A War Between Spies

Chapter 588: Undefended

Jetro said a few words, Yang Yi can conclude that he must have contacted Dejo Marcel.

Now Dejoy ordered Jetero to go to see him alone, and this place is in Nice, which is another great gain, but only know that Deyo is meaningless in that city.

Yang Yi is completely unfamiliar with Djo. Marcel, but Jetero is definitely familiar.

Now that Jetero is beginning to doubt the mental state of Djoj Marcel, then Dejo Marcel may have been a real problem, and the problem is not small, perhaps he was stunned by the pain of his loss. The mind.

"As a father, after losing your most beloved son, no matter what kind of decision is made, it is possible that I am concerned about whether your safety can be guaranteed?"

After Yang Yi whispered, he hesitated, and immediately said: "There are many things I should not ask, but I must know now, that Nicholas, will he meet with you at the same time, Djo Marcel? If this is the case, then the problem is serious. There may be no danger before you see the German, but it is hard to say after you have seen the Djo."

Jetro spread his hand and looked distressed: "I certainly understand this, but Deyo said, he will only stay in Nice for a short time, and I don't think that Deyo has a mood to change the time and then summon Nicholas. He must see us at the same time, let us rush to Ukraine as soon as possible."

Deeply took a breath, Jetero said with some anger: "In this case, Deyo will let me go to Nice alone to see him."

Suddenly shook his head, Jetero whispered to Yang Yi: "Djo is now stunned by anger, I have no intention to object to him and will not betray him, but I can not do it according to his current orders, so I want you to go to Nice with me."

Jetero decided to ignore the command of Deyo. For his own safety, he decided to expose the position of the Djokov to the outsiders, and he must try to keep himself.

Unexpectedly, happiness is so sudden, now it is not necessary to keep track of Jetero in the dark, and Jetero will personally bring Yang Yi to find Dejo Marcel.

Although my heart is about to fly, but Yang Yi is a serious face, then he finally whispered: "This is not okay, if Nicholas and you meet the Deyo at the same time, then your whereabouts are not very good. It may continue to be kept secret. If Nicholas really decides to kill you, then the fire is inevitable. Can you delay the time? I immediately transferred people from Ukraine, and we have to prepare for a hard fight. ”

Jetero said bitterly: "It’s too late..."

After that, Jetero looked serious: "We will go to Nice immediately. I will send some weapons to Nice. I will try my best to choose a safe channel. Then, you will protect me in secret, if... ”

Shaking his head, Jetero stood up and said: "The rest is where you want to go."

Jetero really did a great mental struggle before deciding to bring Yang Yi to them. The signs are too obvious. He did not want to violate the orders of the Djo, but under the pressure of reality, he finally decided to violate the rules.

After making up his mind, Jetero was not as hesitant as before. He looked at his assistant and said, "Boya Tower, is the car looking for it?"

"Looking for it, the car will take you to the airport and then fly to Nice, but I only contacted one car because you said you went."

Jetro put his hand and said: "You all go with me. There is no need to use your own car. It is a taxi. Let's go to the airport and book the tickets for all of us right now."

At the beginning of the race, the confident and determined Jedero returned to Yang Yi Shen, who was opposite him. “This battle, if I win, you can get unimaginable lucrative rewards if I lose. Then, I will die, and you, although the risks you face are not small, but you have the opportunity or leave, the investment is small, the return is big, how about, dare to take this risk with me?"

Yang Yi looked at Brian them, and then he smiled and said: "We are eating this bowl of life, in front of enough commission, what is the risk? The only request, after the landing of Nice, the need Things can be given to us in time. I don't want to face Nikolas's killers with empty hands, if he really sent a killer."

Jeter waved his hand and said, "Go with me."

Yang Yi knew that Anton was in the vicinity, but he knew that Anton was nearby, but he could not find the trace of Anton.

Anton can also hear the dialogue between Yang Yi and Jetero, because Yang Yi has a bug, so Anton will naturally know that they are going to Nice~www.readwn.com~ So, let him do his own thing, maybe he can check out the addendum to get more detailed information, or he may not get much useful things, but according to the current state of affairs, even if there is no Anton Harvest, Yang Yi also has confidence to get the hiding place of Deyo.

The place to stay is not too far from the airport. Several people leave the hotel's restaurant and go straight to take the taxi to the airport. There are so many flights from Paris to Nice, even if it is a temporary ticket purchase.

Fortunately, the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris did not strike today.

After arriving at the airport, Jetero took the call, but he did not call, but only sent a few text messages.

Yang Yi didn't know what information Jeter sent out, and he didn't know if he was in contact with Deyo, but he thought that Jetero should be in contact with Deyo. Otherwise, it would be Jedero's age. You shouldn’t hold your phone and you’re not finished.

No wonder the monitor didn't get any valid information. It turned out that Jetero and Deyo were connected through the Internet.

Yang Yidu regrets that she did not bring Tang Guo. Although it is not possible to let Tang Guo be with her, but let her follow Anton activities, she may be able to invade Jetro's mobile phone, and then get the most crucial information. .

After sending a message for a while, Jetero said with a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, time is up."

After laughing at Yang Yi, Jetro spread his hand and said: "We have to arrive before 4 pm, and now the time is still abundant. I don't have to worry about being late."

Ok, I know the meeting time.

Yang Yi discovered that Jetro was his lucky star. Especially when Jetro was not available, and faced an imminent crisis, but he still wanted to fight for a chance to win the upper position, he was simply undefended.

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