A War Between Spies

Chapter 1334: No explanation

Aaron’s eyes have begun to blur, his pupils have been unable to focus, and his grasp of Yang Yi’s hand is gradually weak, but he is still struggling. “You can only ask you, you must send this to the gray man. This is the key to victory. Whoever gets it, whoever gets the final victory..."

Yang Yi’s first reaction was not to believe Aaron’s words, because he knew that this thing was originally sent by the cleaners. So, if this is the key to victory, why should the cleaners be sent out?

Can it be said that the cleaners really intend to use this thing as a bait, and take out the important figures of the gray people one by one?

No, the cleaners already knew Aaron’s identity, so the cleaners just wanted to get rid of Aaron, and they didn’t need to set up this game.

Yang Yi came to think too much, he hurriedly "At least tell me what this is! I am only curious now!"

Aaron has already had more gas and less inhalation. He is ambiguous. "This is energy, energy blocks, it is the key... it is human... the future..."

Aaron died and died in front of Yang Yi.

Looking at Aaron's big eyes, Yang Yi didn't know what it was. He was worried about the old man who wanted to deal with it. In a completely unanticipated situation, he suddenly died.

Yang Yi already knows why the cleaners did this. It’s too simple. Aaron doesn’t want to get to know the core of the meeting people when he lives, but when Aaron is dead, he can get in touch with the core secrets of the gray people. No doubt.

Yang Yi's feeling is very complicated and very complicated.

Brian dreamed of killing Aaron. The inside of cia also wanted to investigate the KGB's mole, but Aaron gave Yang Yi a lot of things, gave him a lot of benefits, and gave Yang Yi trust.

Ghosts are not good, unless they are really heartless.

Yang Yi was a little sad.

Aaron brought two people, one is his entourage, now he is dead, and the other is the pilot.

The pilot never took off. He watched Aaron lying on the ground and finally took the helicopter to take off. But the helicopter just left the ground and immediately exploded. It was volleyed at a height of more than ten meters. Into a fireball.

Yang Yi is not too worried about his safety, because he knows that this is the bureau of the cleaners.

So Yang Yi looked at St. Regis, and St. Regis is now very calm.


St. Regis was pressed to the ground. He is now the only living thing. Yang Yi is very entangled whether it is supposed to put St. Regis, but according to the principle that the cleaners always bowed to the enemy and are embarrassed to themselves, he feels that Kyrgyz seems to be alive.

Fortunately, apart from St. Regis, there are no living people nearby.

"The gray man is obeying Aaron, but before I joined the gray man, it was a cleaner."

St. Regis looks desperate, but he is also very calm.

There is no need to explain too much, because there are St. Regis, the cleaners can of course grasp the whereabouts of Yang Yi, and Aaron knows that St. Regis is a ghost, but he knows it or not, but Aaron’s last moment. Those whispers that are said, perhaps mentioned in them.

Grevatov frowned and released his foot.

St. Regis sat up. He reached into his crotch and pulled out a small locator and placed it on the ground. Then he whispered "only status, can't pass the sound, because it will be discovered."

“Can you give me an explanation?”

Yang Yi frowned and asked, and St. Regis shook his head and shook his head. "I don't know much. I only know that you are very important. For the cleaners, the hardest thing is to gain the trust of the gray people. High enough trust, but now it seems that only you have reached the conditions."

St. Regret paused for a moment, then he whispered "There is no time, this time your troubles are really big, cia, Homeland Security, fbi, American capital, gray people, they have to catch you."

"you guys……"

Yang Yi hated to say something, but he did not go on.

It was put together by the cleaners, but what is the use of complaints now?

St. Regis calmly looked at Yang Yi, he sighed, and then he whispered "Poseidon, or Yang Yi, I... nothing to say, I am going to die, and you must run away, you may fail, If it fails, the cleaning union will take things back again, but if you succeed, then... everything is worth it."

Yang Yi puts her hand and says, "I won't kill you, you don't have to die."

St. Regis shook his head, then he whispered "No, I have to die, I have to be killed by you, actually... I don't want to die, I really don't want to die, but I have to die."

St. Regis began to cry, and he hurried again. "You really have no time. I am just a victim that can be discarded at any time. I can only die. Please shoot me and kill me. Hurry up, don't let me suffer."

"Fak, Fak! Cleaner, Fuck!"

Yang Yi bit his teeth and grabbed St. Regis's pistol, aiming at St. Regis's head.

I want to pull the trigger, but I can't get it.

St. Regis looked at Yang Yi with helplessness, and then he suddenly whispered "Yang Yi."

"Well~www.readwn.com~ Don't trust anyone!"

After St. Regis finished, he hesitated and whispered again. "Don't trust anyone, you are smart, you can understand."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and whispered "Run."

"Can't run, there is no place to escape, shoot, really no time, please check one..."

Reggie closed his eyes. He hadn't finished yet. Gleevav on his side suddenly shot, and the bullet hit St. Regis's back, making him instantly deadly.

Gleevav took the gun and whispered "Escape."

Yang Yijun’s look at Gleevatov, Gleevav whispered, “You should have escaped. I was also involved in a seemingly big plot. I hope I can get away, and now I have not It is necessary to help you explain anything to Aaron."

Yang Yi whispers "Yes, no need to explain."

Gleevov continued to whisper, "The cleaner is very dangerous, the gray man is also very dangerous. I wish you good luck. If you need help, we will help, because we owe you, but now you need to flee, I I think it's best not to abuse our human feelings. It doesn't have much value to protect one more person."

Yang Yi sighed and whispered "Yes, you don't need your help."

"Contact again, I wish you good luck, if you have any needs, please feel free to contact."

After Gleevav said, he looked into the grove of the shot and immediately said, "Do you want to drive away?"


"Helicopters are shot down by anti-tank missiles. They are not anti-aircraft missiles. They can destroy your car. But now it seems that the cleaners will not do this. Then, if you drive me, I will let me down, can I?"

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Get on the bus, go!"

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