A War Between Spies

Chapter 454: Arctic fox

Yang Yi, they got on the plane, and then in the cabin on the upper floor, those aurora people began to change their clothes.

Everyone has a **** bag, and the big bag doesn't look like a name, but the Aurora people start to dress up after they get the big bags that should be their own.

The plane is not in a hurry to take off, because the real flight 176 from Philadelphia to Kiev can take much longer than from Khartoum.

Yang Yi was looking at the Aurora in the cabin next to them. They wore black battle suits, a black bulletproof vest on the outside, then a black headgear, and finally a black one. The helmet, in short, is black from head to toe.

The guns are all American, the rifle is m4, the pistol is mostly m9 and m1911, but there are also a few Glock 17.

The equipment of the Aurora Mercenary Corps should be prepared, not prepared after Alexander decided to seek the gold, because many equipments have traces of use, which is good because they are all new. Really.

No matter whether it is clothing or equipment, no item is marked, even military boots and gloves are all American, not to say that these things are made in the United States, but the most commonly used by the US and many secret forces.

There is no indication that a fluable person can see at a glance that the Aurora Mercenary Corps and the United States are inextricably linked, but Yang Yi still feels somewhat uneasy.

“Will the clothing be too uniform? We don’t know what the other person’s identity is, or whether they have any uniform clothing. If it’s too conspicuous, it will be easier to expose.”

Alexander shook his head and smiled. "There is no way to imitate a certain unit in this costume. But wearing this outfit with these equipment will definitely not let the American powers think that we are not the same kind." If you know the specific identity of the object to be imitated, plus the sign language and the formation, we can imitate any special forces in the United States, seals, deltas, and you can say that we can't tell you."

In fact, Yang Yi could not tell the difference. He was not from the army, nor was he really a mixed mercenary. He didn't have such good eyesight.

Yang Yi looked at Alexander and said: "You seem to have done less of this kind of thing?"

Alexander smiled and said: "The mercenary profession is very dangerous. It is difficult for the enemy to retire too much. I don't want to make enough money but I can't get out of it, so it's always right to keep some secrets."

Yang Yi curiously said: "Can you imitate the Russian troops?"

Alexander smiled and did not answer Yang Yi’s question.

Justin sighed with amazement: "Professional! It is a mercenary group known as the Arctic fox. The camouflage is awesome. Unfortunately, you don't take orders, otherwise there are tasks that you don't want to let people know except Aurora!"

Chris has been watching the Aurora Mercenary Regiment, he has been thinking, and at this point he finally made up his mind.

"I want to wear a suit."

After a sudden popping out, Chris sighed: "I am going to change clothes."

Alexander waved his hand and said: "The first class above is for you."

Yang Yi and the four of them went to the first class in the front of the plane. After entering the first class, Yang Yi said to Justin: "You just said the Arctic Fox Mercenary?"

Justin nodded: "Yes, the Aurora Mercenary Corps is also called the Arctic Fox Mercenary. Few people know how the name came. Now you know, except most of them are from Northern Europe, because they The ability to disguise is too strong. Think about it. The white Arctic fox is hidden in the snowfield. Are you out?"

Yang Yi repeatedly nodded: "It makes sense, hey, it makes sense!"

Feel free to find a position to sit down, Kate screamed at Yang Yi: "Do you want to make up?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "Make-up, once the plan fails, we may have to escape."

Justin hurriedly said: "Please help me with makeup, I don't want to be seen by my handsome face."

Chris began to change clothes, Kate began to make makeup for Yang Yi, and then the faces of Yang Yi and Justin became completely unrecognizable, and the plane was finally dragged by the tractor.

At this moment, Yang Yi’s phone rang. When he connected the phone, he listened to Brian’s whisper: “The treasury started to move. There was a heavy-duty van that had just left, and there were ten cars escorting before and after. The look of the car is very heavy and it is going to the Kiev airport."

Yang Yi hung up the phone and nodded to Justin, saying: "The gold has been shipped out and went to Kiev airport."

Justin snapped a finger and smiled: "Yes, that's it!"

The plane was towed to the runway, and then waited for a while, after three hours of receiving the news of the actual flight 176, Yang Yi their aircraft engine finally made a roar ~www.readwn.com~ the plane started slow Slowly sliding, then getting faster and faster, and getting faster and faster, until after the earthquake, jumped into the sky.

Justin painted a cross on his chest and whispered: "God bless!"

The plane took off, was transferred to the route of the civilian flight, and then began to fly north.

Chris quickly changed his clothes, but after sitting in his chair for a while, he suddenly stood up and began to organize his clothes.

It’s not that the trousers are quite straight, nor is the shirt’s sleeves and neckline white, and Chris’s collar with the shirt squats back and forth in the seat, reaching into the sweaty and unwashed hair during the day. After a few squats, wipe it back and forth on the shirt collar.

Both Yang Yi and Justin are not curious about Chris's actions.

If you have been flying for more than ten hours, and you are likely to have been busy for a long time before taking off, you can't be too neat, and you can't keep your suit in the seat for a long time.

After cleaning up and going for a long time, Chris sat back in the chair with satisfaction and then brought a pair of gold glasses.

The selection of clothes and the matching of the glasses are very particular. After watching Chris busy, Justin smiled and said: "Do you want to play the role of an assistant?"

Chris nodded and smiled at Justin: "Yes, sir."

Chris has begun to enter the role, Justin waved and said: "You continue, don't bother you."

Yang Yi now feels that time has passed very slowly. Finally, Alexander took the first class and said: "We are about to enter Ukrainian airspace. Now we are going directly to Kiev, do we need to hover?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment, he was calculating the time when the real flight No. 176 arrived. After a while, he said: "Direct flight to Kiev!"

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