A War Between Spies

Chapter 1365: All is the truth

On this part, Yang Yi is really confused.

Although it is known that the cleaners are not good birds, the gray-clothed people who have always been regarded as not wearing the sky now seem to be whitewashed, but the cleaners who have always been close partners of the partners have completely blackened.

Destroy the world, no, it should be said that it is to clean up the world. Anyone who has this idea is definitely not a madman or a madman, or a madman. He can only be a madman.

Of course, Yang Yi also knows that people in gray clothes are not good at all. The cleaners want to clean up the world. Who knows what the gray people want to do.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the cleaners are mad. There is no shortage of madmans in this world, but the problem is that the cleaners get the nuclear weapons.

A large number of nuclear weapons are not enough to destroy the world, but it is absolutely enough to provoke a comprehensive nuclear war. This kind of thing, it is really a headache...

"I have a question, when will you say that the doomsday crisis will come."

Yang Yi asked a question he was very concerned about. The end of the day, the end of the crisis, the death of many people, who can not care about this kind of thing.

Bruno smiled slightly and said: "I don't know, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe next century, or maybe one day after a thousand years. No one knows the malicious people except the cleaners who have learned the revelation. When will the aliens come?"

Said that it is equal to not saying, Yang Yi said: "If the cleaners are going to fight against aliens, then why are the cleaners not secret, let the countries of the world unite, I think, first dragging humans into the war, consuming a lot of resources And after life, get a broken earth, and then fight against aliens, hey, my brain is sick?"

Bruno laughed and said, "You are so smart, can't you think of a reason?"

"I can't think of it, I think it's the idea of ​​all normal people."

Bruno said: "You can't think of a reason. You just don't want to admit it. Well, while you are accusing the cleaners, you are also accusing the gray people. Am I right?"

Yang Yi silently said that the default, Bruno shrugged: "Well, then I will simply say, if we take out the holy cabinet and tell the world that aliens may come to invade the earth, what will happen?" Let’s not say whether the people will panic or not, what is the reaction of the countries in the world?"

"Well, study, learn, then... snatch!"

"Yeah, who is going to control this holy cabinet? America? Because the United States is the only superpower, then after the United States gets the holy cabinet, is it willing to share the research results? If the United States does not want to, what will other countries do?" Sit and see that the United States has become a super-imperial empire that is far ahead in technology? What other countries have no room to resist?"

Yang Yi sighed because he knew that Bruno was right.

As long as there is a form of organization like this, human beings are not likely to get true peace, and it is even more impossible to truly work together.

Humans will fight you before the aliens arrive, and then they may be enemies after the aliens really arrive, but it is already late.

Of course, whether they are gray people or cleaners, they are not willing to take out the secrets they have mastered, because after they are taken out, they have to change their masters.

Yang Yi whispered: "Well, you are right, then what should I do?"

Yes, back to reality, Yang Yi still has to get things done right now.

No matter what aliens will come, and first get the gray people, otherwise you won't wait for the aliens to come. If you don't wait for the end, Yang Yi should die first.

Bruno whispered: "One thing we highly suspect and worry about is that the end is coming, because the cleaners react abnormally, the cleaners are now very urgent, we can only believe that the aliens are coming, because the cleaners have mastered Revelation, they know when the aliens will come back. If this is the case, then we can only speed up the pace accordingly."


Yang Yi was silent for a moment, whispered: "Hey, is the alien already coming, my girlfriend... Petra, she will be highly concerned because she found some traces."

Bruno laughed, and then he looked helplessly: "The universe is very big. We are certainly not the only intelligent creature. Now we are the guide to the conditions that the extraterrestrial visitors told us thousands of years ago. Who knows how many shape civilizations have visited the Earth during this time?"

"It is understandable, that is to say, aliens who are imaginary enemies will come, and they are evil. Before the evil aliens come, there may be other aliens coming to the earth, and these are indistinguishable. Oh, can you tell me more?"

Bruno shook his head and said: "I can't tell you more, because this is not a clear timetable. We have pieced together the truth based on some broken pieces, but we can't know more things. You have to understand thousands of years ago. The human beings are taking aliens as gods, and the human civilization at that time cannot understand the universe."

Yang Yi nodded: "Well, then why should the cleaners get the holy cabinet? If there is medical treatment, there must be other functions."

Bruno was silent for a moment, saying: "Ark, we all believe that the combination of the Holy See and the revelation will make it possible to find the whereabouts of the Ark. This cross is an energy block, regardless of whether it is a holy cabinet or a revelation. The driver can operate, and the holy cabinet and the revelation should also be combined into one, thus creating new functions."

"Before the split, the holy cabinet and the revelation have been in your hands for nearly a thousand years. Have you not figured it out yet?"

Bruno smiled bitterly, and then he was very serious: "Do you think that people in the Middle Ages can figure out the concept of radiation? Before the era of technology explosion ~www.readwn.com~ This may be gray people and It’s a common regret for the cleaners. We didn’t invite the top scientists to conduct research, and we’ve got some progress. Oh, do you know what the gray-clothers and cleaners are leading from the split to the war? ?"

Yang Yi took a moment and said: "What?"

"One person, Mr. Nikola Tesla."

Yang Yi sighed, and then he said with a sigh of emotion: "I want to say that I guess he is, yes, it really is him."

"Mr. Tesla is a gray man, and Edison became a cleaner. Tesla has made many outstanding contributions, but the United States is the site of cleaners."


"Things on your body, you must have discovered it. This is the result of Tesla's research, the radiation source of the response mechanism. When a special kind of radiation illuminates a certain material, this material will produce radiation. Hey, you understand. ?"

Yang Yi touched his own gang, and he certainly understood what Bruno said was hidden in his teeth.

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