A War Between Spies

Chapter 434: Windfall

Jetero wants Ukrainian chaos to speed up the current downfall, but he does not want the Ukrainian civil war. &1t;/

After changing the group of Arseny to the stage, Jetero had the opportunity to take the Ukrainian arsenal from the big Ivan, but if the civil war was opened, whoever lost and won would still be uncertain. &1t;/

Therefore, Jetero will be so angry. Arseny’s gangs have a chance to end up peacefully, but they don’t know who’s the bad idea. They even ordered the Golden Eagle troops to apologize. This is a serious emotion in the opposite. The Eastern Ukrainians stabbed a knife in their hearts. &1t;/

The number of Jindiao troops is small, and it can play a limited role in the entire Ukrainian national chaos. However, letting the Golden Eagle troops kneel down is a very symbolic event, pushing the chaos to the battle. &1t;/

Jetero's temper was tempered, but in the end, he could only accept the reality with helplessness. &1t;/

At the beginning, Jetero also jumped on the foot of the Master to pick up the ghosts in the dark, but after he calmed down, he did not mention it. &1t;/

Even if you can get people out, even if you know who wants to provoke the Ukrainian civil war, Jetero is just an arms dealer. He can help Alcini to influence the situation, but after all, he only helps Arseny. It’s just a matter of doing dirty work, and it’s the embodiment of Alsene’s will, so he can’t do anything but accept reality. &1t;/

The tempered Jetero sat in the chair for a long time, then he adjusted his emotions. When he stood up, he was just like a okay person. After finishing his clothes a little, Shen said: "Sorry, you continue. Eat, I have to deal with something."&1t;/

Jetero left, Kate pushed the plate aside and whispered: "I am full, I have to go back and take a break." &1t;/

Kate also left the restaurant. Yang Yi smiled twice and whispered to Boya Tower not far from him: "Are you going to look at it?" &1t;/

Boyata is in his thirties and looks very gentle and gentle. As an assistant to Jetero, he must have been trusted by Jetero. &1t;/

After hearing Yang Yi’s words, Boyata shook his head and said, “No, let him quiet himself.” &1t;/

The dinner interrupted by Jeter continued. Yang Yi and several of them silently finished eating some cool food, and then continued to return to their room. &1t;/

Yang Yi’s main purpose is to figure out the position of Djoy Mather, &1t;/

Several people have gathered together to chat, and Yang Yi walked in when passing through Kate's room. &1t;/

Kate shook his head at Yang Yi. &1t;/

Yang Yi whispered: "No?" &1t;/

"No, he called, but everything is encrypted and nothing can be found." &1t;/

Yang Yi thinks that Jetero might call Deyo Mather, so Kate wants to intercept the signal and find out the number of Jeter’s call. In this case, as long as Jeter’s call is to Djokovic Then they can know the phone number of Dejo Marcel. &1t;/

But the result is the same as that of Yang Yi. The satellite phones that Jetero and Djoy Marcel used to contact are really multi-encrypted, at least the devices on their hands can't find any useful information. &1t;/

Yang Yi whispered: "Don't check it again later, take things apart and close them." &1t;/

Not too disappointing, because Yang Yi did not expect to be able to easily find the phone number of Dejo Marcel. It was just a try after the existing opportunity. Since there is no hope, then naturally it will not It will be too disappointing. &1t;/

And since Jetro's satellite phone has been encrypted, there is no need to try again, only another way. &1t;/

Just when Yang Yi thought that he would calm down on this day, late at night he waited for the news that Jetero was going out. &1t;/

Jetero looks calm, but Yang Yi, who already knows about Jeter, can see it now. In fact, Jetero is very uncomfortable now. &1t;/

Still in the middle of the road, Yang Yi felt that Jetero was going to see Alceini, and waiting to send Jetero to his destination confirmed Yang Yi’s guess, because they went to the place of Arseny. Family. &1t;/

The last time they were Yang Yi, they forcibly broke into the home of Arseny, but this time it was no longer needed. Jetro only let people know that he entered the home of Arseny. As for Yang Yi, they naturally stayed. In the car. &1t;/

But Arseny’s family has the bugs that Yang Yi left behind. &1t;/

The signal transmission range of the bug is limited. If it is not within the signal range of the eavesdropper, nothing can be heard. Yang Yi has no chance to come here these days, so the bugs naturally lose their effect. But now, Yang Yi can know what Jetero will say. &1t;/

Yang Yi took out the mobile phone, and then he now has the ifi signal in the home of Alcini. &1t;/

Unexpected gains, big surprises. &1t;/

Nothing is convenient for Jetro to do with him. Yang Yi immediately sent a text message to Tang Guo. &1t;/

“Remote manipulation of my mobile phone to connect ifi signals is very important, you know how to do it.” &1t;/

The ifi signal is very important, because the signal of the eavesdropper can be transmitted via the ifi signal. As long as Tang Guo can connect to the ifi of the Arseny family in the UK via Yang Yi’s mobile phone, then she can know the ifi network account and know the network. Account, this account has become her broiler. &1t;/

After that, it is simple. Tang Guo can use the ifi signal to control the eavesdropper, and then the signal of the eavesdropper can be transmitted to her through the ifi. From then on, the bugs that can only be monitored can be monitored at any time. The ifi signal is not interrupted. &1t;/

There are too many vulnerabilities that can be exploited. This is the power of technology and the characteristics of the Internet age. &1t;/

Some politicians don't have ifi signals around them. Even if there are multiple encryptions, Alcini obviously does not realize this. Maybe he realizes, but he doesn't care. &1t;/

Even if the ifi signal is not the home of Arseny, even if it is the ifi signal of the neighbors of Arcseny, it is enough if it can overlap with the signal range of the eavesdropper. &1t;/

After five minutes, Yang Yi received a text message from Tang Guolai. &1t;/

"Get it." &1t;/

Delete the SMS ~www.readwn.com~ Yang Yi will shut down the phone. &1t;/

Now I only hope that Alceini will live in his house for a while, and hope that this ifi signal will always exist. &1t;/

Continue to wait until Jetro comes out of the home of Arseny. &1t;/

I can't see any special expression on Jetro's face. After getting on the bus, Jetero is just a faint saying: "Go back." &1t;/

On the way back, Jetero kept silent, but when he arrived, he suddenly made a long sigh, and then faintly said: "This country is finished..." &1t;

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