A War Between Spies

Chapter 532: Does not exist and does not have this person

In the end, Brian and Paul also had to join the track, because even if Yang Yi and Anton alternately track, it is very likely to be discovered.

Five people, four cars, and after changing the car twice, finally tracked that Park Ji-yi arrived outside a house that was not eye-catching.

Park Ji-ichi drove into the house, and Yang Yi was immediately distributed around and began the final stage.

Light tracking doesn't make much sense. What matters is knowing who Park Chi has seen and what he said.

Yang Yi and Xiao Xiao set up a Weibo bug, while Brian and Paul were manipulating a laser sniffer.

Sound waves can form a weak resonance effect on glass or metal products, but also can reflect microblogs. Yang Yi controls a directional microwave-emitting instrument to illuminate the glass window. If someone speaks, it can collect and restore the speaker's speech. .

The principle of the laser bug is almost the same, just turning the microwave into a laser, the laser is shining on the glass, and the sound waves during the conversation cause the glass window to make a very slight vibration. After the laser is reflected back and received and amplified, a clear conversation can be obtained. sound.

"Working hard."

"You are too polite."

Yang Yi first got the sound signal, so he immediately said in the intercom: "The target is in the second window on the left side of the sun, talking."

Two remote bugs were designed to prevent the malfunction of the instrument or the eavesdropping effect. Therefore, after discovering the location of the target, Yang Yi immediately notified Brian so that he could eavesdrop together.

The conversation in the room is still going on.


"Ready, the captain and the crew are replaced by their own, as long as the weather is right, and the weather forecast also shows that it will be a good weather, if you don't have an accident, you can act on time."

"He is also very concerned about this matter, and he must do things perfectly."

"Yes, I will try my best."

"Not to do your best, you must do it!"

"Yes, but Anderson seems to be aware of our plan. When I met with me last time, I also implicitly told me not to do too much, and they asked me to meet them again today."

"Don't pay attention to them, CA Information Resources has stretched out too long."


"Anderson is just a branch that CA has established here. Do these people think they can control everything? Enough, you don't need to know this, just do your own thing."

"Yes, I understand."

"Let's go, now go meet with the Anderson Research Society. If they ask for any excessive demands, don't bother with it. Our things can't be blocked by anyone. Be careful not to be seen. We are waiting for your good news. ”


The conversation between the two was over. Yang Yi immediately said in the intercom: "Attention, they are coming out, the ghost continues to keep up with Park Jiyi, and we stay to see who the other person is."

Anton Shen Sheng: "Understand."

Yang Yi took out the phone. He called the phone to Kate, and then he sighed: "I will let Tang Guo check CA Information Resources."

Waiting for Yang Yi to hang up the phone, Xiao Yu whispered: "Sure enough, I caught a big fish, what do you think they have to do?"

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I believe that if we continue to trace it, there will be results. First of all, we will figure out what other person is who meets Park Ji-yi."

It’s not a phone call but a special opinion, or a secret meeting to say something, then this must be very important, and it’s gonna be blameless.

Yang Yi is very excited. He now knows that there is another company behind the Anderson Research Society. This is already a big gain.

After a while, Park Ji-yi drove his car and left alone, but Yang Yi and Brian did not leave. Compared with Park Ji-yi, the person who did not know his identity was obviously more important.

Yang Yi hopes to continue to steal any important words after Park Ji-yi leaves, but after Park Ji-yi left, he has not heard any voice for a long time.

Yang Yi said in the walkie-talkie: "Owl, look for opportunities to take pictures of people inside."

"Understood, I need to go to the heights to shoot."

Brian will photograph the people inside, and Yang Yi and Xiao Yu stayed in the distance to continue to monitor, until half an hour later, he saw a limousine drove out of the yard.

Write down the house number, so that it is convenient to trace the owner of the house, and then Yang Yi drove far to catch up with the luxury car.

"Owl, did you shoot it?"

"I took a side face and my angle is not very suitable."

Yang Yi thought for a moment, whispered: "Enough, I will continue to follow, holy water, report your position."

"I am in front of their car and finished."

"Received, ready to change position, finish."

The final result of the tracking was that the limousine drove into a villa with a large courtyard, and Yang Yi was forced to give up tracking at a great distance, because he left the road with a lot of traffic. They couldn't track it when they arrived at the dedicated passage in the villa area.

In addition to knowing the vehicle's grade, and the limousine arrived in a villa area, there is also a person's side face photo.

Can no longer follow, Yang Yi said in the intercom: "My car is stolen, now I have to park the car to a farther place, now I am leaving."

Paul also whispered: "I have the same problem. It was discovered that the stolen car may cause suspicion in the vicinity. I must also park the car far. It seems that we have to buy a few cars."

"Then give up monitoring for the time being, get ready to come again, and finish."

Ending the call, Yang Yi said to Xiao Yu: "I am going to find a place to put a car~www.readwn.com~ Go back and sort out the information we got."

Let Xiao Yu get off the bus, Yang Yi drove a long way, and finally threw the car in a place without a camera. Then he took a big bend in the subway and unloaded the makeup away from the hotel where he stayed. Back to the hotel.

Once I went back, Yang Yi couldn’t wait for it immediately: "How?"

Xiao Yu said with a serious face: "CA Information Resources is a small company based in London, England. It is very small. There is no discovery yet. In addition, we have caught a big fish and a super shark."

Yang Yi excitedly said: "Oh, let's listen."

Xiao Yu sighed and gave Yang Yi a printed side face, Shen Sheng said: "This person, after comparison, can confirm that he is Bu Cun."

Yang Yi took the photo and said, "Oh, this person is a big man? Public figures? Officials?"

Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "He is not an official, but he is now a good friend of the current Cold Country President Mei Zheren, so yes, he is a big man."

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