. There is no back road. If you attack, you will rescue Badadi directly. If you fail, you will die directly. Inside..."

Azar took a deep breath and whispered: "They are determined to carry the mortal death? Wow, the Steel Virgin is really... and hey, they are very powerful."

Anton twisted his head and looked at Azar: "What did you say?"

Azar had some unnatural scratching and whispered: "I didn't say anything..."

"You said, man, some things you shouldn't hide me now, we are sitting on the same boat!"

Azar pressed his voice lower, and he whispered: "Don't say it now, it's not convenient, I will tell you when I go back."

Anton knows the steel of the Virgin, without Azar explanation, Anton also knows the steel of the Virgin.

So Anton really started to worry.

The python lit up with a flashlight and immediately sounded the sound of the rocket launcher.

"63-type 107mm rocket launcher!"

This time, Azar said, he can hear the sound of the rocket launcher, so he can't wait to say it.

The attack began, first the artillery fire was prepared, and the observer on the minarets was destroyed.

Anton is concerned about the prospects. The 107mm rocket is too common in the Middle East. As one of the weapons of the three guerrilla artifacts, this rocket can be seen everywhere, but it is very difficult to use it. .

But the prospect of the rocket was still very scary, but the second rocket hit a minaret.

Looking at the sparks from the night sky, Anton’s heart was tighter.

Satan is really not good. From the users of the rockets, it can be seen that the people who attacked them are really strong.

When the expert takes a shot, there is only no, the Steel Madonna is really strong.

"They are going to attack the hall."

Nothing can be seen in the darkness~www.readwn.com~Andong has long been unable to see the people who attacked, but his judgment is extremely accurate. He just finished speaking, those who just moved to the main entrance of the main hall immediately It launched an attack.

The distance is very close and the guns are very obvious.

There was a clear gunshot in the hall, short, but fierce, and soon, in less than a minute, the gunshots stopped.

Azar opened his mouth and stared at the dark lacquered temple. Although he could not see anything, he could not remove his sight.

Anton was watching the watch, he heard the gun stop and sounded again. He whispered: "When it is finished, twelve people are killed, and the exploratory attack has completely failed."

Azar turned his head and said, "Why didn't you win?"

"Only thirty-three seconds, the rescuer can't be so fast, there will be gunshots, but no, that means they are finished, dead, and that's it."

Azar opened his mouth and whispered: "What the **** is inside..."

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