A War Between Spies

Chapter 1349: Thin ice

The boat that Yang Yi sits on is a large cruise ship.

The old man dressed by Yang Yi is not the one used to buy a fake identity. When he got on the boat, he realized that he had replaced an old man who really wanted to board the ship.

Why does Kate need to make up for Yang Yi for so long, because she wants Yang Yi and the real old man to look no different.

In fact, it is a very ordinary old man who has just been widowed for a year and a half, living alone, because life is boring, and there is a lot of savings, so he set a position on a luxury cruise ship.

And it was set up two months ago, not the most expensive room, but it is already a very nice room on board.

The black devil needs to go on board first to check if there is a white box. The result is no, because this white box is not a conventional device, it is impossible to put it on a cruise ship that is too time-sensitive.

In fact, as long as Yang Yi has left the CIA's sight, there are many ways to leave New York. As long as he leaves New York and then leaves the United States to Europe, it is simple and convenient. However, Yang Yi chose to be the most. Slow way.

No one said goodbye, Yang Yi was his own ship, although he knew that Kate was watching him nearby, but he still did not make any farewell.

Fighting with an invisible enemy is really troublesome.

Holding a VIP ticket, Yang Yi was sent to his cabin by the waiter on board. His room was large and comfortable, and the cruise ship had a displacement of more than 40,000 tons, making the ship almost open after it was opened. There is no shaking at all.

In general, this is a fairly comfortable journey if you are not anxious to go to Europe.

But after the cruise ship opened, Yang Yicai actually felt the torment.

It’s too slow, it’s too slow. It takes only a dozen hours to fly. Yang Yi feels too slow. When I really get on the boat, it takes half a month to get to Europe, so he feels that time is slow. It has to be solidified.

The most frustrating thing is that Yang Yi disguised as an old man and was an old man of seventy-eight, so even on a cruise ship, he couldn't really play.

There are eight restaurants on the boat, Yang Yi is going to eat, but in order to make himself really like an old man, he can't eat too much, can't eat too unhealthy, can't be too cold, in short, even when eating, you have to pretend. That is really a very painful thing.

There are casinos on the boat, there are singing and dancing performances, there are all kinds of fun, but Yang Yi is going to the deck every day for a walk, strolling, and then going back to his room to go to sleep.

Really suffering, but Yang Yi has left the United States at least.

The journey across the Atlantic took a whole week. In this week, Yang Yi did not contact the outside world at all, and did not call anyone until he looked closer to the Lisbon port of Portugal.

I finally got to the beach and I can count it.

The cruise ship will sail into the Mediterranean Sea. Italy is one of the main destinations of this tanker, but Yang Yi can't wait until then.

For the first time, Yang Yi opened his mobile phone, and then he sent a message to Kate.

"Dock off at the port."

Seeing the message that Kate replied, Yang Yi couldn't help but laugh.

As long as I left the CIA's sight, the rest is very simple. The simple Yang Yi is just like a tanker trip.

Nothing happens, nothing happens.

There must also be no danger, because as long as there is any leak, any one suspects that Yang Yi is on this ship, then Yang Yi will not be able to go.

This is not the case that two people are holding a gun for half a day. One of them wants to leave and then he leaves. This is either something has not happened, or it is completely finished.

So the most important part is beforehand, the most critical part, of course, before boarding.

Now I can get off the boat, then nothing is gone, the CIA is amazing, the FBI is even more powerful, and now I can't find Yang Yi.

The port of Lisbon is the port of call for the cruise ship, not the home port, so the cruise ship will only stop at the port of Lisbon for a short stay, so that people who have been on the boat for a long time can get off the boat, but when Yang Yi got off the boat, the first thing he saw was Anna Starkina.

Why is Anastakina to pick up, because she is older, and it seems not too strange to be with Yang Yi station.

And Yang Yi also hugged with Anna Starkina.

"I finally got off the boat..."

After whispering a word, Yang Yi continued to walk slowly according to the pace of an old man, saying: "How is the situation now?"

"The whole world is looking for you, you are rewarded, and the Cicero family has also offered a reward for you. If you can provide your exact address, you can get a reward of 30 million US dollars."

Yang Yi paused and said: "Three million? Only 30 million? I only value 30 million?"

Anna Starkina smiled and said: "Yes, we are very uncomfortable, because the price tag for you is too low."

Yang Yi shook his head and continued: "So what about other people?"

"All that comes is coming, except for the Queen of Blades, she is in a very safe place, but because she is worried that she has a positioning device that cannot be Tan Ming, she can only stay alone for a few days, that thing..."

Anna shrugged her shoulders and looked at the nearby subconsciously, only to whisper. "That is also the arrival of Hong Kong today. Brian took people to pick up the goods."

Yang Yi whispered: "It is very dangerous."

"But always get it back, you can't show up at this time. There is no problem at the moment. Brian got the thing and sent the meeting at the fastest speed."

"I thought Kate was here."

"No, only me alone."

Anna Starkina pointed to herself and looked helplessly whispered: "I have organized almost everyone in the water organization. They are all in the UK at this time, why? Because I have been in the vision of the gray man before. Inside, I am worried that if we don't create an illusion in the UK that you want to appear in the UK~www.readwn.com~ they will find you."

It's easy to say, but it's hard to make this illusion.

"It's hard?"

Anna Starkina breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It's hard, but it seems that there should be no problem now. I have the least appearance. It should not be too much problem for two days."

"So Kate is exposed?"


Anna Starkina said faintly: "As long as the factors of uncertainty must be ruled out, I must see you and tell you these things, because I don't trust all the communication methods now, tell you something necessary, I have to go back. If the two of us are not blocked by the gray people, then it proves that you are safe for the time being, and you have to leave alone in the rest of the road."

I don't know if I made mistakes, I can only try my best to make mistakes. Then, I will continue to move forward in speculation and doubts. This is the situation of Yang Yi. He is now really a thin ice. Once he takes a wrong step, the result is not only wet. Feet, but broke into the abyss.

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