A War Between Spies

Chapter 704: I am justice

Yang Yi thinks that he still lacks sufficient understanding of the United States.

How can this be done, how can this be done?

Yang Yi not only does not understand, but he is also angry, although just listening to a previous stranger's story makes him extremely angry, in his view, the only way to encounter such a thing is to kill the monk immediately, no Hesitant, killing without mercy.

As for the child, Yang Yi has no children, so he can't understand Woody's thoughts.

Looking at Yang Yi's face with a blank expression, Brian said: "Don't think about it, reality is like this."

Yang Yi’s face is puzzled: “Is it so?”

Chris said helplessly: "What else can I do, what should the three children do?"

Yang Yi looked at Woody and said: "You don't have custody. Isn't your child's grandmother or anyone else?"

Woody shook his head and said, "I don't dare to take risks."

Yang Yi thinks that Woody is very weak, not cowardly. It is very, very kind, very very useless. He even wants to kill Woody with one shot.

How did Zhang Yong find such a waste? Yang Yi was already dissatisfied at this time. It was not because of Woody’s weakness, but because Woody himself said that he had been in medical accident twice. Dismissed, and seeing him did not come out of the shadows, counting on him as a life-saving doctor of water, how to do a medical accident.

Yang Yi wants to find a doctor. The water organization needs a doctor, but Yang Yicai does not want a waste.

After calming down and telling myself that everything has nothing to do with him, Yang Yi Shen said: "Hey, I am very sympathetic to your experience, I also want to give you a job, but unfortunately, our work..."

Just then Zhang Yong waved: "Wait a minute, wait a minute."

Inviting to Yang Yi, Zhang Yong hurriedly said: "Come and come over, come over."

Yang Yi stood up and followed Zhang Yong to walk aside, and then Zhang Yong whispered: "Don't drive him away, this is what I managed to find. You know how much effort I have found." Well, this person is a military doctor and a medical guard. The level is still very good. You drove him away and I went there to find it."

Yang Yi whispered: "I will come to see him, I don't want a waste."

Zhang Yong looked helplessly: "You don't understand. If you don't have children, you really don't understand. Don't look at him as a dead person, but believe it or not. If you give him a job, he can give you life." This guy is really desperate now, how can such a good condition be pushed away?"

"Can still not see it..."

Zhang Yong said with a serious face: "You believe me, just give this guy a little hope of turning over, he can give you a surprise, big surprise, he will soon be able to come out of the psychological shadow, ah no, no Psychological shadow, his psychological shadow does not want to get rid of this life, I am talking about his current state of depression, I can guarantee that this guy will soon turn grief and anger into power, you must believe me."

"Do you sympathize with him?"

"Compassion? My sympathy, my mother didn't know how many years ago she had fed the dog. I sympathize with him. Tell you, I just think that he is a rare talent. Do you know that people who have suffered a major blow are either indulging or Nirvana? Reborn, this guy is definitely the latter, you believe in my vision."

Yang Yi was moved and said: "Well, believe in you once."

Yang Yi went back and sat back. Then he looked at Woody. "I don't really believe that you can meet the requirements, but I decided to give you a chance. Tell me now, do you know what we are doing?"

Woody Shen Sheng said: "Know, it is very dangerous, you may be killed at any time, but I don't care, no matter what I do, I can do whatever I want!"

Yang Yi nodded: "So what is your state? Now your state looks very bad. How do I believe that you can come in handy at a critical moment, instead of having a medical incident again?"

Woody is very serious: "Absolutely not, there will be no more medical accidents, I can't prove it to you, but I dare to promise you."

Yang Yi ordered Woody and said: "You will not be fired."

"Know, I will die. If there is a medical accident, or any problem that I should not have, I don't have to do it, I will do it myself."

The attitude is not bad, but there is enough awareness, but this is just a performance that people who have completely gone to the road must have, Yang Yi is not satisfied with this.

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Yi Shen said: "I am a person, if there is anything wrong, I like to say it in front, so I am now proposing a condition, that is, your ex-wife must die!"

Woody said with amazement: "Why?"

"Because I see you will remember your experience, then I will think of your ex-wife, thinking of your ex-wife will make me unhappy, very unhappy, even extremely bad, and if you join us, I will If you see you often, you will often feel uncomfortable. This will not work, so your ex-wife must die."

After driving Woody's fingers in a row, Yang Yi continued: "I don't want to kill her quietly after you join. Although it is very easy to kill her, even I only need one phone call, but I can't do this. Do, you join me is my person, if you don't want to kill her, then I can't force you to kill her, I won't force myself to do this kind of thing, so before you become my person, you have to agree to kill Your ex-wife."

Woody slowly shook his head and whispered: "I really want to kill her. When I tried to commit suicide several times, I thought that I didn't make a mistake. Why I died is not her, but I really can't kill her because..."

"Because the child, I have no children, I have never thought about what it would be like to have a child~www.readwn.com~ So I don't quite understand your feelings, but your question is not a problem, are you worried about your child? Why not kill it? Your ex-wife then grabbed the custody of the child? Even if there is no custody, this is not a problem. Can you raise a child without custody?"

Woody stood up, and then he was caught off guard: "How is this possible, how can it be done?"

Yang Yi is impatient: "How is it impossible? This is just a trivial matter. Is it just a small thing that can be done easily? I can't change the laws of the United States, but I can punish, as long as you perform well, as long as You agree that I can even do these things for you, not for anything else, just because it will make me happy, Fuck! There is justice in this world! I am justice!"

After that, Yang Yi looked at Woody: "Quickly say that you agree to disagree, don't talk to me about her sin and **** such a fart."

Woody trembled: "Fuck! Go! I certainly did it!"

"it is good!"

When the voice was good, Yang Yi immediately looked at Zhang Yong and said: "You will accompany him to the United States tomorrow, kill his ex-wife, take back the custody, and let Woody find a person he thinks fit to raise." ”

Zhang Yong smiled bitterly: "So urgent?"

Yang Yi sighed and said: "The gas is not smooth, it can't be dragged, can't wait."...

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