A War Between Spies

Chapter 428: Straight

"Get up? It's time to have breakfast."

The door was knocked, and the sound of Boya Tower sounded.

Yang Yi went to the restaurant, but saw Jetero busy in front of the stove, and the eggs in the frying pan were still sizzling.

"Sit down, just wait a little while, let your brothers come to eat."

Yang Yi didn't think that Jetro was cooking himself, but he didn't even think that Jetero would cook for them.

The status of the Trident Mercenary Corps is somewhat special. The special feature is that they have a closer relationship with Jeter than other mercenary groups, but are closer to the bodyguards who died than the Jeter.

Eight people from the trident sat at the table, and Jetero quickly clipped the omelet out of the pot, and then he came to the table with a pot.

"One person and five fried eggs, not enough to do it again."

One person four slices of bread, five fried eggs, and a large bowl of porridge, Jetro personally put the omelette.

There are a lot of omelettes, all of them in a large basin, and Westerners like to eat eggs, so after a lot of broken eggs broke out, the egg liquid flowed out, but Jetero apparently did not care.

Kate is very polite: "Thank you, but there are too many five, I can't eat, at most two."

"I thought that you should eat more. After all, your physical activity is not small, but I understand the beauty concerns, so what about this lady?"

Xiao Yu nodded slightly: "Thank you, I only need two."

Jetero smiled and said: "The gentlemen, you can share my delicious omelet."

Jetero sat in front of his position, and then he gorged on eating something, and he was very confident: "Although the sale is a little worse, it tastes good?"

Yang Yi's meals are indeed too large for a few of them, especially if they have breakfast and don't know when they can eat the next meal. If you can eat more, you still have to eat more.

Jetero finished his breakfast, and then he pushed the plate and said: "To go out with me today, there should be nothing to happen."

After that, Jetero wiped his mouth with his back and said, "You eat slowly. After you finish eating, pick up something. I have to call a few calls. We are about... half an hour later."

Jetero stood up, and then Yang Yi noticed that when he left, his hand was rubbed in a leather jacket, so he understood why Jetero’s leather jacket, especially the pockets on both sides, was always bright. Glittering.

After eating breakfast, or three cars, Yang Yi followed Jetero to the city of Kiev, but after they arrived, they began a long wait.

From ten o'clock in the afternoon until twelve o'clock, Jetero never said what he was going to do, or who he wanted to see. He had been holding a satellite phone, but he did not answer the phone or made a phone call.

In fact, Yang Yi still wants to hear something when Jeter is on the phone.

Finally, after Jetro looked at the watch again, Shen said: "Let's go, wait."

Yang Yi didn't say anything, just moved the car, and then Jetero said: "Let's go to Lviv, know how to go?"

Yang Yi shook her head and said: "I can use navigation."

Jetero smiled and said: "Let me go as far as I can, I am a live map, go straight."

It is not good to go from Kiev to Lviv, because the root cause of the turmoil in Ukraine is in Lviv. The investigation is strict and the order is very chaotic.

But it’s a good thing for Jetro to consider. It’s just a matter of driving.

Starting from noon, I bought some food at random, and it was really hard all the way. Especially Yang Yi did not wear a bulletproof vest with a helmet, but the gun was on hand, and the rocket launcher was thrown in the trunk. The consequences can be serious.

Jetro had a vast magical power. Although he walked all the way, he was still in danger. He arrived in Lviv at eleven o'clock in the evening.

Not in the urban area of ​​Lviv, Jetero directed Yang Yi to drive the car to a place where there was no sign at all. Then he could see the light hidden in the woods.


"Good luck, we are here, just park here."

After pointing out that Yang Yi parked the car on the side of the road, Jetero took out his satellite phone again, and then he finally dialed a number this time.

After the phone dialed out, I waited for a while, and Jetero said: "Hello, Stepanin, my name is Jetero. I am sorry to disturb you at this time, but I am now outside your military camp. Can you please meet me?"

Yang Yi couldn't hear the voice on the phone, but Jetero quickly said: "I was introduced by General Karavaev. I think it is better for you to meet me. I have a gift for you. ""

After waiting for a while, Jetero hung up the phone, and then he pointed to Yang Yidao: "Always go, to the military camp door."

Yang Yi drove forward for about a kilometer and came to the door of a military camp. Then a lieutenant officer came out and motioned them to put the window glass down. The whispered a few words in Ukrainian.

Jetro is facing Yang Yidao: "Only our car can go in and tell the brothers to wait outside, don't worry, it's okay."

Yang Yi picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "You are waiting outside."

The younger lieutenant of Yang Yi’s car, sitting in the back seat with Brian, he saw the gun in his seat, but there was nothing to say.

Jetero let Yang Yi stop in front of a building, then he whispered: "You are waiting for me in the car, I will come out soon."

Facing Yang Yi, Jetro got out of the car, and then he followed the little one into the building.

After waiting to see Jetero, Brian whispered: "Jetero is a man who has done it. He has no confidence in coming here. I don't know if he is reckless, or is he very courageous?" ”

Yang Yi whispered: "A person who looks very bold and even rude~www.readwn.com~ In fact, the mind is very delicate, right?"

"Yes, he is a cautious person, don't be deceived by his appearance. If he deliberately creates his own rude and straightforward personality traits, then you should be more careful about him. This kind of person is often difficult to wrap. ""

Yang Yi nodded gently.

The two stopped talking and waited for Jetro to come out. After waiting for an hour, Jetero walked out of the building alone. After a car, he wanted to laugh: "How, tired? ”

"Fortunately, not tired."

Jetero looked good. He smiled and said: "Then it will be harder. Since we are here, we will go see the individual again. Now we can go."

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