A War Between Spies

Chapter 432: welfare

Yang Yi understands what Jetro is going to do, but he doesn't understand why Jetero wants to do this.

Now that Ukraine has fallen into crisis, it is clear that some of them are going to do things, and even fools know what role the United States plays in it.

But the problem is that the United States, Jetro is mixed here.

"I can understand, but I will not do this kind of thing."

Regardless of understanding or understanding, Yang Yi was very determined to reject Jetro's request.

Jetero looks a little surprised. He is interested: "Oh, why? Just leave a few shots, I will pay you a lot of money, and is it easier to make money?" ”

Yang Yi is very determined: "This is not a question of opening a few shots. This is a case of Zhengzhi, and we are determined not to be involved in the Zhengzhi incident, especially the focus that is destined to be the focus of the world."

Jeterhaha laughed and said: "You are cautious."

"I have to be cautious. As a mercenary, if you want to live longer, don't get involved in the Zhengzhi incident."

Jetro waited for a moment, then he nodded: "Well, someone will rush to do this kind of thing. Since you are not willing to make this money, then I will let others go."

Yang Yi felt that she should not talk too much, but he couldn't help but curiosity, so he whispered: "I don't understand why you have to do this kind of thing? Shouldn't this be what cIa does?"

Jetero sighed and smiled. "Yeah, this is cIa, but I have to do a little bit to speed up the progress. The things here are complicated and complicated."

Jetero didn't want to say any more, Yang Yi didn't ask. He didn't know why an arms dealer had to do what cIa should do, but don't ask, don't ask, the problem just now seems redundant.

Yang Yi, they are walking around the road. Although they have encountered several inspections, they will be released every time. Obviously, Jetero came here to buy the road.

Yang Yi, they are close to the Independence Square, where is now the focus of the attention of the entire world, there are very many journalists, and a large number of military and police.

After parking near the Independence Square, Jetero sighed: "Get off the bus and come with me without a pistol."

The car parked in front of a building not far from the Independence Square. After Jetro got out of the car, he walked toward the building, and Yang Yi only took the gun with him and followed Jetero. The top of the building.

After climbing up the roof, Jetero opened a small bag he took and pulled out a telescope from inside.

Standing on the top of the building overlooking the entire square, Jetero looked at the telescope for a while, then he put down the telescope and smiled at Yang Yi: "What did you see?"

Yang Yi shrugged and said: "Many people, a lot of angry people."

Jetero shook his head and said: "I saw a lot of idiots, a lot of stupid idiots."

Stretching his finger to a signal shot, Jetero said: "What is that?"

Yang Yi took a look and said: "BBc's satellite OB van."

Jetero haha ​​smiled and said: "No, it is a weapon, a weapon that arms dealers can't sell."

Jetero was very emotional. He reached out to the crowd on Independence Square and said: "I have seen such a scene in Libya. I have seen it in Iraq. Now it is the turn of Ukraine. History is always amazingly similar. Human Memory is always amazingly short, Mike, look at them, look at these angry idiots, they think they are smart, they think they have mastered the truth, they think that they can live better when they change their masters, they think they are going to the United States. The arms will get everything that is not there now. They think they can be their own masters. This is really... ridiculous!"

Jetero laughed, then he turned and looked at Yang Yi, a group of people said: "Why do these idiots think that they can get everything they can't get now? Do they don't know that even if they sell the country, they need qualifications. Is it not for them to sell this country at a good price? All they can do is to bear the consequences of the destruction of this country, but these people are brave enough to go to the streets, why? Because they are watching TV. And after some information on the Internet, I feel that I have mastered the truth, but they don't know what someone wants them to see and what they can see."

Kate is not convinced: "There must always be someone who comes forward and always has someone to stand up and change the reality of injustice."

Jetro said: "Yes, it is like this. There must always be something to do, but who is the one who really benefits? Use lies to replace another lie, use his life and future to achieve ambitious, good. Well, I am grateful to these people, I really appreciate their efforts and sacrifices."

Jetro had no intention of arguing with Kate. He looked at the crowd and said: "Come to witness history. Everyone, this is the welfare of your work for me."

After that, Jetero picked up a walkie-talkie, and then he sang in the intercom: "Turiaf, start to work."

Turiaf was the head of another mercenary group. After Jetro ordered, Yang Yi suddenly watched the people who were still stable in the square suddenly rioted.

Someone fired, and then the entire square quickly fell into chaos. After a while, the soldiers who were originally maintaining order also fired. Yang Yi knew that someone was shooting at the soldiers.

Finally, Yang Yi Shen said: "Jetero, can I ask you a question?"

"I can listen to what your problem is."

Yang Yi hesitated for a moment, then he said: "I know what you are here for, but I don't understand now. Why do you want to do these things? Well, if you are not convenient to answer, I just think The arms dealer seems to be involved in this kind of thing."

Jetero laughed, and then he looked at Yang Yidao: "Because Ukraine is not chaotic now, my time is very tight, so I hope that Ukraine can be more chaotic ~www.readwn.com~ Have you heard a sentence? ”


"After the Lord, kill the whole family."

Yang Yi took a moment and said: "This..."

Jetero sighed and said: "If the country has remained stable, how can I break into a general's home to kill his family? There are still many places we can't go, there are many things that can't be done, for me. To be able to accomplish the goal faster, I need to speed up the degree of out of control here, and that's it."

In fact, these principles Yang Yi knows, he really understands, he also knows what agreement Jeter and Arseny reached, so he needs to pretend not to understand, because a mercenary should not understand this, one knows too much Mercenaries are not a good tool for qualification.

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