A War Between Spies

Chapter 730: power

Brian rarely made such detailed instructions, but since he found the trail of the Black Devil, Brian was like a personal change.

After the conversation with Hans, Brian said: "Robot, what's going on there."

"Good, finish."


"Confirm, finish."

"Very good, then wait for the free cannon to be delivered to the door. The robots are waiting to be connected with fearlessness. If you can get the best command, if you can't give up, we would rather not leave a hidden danger." As for me, I will go to McDonald, I have to do some preparatory work."

Looking for McDonald, it must be ready to blast, but Yang Yi does not know Brian's specific practices, and he is not very convenient to ask now.

"Know it, finish."

Looking at Yang Yi's face is not right, Jetero whispered: "What's wrong?"

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I just got the news, the people of Da Yiwan lost, we didn't follow the target to find their hiding place. Of course, this is normal. Those people are the most you can imagine. Awesome people, they can't make a big mistake, but fortunately, we still have the initiative."

Even though Jetro said incrediblely: "Brother, aren't you kidding me? Just now we are in the situation, you told me that you still have the initiative?"

"If you look at the war between Deyo and Ivan, it’s true that the Djokovic is in a very unfavorable situation. This is still a good statement, but from our perspective, we are likely to find the big Ivan. If you retire, you can immediately flee Ukraine. Is this not the initiative?"

"If you look at it from this point of view, it is also considered to have the initiative, but I am not as optimistic as you. First of all, I don't think that Ivan will be in Kiev. He has no need to stay in Kiev."

Jetero was talking, his phone rang, and when he picked up the phone, he smiled and smiled. "The boss's phone, it seems that I finally got reused..."

To be finished, Deyo finally gave power to Jetro, but it was late. From the perspective of Deyo, this is the temporary finding of cannon fodder after the situation in Ukraine is completely out of control.

Jetero finally got on the phone, and this time he pressed it as a hands-free.

"How are you doing there?"

"I just got rid of the chase. Now, the situation is not much better now, but at least no one shot at me. I guess in the eyes of Da Yiwan, I am just a little role that is useless. In fact, it is such."

Jetero is still a blaming attitude, and Deyo screams on the phone: "Jetero! Get up the spirit, now is not a time to admit defeat, just suffered an attack, you have to give up? ?"

Jetero briefly silenced for a moment, then he sighed and whispered: "Sorry, boss, I am just... just a little excited."

"You contacted Francois."

"Yes, he contacted me, Ferdinand is dead, and Kirkdale is dead, I..."

"They are dead, it is time for you to recover the situation! Jetero! Take your courage and collect our people. The battle is not over yet. Since Da Yiwan has made a counterattack, he will expose himself. The whereabouts, this is the opportunity we are waiting for, the people of Francois have no loss, L and Alceini will also help you, listen, now you are my representative, from now on, you have the final say I have already informed Francois, I will give him a commission of $50 million after this battle! Now, he listens to you! Do you understand?"

Jetro's tone was excited, and then he said loudly: "Yes, boss, I understand! I will stick to the end! I immediately concentrated on the power to fight against the big Ivan, you are right, although we lose Great, but it is really an opportunity we are waiting for."

"Very good! Now what do you want to do, I will not interfere with you, whether it is a person or a money, despite opening! Jetero, I am relying on you!"

"Boss, please rest assured, I will go all out!"

Jetero hung up the phone, then he looked at Yang Yi and said, "How, I really got everything I wanted."

Yang Yi smiled, then he said to Jetro: "What do you do next, take the initiative to contact Francois?"

Jetro thought for a moment and nodded. "Yes, I took the initiative to contact him and tell him where we are. François is a mercenary and a very dedicated mercenary. If he chooses to continue fighting, then he will I will definitely follow the employer’s arrangements. Now I don’t have to act, just tell him what to do.”

After that, Jetero began to make a call, and soon he whispered to the phone: "Man, did you get a call from the boss?"

"Yes, I received it. Now Ferdinand is dead. Here you have the final say. Since the boss trusts you, then I can only trust you. Let me say what I need to do."

"At least we have to come together, I am going to Greszevsky Street, but I am chasing after the soldiers, so we can meet in other places, we have to find a safe place to hide first, discuss Then decide what to do next, what do you think?"


"Then you say a place, I am going to find you."

"No, I am still looking for you~www.readwn.com~ Wait until you choose a place to inform me."

"Okay, keep in touch."

Jetero quickly hung up the phone and said: "As long as Francois finds us and is not attacked, then he will believe me, maybe he will also suspect that I killed Ferdinand, with or without He will definitely think so, but now he doesn't care about it. His employer is German rather than Ferdinand."

"Cockdor is taken away. He will definitely say everything that he knows, cooperation with Arseny, cooperation with CIA, and all of our information, so any alternatives that have been prepared before. Can't use it, we have to find a place to hide temporarily, in order to avoid being discovered by the people of Ivan."

Jetro spread his hand, and then he sighed: "It's your responsibility to find a place. You choose a place."

As a spy, how can there be no safe house?

Although there are not so many people in the plan, the safe and secret place to stop is that it must be prepared in advance, and certainly will not let Jetero know that where Jackro does not know, Cochdale is of course more It is impossible to know.

Yang Yi Shen said: "No problem, we have a place to hide, wait for the meeting with Francois and then change places, where there are not many people hidden, but as a meeting place is definitely no problem."...

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